Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-29-06 WT Study (REJOICE WIFE)

by blondie 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-29--06 WT Study (September 15, 2006, pages 25-30)(REJOICE WIFE)

    Review comments will be in red

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake

    jv = Proclaimers book (various Bible translations online) (WT publications online) (child abuse) (blood issue) (United Nations issue)


    "Rejoice with the wife of your youth ... Why should you, my son, be in an ecstasy with a strange woman?"-PROVERBS 5:18, 20.

    Opening Comments

    Divorce is on the increase in the JW community. Regardless of the WTS saying that they have the "truth" and that JWs are the happiest people on earth, many marriages are hanging by a thread hoping for the "end" to come and for "paradise" to solve their problems.


    Q1, 2) Why can it be said that the romantic love between a husband and his wife is blessed?

    1) The Bible is not prudish about sexual relations. At Proverbs 5:18, 19, we read: "Let your water source prove to be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth, a lovable hind and a charming mountain goat. Let her own breasts intoxicate you at all times. With her love may you be in an ecstasy constantly."

    The Bible is not prudish about sexual relations.

    Breasts intoxicate you at all times. With her love may you be in an ecstasy constantly

    And the WTS is not prudish either…..

    What about the tactic that the elders on the judicial committee use asking female JWs who have "sinned" sexually, the details of the sexual acts to determine "repentance"? Or who require a rape victim or a sexually abused child to tell the details in front of the rapist?

    2) Here the term "water source" refers to the source of sexual satisfaction. It is blessed in that the feeling of romantic love and ecstasy enjoyed between marriage mates is a gift from God. This intimacy, though, is to be experienced strictly within the marital arrangement. So King Solomon of ancient Israel, a writer of Proverbs, rhetorically asks: "Why should you, my son, be in an ecstasy with a strange woman or embrace the bosom of a foreign woman?" -Proverbs 5:20.

    Romantic love and ecstasy enjoyed between marriage mates is a gift from God

    Strictly within the marital arrangement


    — OT example

    How did Solomon circumvent the loss of ecstasy with his wife? How did he avoid the embrace of a strange or foreign woman or did he? He had 700 wives and 300 concubines by the time he died. Many of them foreign women.

    (1 Kings 11:1) And King Sol´o·mon himself loved many foreign wives along with the daughter of Phar´aoh, Mo´ab·ite, Am´mon·ite, E´dom·ite, Si·do´ni·an [and] Hit´tite women,
    (1 Kings 11:3) And he came to have seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines;

    Q3) (a) What is the sad reality for many marriages? (b) How does God view adultery?

    3) On their wedding day, a man and a woman make a solemn commitment to love each other and to stay faithful. Nevertheless, many marriages are shattered by adultery. In fact, after analyzing more than two dozen studies, one researcher concluded that "25 percent of wives and 44 percent of husbands have had extramarital intercourse." The apostle Paul stated: "Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men ... will inherit God's kingdom." (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10) There is no question about it. Adultery is a serious sin in God's eyes, and true worshippers must guard against marital infidelity. What will help us to `keep marriage honorable, and the marriage bed without defilement'?-Hebrews 13:4.

    One researcher concluded: who is the researcher, what are their credentials, how long ago was the data gathered? Why does the WTS hide the name of the researcher and the source?

    After reviewing 25 studies, however, I concluded that 25 percent of wives and 44 percent of husbands have had extramarital intercourse.

    Not "Just Friends": Protect Your Relationship from Infidelity and Heal the Trauma of Betrayal

    By Shirley Glass, Ph. D. Published by The Free Press

    Adultery is a serious sin in God’s eyes

    Unless you are King David who avoided the death penalty under the Law.

    Beware of a Treacherous Heart

    Q4) What are some ways that a married Christian could unwittingly get involved in a romantic relationship outside of marriage?

    4) In today's debased moral climate, many people "have eyes full of adultery and [are] unable to desist from sin." (2 Peter 2: 14) They willfully pursue romantic relationships outside of marriage. In some lands a large number of women have entered the workforce, and the gender mix has created fertile soil for improper office romances to develop. Then, too, Internet chat rooms have made it easy for even the most timid of individuals to strike up intimate friendships online. Many married people fall into such traps without realizing what is happening to them.

    Notice how the WTS paints the world as being filled with a majority of morally debased people.

    Large number of women have entered the workforce….created fertile soil for improper office romances to develop.

