How Often Do You Come To JWD During A Day, Week or Month??? Hours or Mins?

by minimus 559 Replies latest jw friends

  • misanthropic

    I think he's a painter Restrangled, I wish he would post some of his work. Maybe if he gets enough requests?

  • restrangled


    Between Misanthropic and myself that counts for at least two requests to see your work, I'm sure there will be more. Or you could give us the name of the gallery, many of them have websites where you can view the artwork they sell.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Home early from gallery as I was unwell. Tough two weeks with Schizo and other friends' needs for help. Physically and emotionally draining. Awake from my nap and ready to go. Potted some snappy yellow-faced pansies and their little cousins, johnny-jump-ups. Truly sweet.
    Must find a way to get the art out there. Spent 5 years developing my and children's art to benefit the fine arts community and charities, but it's so discouraging - "Oh that's so lovely Dear, but we must invest our money in a trip overseas and then buy overpriced art on board - in the ship's gallery!" Well, it has happened! There is simply a surfeit of art here. Some is schlock, some is fine and quite desirable. Some websites and galleries have closed down. Travel to shows is costly. We have thousands of pieces in our inventory but it just doesn't move. I have mailed portfolios to private individuals in the past. Forty years painting, the last 5 years in R&D - how long do I continue saying, "Jehovah will provide"? My faith in the Almighty is not a whit diminished, but is the answer to a continual prayer always to be a constant and resounding NO?
    I have no intention of giving up, but a techno-challenged bloke such as I has a very difficult time cutting a business-savvy figure after decades of, well, you know what I mean, DD. I believe friends will sense how I feel and maybe tune in.
    Don't tell me telepathy is on the DO NOT LIST too!

    Sparky le Fer, artiste [aka Coco]

  • restrangled


    What is your website......thats all I can figure out to ask.

    You may PM me if need be.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Yes, Dear, and ever-patient, Diary. How you must tire of my musings and pourings forth of the heart about the sky. But in between yakking at you and preparing the Chicken Cacciatore, I had to go out in the still warm, settle in the garden chair and pivot about on my axis - gazing upward. You see, I've been stargazing for six years now, but from five different locations.
    Initially, I was in exile after the expulsion and provided lodging by those sympathetic to my plight. Gradual and imperceptible evolution occurred: celestial or personal? Securing lodging of my own, I watched the same sky, but from only slightly different geographical locations. From the very first, viewing the starry or luny expanse truly was a calmant, putting to rest - however briefly - the anxieties assaulting me. Bit by bit, however, as my life took on a renewed and more secure aspect, the sky looked so different to me. Had it changed?
    I came in but 10 minutes ago, having a new vision. Serene and enchanted - there are no words. Something has changed.
    Heaven and earth have moved me.


  • restrangled

    Dear Coco,

    In your meanderings of the skies, watch for Betel Juice, the star my father said was easiest for us to see (the brightest in the sky)....also think of the weight of the earth, ....the other thing my father taught me.....6.6 Sextillion tons...that figure has never left me, yet I have never heard it repeated.

    Just my thoughts to possibly add to yours....while you wander in your evening worship of the heavens.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Got up at my usual, ungodly wee hour - 2:32 a.m. Went out on the deck and looked for B.J. in the sky with diamonds. Think I saw him, or Michael Keaton. Dobie Max's mum told me that and reminded me of Tennessee Ernie Ford's famous tune, "6.6 Sextillion Tons" - "and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. Saint Peter, dontcha call me, cuz I can't come. I owe my soul to the company store." As close as I remember it. Somehow, the words or tune - something about it - seems a bit heavy-duty. Overweight. Oh well, thanks DM's mum!
    Am inspired to go to warehouse today and go through all the art inventory. Sort, categorize, prepare for...? Only now do I feel inspired, thanks to a little help from my friends. Do you remember, DD, my telling you the other day about yesterday's impossibility becoming today's reality? Maybe today is the reality. For Pete's sake! Wasn't it Harlan Sanders who had over a hundred failed attempts at selling his recipe of secret herbs and spices? And Thomas Edison who discovered over 2000 ways NOT to make a light bulb? It's all a matter of viewpoint. And persistence.
    We shall see what we shall see....


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I feel like 999 years old at the moment - what happens when I hit 1000? Bells and whistles? Will I be transported to a time of long ago and a galaxy far, far away? I sense something of an event on the horizon.............
    Back to reality. A beautiful, 70 degree day on tap, once again. A typical February in the Golden State. Joy and peace to all our friends!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Today is the day to recharge the batteries. That includes turning off the brain, if but for awhile. TS got my thinking re-engaged, however, with that SF thriller "Logan's Run." Wonder if all those flying 30 year-olds are anointed and part of the 24 elder group. Mary may know. She has special knowledge.
    Lord of the manor is pottering about the grounds. I'm the head gardener and have since heaped up all the slash in huge piles. He's rendering it bite-size for the specially provided dustbin, to be humped up and away by the refuse removers on the morrow.
    Didn't Alexander Pope say a little imagination is a dangerous thing? Well, lying in bed during the recharge, I peer out the window and I see bamboo, swaying to gentle breezes at the foreground. Background - densely-packed foliage of a lush, sub-tropical jungle. Sharp, screeching calls. Confusion. A flurry of bright feathers shooting out, willy-nilly, like a kaleidoscope of shrapnel. A combo-scene from two of my favorite movies: "A Passage to India" and "Black Narcissus." The rangy oleandar was rather convincing as the stand-in for the bit-playing bamboo.
    I guess a little knowledge could very well be dangerous also.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I certainly didn't reach my goals for the day, but my friend - I believe she's an RN - helped me to see what does and does not matter. Life's but a fleeting shadow. Some of us get more of a swipe at it than others. And some die way too young. The ones who showed promise. Then there are others - "Why are you STILL breathing?" [private joke] As long as you're alive and breathing [do you find it hard to breathe?] DO something. Caruso and Rod Stewart...........
    Will most certainly go out and gaze, in my daze, searching for waze to see through the evening haze and let the twinklers above amaze - yet again and again. Slowly and not too surely, I shall be arising from my perch.
    Maurice Ravel's colorful and descriptive orchestration of Modest Moussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition" is playing on NPR. The grand finale. Music and art - the pictures on display - what a winning combo. Is this where BabaYaga got her name? "The Hut of the BabaYaga"....


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