The term apostate is used freely on this forum, don't you find it offensive

by avidbiblereader 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC
    I think the use of the word apostasy is kind of cool.


    I think you are cool

  • Honesty

    As long as they make it very clear that I am not affiliated with them and their pedophiles, child abusers and the false prophets of the Governing Body, I don't care what the JW's call me.

  • bavman

    By taking ownership of the word "apostate" we neutralize it. Similar to "nigga" being used by african-americans.

  • crazyblondeb

    APOSTATE!! Love the term. Love the "cause and effect" from it!!


  • Amazing

    Apostasia literally means in Greek to "stand away or apart from" and is a simple verb. It is related to Apostasion, meaning to "separate or divorce." Again, a simple verb use. The thought of forsaking or abandonment is a religious conotation somewhat from the early Church, but used more so by modern cultish groups in a controlled environment. The Watchtower turns the word apostasia into a label or title in order to frighten its members. In reality, anyone can be an apostate, such as a Catholic who leaves the Catholic Church and becomes a JW, they are apostates evry bit as much as JWs who leave the Watchtower and join the Catholic Church, or when people change political party loyalty, or even changing business and job loyalty. The verb is merely describing an action. I do not find the term offensive, and enjoy the humor that ex-JWs have assigned to the silly little ancient Greek word.

    Jim Whitney

  • Poztate

    I Don't...... POZTATE....

  • JamesThomas

    Religious folks are often fearful of and imprisoned by, certain words and thoughts. A lot of people her have removed many of these invisible chains.

    Perhaps the problem only exists in your cute little noggin.


  • LtCmd.Lore

    I like the word apostate... it makes me feel smarter than them somehow: It says in one word "Yeah, I used to believe that, but now I know better."

    Plus I beat them to the punch... like XJW4EVR said... They can't argue with me, because I'm right, so the only thing they have left is to call me an apostate, but if I admit that I'm an apostate going into it they have nothing left to say.

    I like that 'ownership of the word' idea it's not your insult anymore, it's my badge of honor.


  • Sunspot

    If you've been a JW for any length of time.....the word apossssstate is said by JWs with a sneer and a hissing sound. It is the epitome of EEEEEVIL to them, so that's why we cringed when we first left the cult and were labaled that way.

    It wasn't until later on that I took the time to actually LOOK UP the word in the dictionary....and I discovered it said the same things as another poster put down:

    "One who has abandoned one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause."

    So...therefore....I was already an apostate when I became a JW! My study conductor said I had to write a letter to my present church and have them remove my name from their rolls---and instantly---TA-DAH---I was an apostate---right????

    Just like the word "Christendom" that is supposedly going to be destroyed SOOOON by the vengeful watchtowergod....and the word means the entire scope of religions that consider themselves as Christians....

    ...the WTS LOVES to make up its OWN definitions of words....and THEN teaches them as....accurate knowledge.

    Nah....I don't find it offensive.

  • anewme

    Not really, no, not anymore.
    I dont care anymore what the JWs think of me.

    My happy life is far removed now from their dark mean org.

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