    Perhaps the women should wear burkas and not be allowed to walk around in public without a male relative escorting them. That would make the numbers plunge re field service statistics.

    Should JW women have jobs outside the home?

    Internet chat rooms…intimate friendships online…many married people fall into such traps

    Many JW married people is what they mean! Of course, discussion boards aren’t internet chat rooms, right? What about JW dating services.


    Q5, 6) How did one Christian woman become ensnared in a dangerous situation, and what do we learn from this?

    5) Consider how a Christian whom we will call Mary got caught in a situation that brought her dangerously close to committing sexual immorality. Her husband, who is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, displayed very little affection for his family. Mary recalls a time some years ago when she met one of her husband's coworkers. The man was quite mannerly, and on a later occasion, he even expressed interest in Mary's religious beliefs. "He was so nice, so different from my husband," she says. Soon Mary and her husband's coworker were romantically involved. "I haven't committed adultery," she reasoned, "and the man is interested in the Bible. Maybe I can help him."

    A Christian

    only a JW

    Her husband, who is not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, displayed very little affection for his family.

    Notice how they imply that only a non-JW husband could be so unloving. I know of 5 JW wives who left their JW husbands (3 elders) because they were unloving.

    Met one of her husband’s coworkers

    Again a non-JW; yet married JWs have more opportunities to develop "romances" with other JWs; perhaps women and men should attend separate congregations or sit on opposite sides of the KH; or never be in the same car when in "field service," or take a brother on a male return visit?

    Romantically involved…haven’t committed adultery

    What does the WTS interpret as romance that isn’t adultery (loose conduct, porneia)? Holding hands, hugging, kissing, french kissing, being together unchaperoned during the day????????

    Reasoned…interested in the Bible…maybe I can help him

    Why is the example of a woman not a man? I knew several brothers who called on women return visits without a sister along; and he was separated from his JW wife. Didn’t any bells go off in the elders’ heads?

    6) Before her romantic attachment led to adultery, Mary came to her senses. (Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 4:19) Her conscience began working, and she proceeded to set matters straight. Mary's experience illustrates that "the heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate." (Jeremiah 17:9) The Bible admonishes us: "More than all else that is to be guarded, safeguard your heart." (Proverbs 4:23) How can we do so?

    [Picture on page 26] Sadly, the workplace can become fertile soil for an improper office romance

    Notice the example is of a sister being seduced by a smiling man who brought her coffee. Where is her picture of her husband and children? I guess it is the seductive dress she has on with the long sleeves; of course, her neckline is not up around her neck; it must be that cleavage; perhaps it is the painted nails that scream "I’m available."

    She proceeded to set matters straight

    What did she set straight? What had she been doing with this man? How did she explain not being around this man to her husband who was his friend?

    (Matthew 5:27-28) 27 "YOU heard that it was said, ‘You must not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to YOU that everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

    'The Shrewd One Proceeds to Conceal Himself'

    Q7) When helping someone with marital difficulties, following what Scriptural advice will be a safeguard?

    7) "Let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall," wrote the apostle Paul. (1 Corinthians 10:12) And Proverbs 22:3 states: "Shrewd is the one that has seen the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself." Rather than overconfidently thinking, `Nothing will happen to me,' you are wise to anticipate situations that could lead to problems. For example, avoid becoming the sole confidant of someone of the opposite sex who is experiencing perplexing difficulties in marriage. (Proverbs 11:14) Tell the person that marital problems are best discussed with his mate, with a mature Christian of the same sex who wants his union to succeed, or with the elders. (Titus 2:3, 4) The elders in congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses set a fine example in this regard. When an elder needs to speak privately with a Christian sister, he does so in a public setting--such as at the Kingdom Hall.

    Avoid becoming the sole confidant of someone of the opposite sex who is experiencing perplexing difficulties in marriage…best discussed with his mate, with a mature Christian (JW) of the same sex who wants his union to succeed, or with the elders.

    I guess too many men are seeking out women other than their wives to cry on their shoulder and vice versa. Be sure to select a JW who doesn’t have loose lips or it will be all over the congregation, even the circuit.

    When an elder needs to speak privately with a Christian sister (JW), he does so in a public setting--such as at the Kingdom Hall.

    Normally, two elders will talk with a sister about her marriage problems. If her husband is a JW, he will be included but if the husband is not a JW he is left out of the discussion. I can remember a non-JW husband who was angered that his wife went outside the marriage for counsel and the elders never included him.

