What I Learned at the at the 2 Day Assembly...

by becca1 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • avidbiblereader

    What I learned from my last two day assembly over 6 years ago was not to attend another one, same old regurgitated information except they sound more desperate for "in God we trust" instead of "we trust God". As I looked at your quotes, interesting fact all from men and not from the Bible, row row row your boat gently down the stream, row row row your boat gently down the stream, row row row your boat gently down the stream, row row row your boat gently down the stream, row row row your boat gently down the stream, row row row your boat gently down the stream, row row row your boat gently down the stream, row row row your boat gently down the stream, row row row your boat gently down the stream, I think there is a scratch on their record of information.


  • avidbiblereader

    Maybe if the contributions were not trying to support so many who don't work there would not be a need for so much money 1 Tim 5:8 8 Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith

    Or if they didn't need to print so much unneeded literture they wouldn't need so much money.


  • Honesty
    6- Among the professions we will not need in the NO: teachers and chemists. The CO.

    I bet all the winder washirs and janturs were happified when they heard this 'un.

  • becca1

    In answer to your questions:

    First let me say it was the DO, not the CO who made the comment about professions not useful in the NO. My mistake.

    As for chemists: the DO is American, so he was not referring to a Pharmacist. He did say that a chemist invents new drugs. I guess he felt the need to inform his ignorant audience. While this may be the case of some chemists, he either neglected to say, or does not know himself, that chemists to a miriad of things that are useful to mankind.

    As for the CO saying:" We do not miss meetings for work, homework or schooling. Repeat: We do not miss meetings for work, homework or schooling." This is a direct quote. It was said by the CO, from the platform, exactly like I posted it.

  • jinjam

    I remember when i was a kid,i was always falling asleep at assemblies and my mom always telling me that it was satan making me sleep( hilarious) because he did not want me to listern to gods word, actually it was just so boring, that i really had to stay awake not to be scolded. heheheheeehee always new there was something fishy, grew up with it and never got baptised because my mother was constantly pushing me, my luck, i'm even surprised that my brother is allowed studying mechanical enigineering, so i don't think that topic ( science thing) has reached south africa yet. And yes Jws are really everywhere. i'm new, so i'd thought i'd add my bit

  • Quandry

    When I used to prepare to go to a Convention or Assembly, I would begin to dread the guilt trip that I knew I was going to be taken on. My family was the one who would put the $20 in the box then go home and eat leftovers or a can of soup because we knew that God did not want us to be rich, and the WTS needed the money because the Convention/Assembly was running a deficit again.

    I knew that they would have a part on doing more in field service. If you were working full time could you change your circumstances. Even though my circumstances were that we barely were able to pay bills, I felt guilty. I should "put Jehovah to the test" and just pioneer.

    My family did not take vacations. We did not have the money. After all, we had no college education and so worked at low paying jobs, and if we were to go out of town, the others could see that we were not out in service and that could not be done.

    Well, thanks for taking me down memory lane. I am stressed out just picturing the ones on the platform and feeling the tightness in my stomach.

  • blondie
    I know 3 JWs who went to college and are still JWs.

    So far, anyway, Zico. I'm sure there are JWs watching them closely for when they take the fall and they will attribute it to their college education. Blondie

  • Green Chille
    Green Chille

    Is he suggesting you put $5 in the box? That's a lot of money to some witnesses. $20 IS a fortune!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Looks like to me they are getting ready for 'new light' again!

    Tithing is on the way - pony up your 10% brothers.


  • Raptor1736

    Its kina ironic. While I was a witness . I dont ever remember ever seeing a finicial statement from the society. Maybe its because they are making loads of cash and dont want any one to know

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