Society's claim of Matt. 24:14 being fulfilled - What it could really mean

by Jourles 93 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ns7

    I think we have to be really careful here in not speculating!

    We criticise the rank and file witness when they get really enthusiastic over some “special thought or saying” that they hear at a meeting, as if scraps are being fed down from the top table!!!

    Another thing we seem to agree about on this board is that the WTS is all about control.

    One of the best ways to control anybody or anything is by their behaviour! Standard classic psychology. It’s not the only way that you control people, but it is very effective.

    That is why the preaching work is so important to them. They use it to control the publishers.

    They would have to find a way to still do this (control them) if they stopped the preaching work.

    I really don’t see why they would do this, when they have and are successful at doing this for so many years.

  • Gill

    ns7 - I'm surprised to read that you say the WTBTS has been successful in the preaching work. Certainly they have been successful in making their slaves go door to door, but whether there is any 'success' in the preaching work, I would have to doubt.

    I can't remember the exact figures but I think it's an astronomical amount of hours of 'preaching' to make even one new publisher.

    Also, the day the WTBTs, calls it a day on preaching, is the day it hangs a noose around its own neck and then waits for the trap door to open.

    How long will the publishers wait for Armageddon to come before they start to realise that it has been a long con that has been played on them!?

  • ns7

    Hello Gill

    When I say successful, I mean successful in controlling the publishers.
    Not in a way of bringing people in to the Borg.

    Everything about the Society/Borg is control. 5 meetings a week, assemblies, answering up, doing more etc, etc.

    “Works without faith is dead…” is a favourite scripture which they use to get people to do more.

    That is why until there is some thing printed in the magazines; I would be very sceptical of the preaching work stopping. They need to demonstrate “works” and I don’t know how they could do this by stopping the preaching work.


  • Gill

    I'm sure the WTBTS would be able to wangle some convoluted BS to explain the lack of preaching activitym Ns7!

    How about this:

    'The Jews who heeded Jesus warning to get out of Jerusalem and flee to the mountains demonstrated their faith by taking action and fleeing. There then followed many years of inaction and waiting before the Romans returned to Jerusalem. In that time, some of those who fled may have chosen to believe that the Romans would never return and the prophecy was wrong. They took 'nothing happening' as a sign that Christ was wrong.

    We, have preached the Good News for many years all over the Earth. It is time to 'flee to the mountains' just as the Jews did and wait for God's judgment. Remember brothers, it may appear slow, and we may have to wait for many years, but we have demonstrated our faith by fleeing from this old system of things and by preaching the Good News. Now it is time to wait on Jehovah!!'

  • TheListener

    IMHO they will never ever stop the preaching work. They may cheapen the products peddled but they won't cease.

    They need to keep the rank and file busy busy busy. Otherwise they'll begin to drift from center.

    Less literature, lower quality literature (like tracts) and high pressure to place it all with interested ones before the end comes.

    Not a bad analysis Jourles.

    I mean come on, they have paper covered bibles now.

  • ns7

    Gill said

    "I'm sure the WTBTS would be able to wangle some convoluted BS to explain the lack of preaching activitym Ns7!"

    I think there is some truth in this, and that is they will always use some spin to explain things, yet nothing will ever change!!!

    I know that might not make a great deal of sense (but I know what I mean…)

    (I actually think they should do what Gill suggests, I would welcome it, if they really meant it. However I personally feel it’s too bigger risk for them)

    But getting back to the question topic, “Society's claim of Matt. 24:14 being fulfilled - What it could really mean”

    Let’s not forget, it’s not the society saying this its just one speaker!!

    And even if they do a some level print this, I don’t think anything will change. They will use some spin or BS, but the preaching will continue in some form.

  • Gill

    ns7 - With regard to it being just one speaker making this claim, if it was said at an assembly, these talks are manuscripted and a speaker is not permitted to give a personal opinion at an assembly. If it was said during a public talk at a KH, these talks have an outline which the speaker sticks to.

  • Jourles
    Let’s not forget, it’s not the society saying this its just one speaker!!

    Without going back and checking again, I believe both talks that have been posted here recently were from assemblies and at least one of them was given by a "Bethel" speaker and the other by a CO or DO. As Gill pointed out, ALL talks given at the assemblies are manuscripts. These are created at Bethel.

    As far as not believing this until it is in print, I agree. But, it has that certain feel about it - one that is used to "prep" the r&f for upcoming "new light." It reminds me closely of how they are already prepping the r&f for a change in doctrine to allow "the other sheep" to assume GB positions.(don't ask me what class they were!) But the way I see it in the end, any new doctrine related to the ministry will have a direct impact on the way they will continue to carry on business. That is, afterall, where most of their money gets spent on.

    I don't have the latest numbers, but from two years ago, it took over a 1k hours to produce one convert. This figure jumps exponentially when you take into account children of jw's getting baptized. Then ask yourself, how many WT's and Awakes does your average jw give away at the door (or laundromats) without asking for a donation during that 1k+ hour block of time? How much money is the WTS losing because of this?

    Looking at this possible end of the preaching campaign from a business perspective, it is a good plan. As some have already mentioned, this shift in procedure can really go either way. They can stop the preaching work altogether, or keep on doing it, but using a cheaper method such as distributing tracts. If they stop it, they do lose that one "verifiable" control over the r&f --- timecards. So would they come up with an alternative? How about just using informal witnessing? There are many possibilities here.

    I guess we'll see what happens in a few years.

  • Uzzah

    I recall as far back as my pioneer days in my late teens that "one day the preaching work would shift from that of a message of love to a message of impending destruction (aka judgment)."

    The past 15 years, the Society has tried to become more mainstream but have found it to be less than profitable (or prophet - able). Perhaps they are yet again shifting gears. The tone of their last tract may be an indication that they are shifting to the judgement message. Ya gotta admit it would be a great way to give the dozing jw's a kick in their complacency. it will also result in persecution (which they love). Persecuted people are more 'exciteable" and easy to control by the BORGanization. Bethel often sees increase in donations during times of perceived persecution or imminent Armageddon scenarios.

    I don't see the JW's ever giving up the door-to-door activity. What the message is? We'll see.


    Caveat - I am uncertain if the above is still held as current belief once they changed the doctrine of the preaching work being the 'separating work." Blondie? Any insights?

  • Emma

    My daughter spoke to my sister ("pass me the kool-ade, please) last night. Other than raking her over the coals, she threatened her with,"Jehovah's going to make a big change very soon" as though my daughter would buy into it. This sister is a pioneer, has been for 30 years and is absolutely sure of being right. I don't know what she thinks is coming, but she seems to believe something big is in the works. The thing is, we usually have all that info first here on the board so it sounds like the wts is allowing some big rumor to circulate.

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