    Also, nothing starts the tongues wagging at the KH than to see a sister go into a room with an elder…where can one elder speak privately with a sister in a public setting at the KH? I can remember one KH had a room for the second school that had glass windows all along one wall to allow it to be used as overflow seating. Elders would take a sister in there to "talk." Of course, we could all see who was in there and the emotional demeanor of all involved; not so private.

    Q8) What caution is essential in the workplace?

    8) In the workplace and elsewhere, beware of situations that might foster intimacy. For example, spending extra hours working closely with someone of the opposite sex can set the stage for temptation. As a married man or woman, you should make it clear by your speech and your demeanor that you are simply not available. As one who pursues godly devotion, you would certainly not want to invite undue attention by flirting or by being immodest in your dress and grooming. (1 Timothy 4:8; 6:11;1 Peter 3:3, 4) Having photos of your marriage mate and children around the workplace will serve as a visual reminder to you and to others that you have priorities. Be determined never to encourage-or even tolerate-seductive overtures from another. Job 31:1.

    Spending extra hours working closely with someone of the opposite sex

    Does closely mean unchaperoned? Does that mean that there will be no traveling for business with a group of workmates for a conference?

    Make it clear by your speech and your demeanor that you are simply not available.

    Does a JW suddenly act this way around non-JWs, where they don’t around JWs?

    Undue attention by flirting or being immodest in your dress and grooming

    Does this include men or only women?

    Having photos of your marriage mate and children

    what happens if you are a single JW? What signals to others that you have priorities?

    Encourage..tolerate.. seductive overtures

    Is smiling and getting you a cup of coffee a seductive overture?

    "See Life With the Wife Whom You Love"

    Q9) What chain of events can make a new romantic relationship alluring?

    9) Safeguarding the heart calls for more than avoiding dangerous situations. A romantic attraction to someone outside the marriage could be an indication that a husband and a wife are not attentive to each other's needs. It might be that a wife is continually ignored or a husband is constantly criticized. Suddenly another person -whether encountered on the job or even in the Christian congregation-seems to possess the very qualities that are lacking in one's mate. Soon a bond forms, and the new relationship becomes almost irresistibly alluring. This subtle chain of events confirms the truthfulness of the Bible's statement: "Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire." James 1:14.

    Safeguarding the heart calls for more than avoiding dangerous situations

    Dangerous situations like a woman working outside the home!

    A romantic attraction to someone outside the marriage could be an indication that a husband and a wife are not attentive to each other's needs.

    Wife—continually ignored

    like elders’ wives who haven’t had an uninterrupted meal or late night or weekend because some lonely sister is always calling using the elder as a surrogate husband and father because the other elders have opted out of the situation.

    Husband—constantly criticized

    (there is that only female "nagging" quality)—Like the husband who hasn’t mowed the grass in three years, hasn’t studied with his children in 5 years, spends all his spare time watching sports events or playing basketball with the young single brothers and can’t remember the ages of his children.

    Why can’t it be the other way, husbands continually ignored and wives constantly criticized?

    Suddenly another person--whether encountered on the job or even in the Christian congregation--seems to possess the very qualities that are lacking in one's mate.

    The WTS finally admits that there is danger in the congregation; "seems" to possess, why is it not likely that they do possess those qualities, such as not being verbally and/or physically abusive, watching your mate be friendly and considerate with other people in the KH but treat their own mate like crap?

    Q10) How can husbands and wives solidify their relationship?

    10) Rather than looking outside the marriage to satisfy their desires--whether for affection, for friendship, or for support during a challenging ordeal--husbands and wives should work to solidify a loving relationship with their mate. By all means, then, spend time together, and draw closer to each other. Reflect on what caused you to fall in love. Try to recapture the warmth you felt toward the person who became your spouse. Think of the good times you have enjoyed together. Pray to God about the matter. The psalmist David implored Jehovah: "Create in me even a pure heart, 0 God, and put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one." (Psalm 51:10) Be determined to `see life with the wife whom you love all the days of your life that God has given you under the sun.'-Ecclesiastes 9:9.

    looking outside the marriage to satisfy their desires--whether for affection, for friendship, or for support

    Aren’t JWs with non-JW spouses encouraged to look outside their marriage "for affection, for friendship, or for support"?

    Spend time together

    I have known of JW marriages where neither saw each other for months, even years; each going separately to the meetings because he has to get there early (or has to stay late) and she is getting the children ready; going separately in the field ministry because he is part of the elders that always go together and leave their wives and children to cope on their own; who never sits with his family at the assemblies and conventions because he is so busy with the "privileges" associated with being in charge. They all ended in divorce with one or more being involved with someone else. Strange they had time for someone else.

    Notice that they use a scripture from David (OT), an adulterer and the murderer of the man whose wife he committed adultery with; and Solomon (OT), which of his 700 wives and 300 concubines would he "see life with the wife whom you love"?

    Q11) What role do knowledge, wisdom, and discernment play in strengthening the marriage bond?

    11) Not to be overlooked in strengthening the marriage bond is the value of knowledge, wisdom, and discernment. Proverbs 24:3, 4 states: "By wisdom a household will be built up, and by discernment it will prove firmly established. And by knowledge will the interior rooms be filled with all precious and pleasant things of value." Included among the precious things filling a happy household are such qualities as love, loyalty, godly fear, and faith. Acquiring these calls for the knowledge of God. Married couples, then, should be serious students of the Bible. And how important are wisdom and discernment? Successfully coping with day-to-day problems requires wisdom, the ability to apply Scriptural knowledge. A person with discernment is able to understand the thoughts and feelings of his or her mate. (Proverbs 20:5) "My son, to my wisdom 0 do pay attention," says Jehovah, through Solomon. "To my discernment incline your ears." -Proverbs 5:1.

    Married couples, then, should be serious students of the Bible

    Isn’t it rather that JWs are serious students of WT publications. That is why they don’t have "the ability to apply Scriptural knowledge…to understand the thoughts and feelings of his or her mate."

    *** w50 5/1 p. 137 par. 3 The Way to Gain Understanding ***

    "Knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." (Prov. 9:10, Am.Stan.Ver.) With that understanding we will be equipped to meet every issue with positive Scriptural answers, even as Jesus did when he was tempted by the adversary. We should study our Watchtower or other Theocratic publications until we thoroughly understand their contents.

    When There Is "Tribulation"

    Q12) Why is it not surprising that married couples experience problems?

    12) No marriage is perfect. The Bible even says that husbands and wives will have "tribulation in their flesh." (1 Corinthians 7:28) Anxieties, sickness, persecution, and other factors can place stress upon a marriage. When problems arise, however, you need to look for solutions together as loyal marriage mates seeking to please Jehovah.

    No marriage is perfect…tribulation in the flesh.

    Is the WTS suggesting that unmarried people don’t have tribulation in the flesh?

    Look for solutions together

    Solution: Elders meet with husband and wife. After listening to both and sharing a generic scripture or two with both, elders pull husband aside and commisserate with him telling him they realize that it is the wife’s fault that there are marriage problems; tell wife privately that if she were more submissive there would be no marriage problems.

    Q13) In what areas can a husband and a wife analyze themselves?

    13) What if the marriage is under stress because of the way that the mates treat each other? The search for a solution takes effort. For instance, it may be that a pattern of unkind speech has crept into their marriage and now characterizes it. (Proverbs 12:18) As discussed in the preceding article, this can have devastating effects. A Bible proverb says: "Better is it to dwell in a wilderness land than with a contentious wife along with vexation." (Proverbs 21:19) If you are a wife in such a marriage, ask yourself, ‘Is my disposition making it difficult for my husband to be around me?' The Bible tells husbands: "Keep on loving your wives and do not be bitterly angry with them." (Colossians 3:19) If you are a husband, ask yourself, `Is my demeanor cold, tempting my wife to seek comfort elsewhere?' Of course, there is no excuse for sexual immorality. Yet, the fact that such a tragedy could happen is good reason to discuss problems openly.

    [Picture on page 28] 'By knowledge will the interior rooms be filled with pleasant things'

    What if the marriage is under stress because of the way that the mates treat each other?

    pattern of unkind speech has crept into their marriage and now characterizes it.


    Better is it to dwell in a wilderness land than with a contentious wife along with vexation." (Proverbs 21:19) If you are a wife in such a marriage, ask yourself, ‘ Is my disposition making it difficult for my husband to be around me?'

    How does the WTS apply this scripture?



    Applying pressure by weeping and nagging
    can damage a relationship.—Proverbs 19:13; 21:19.



    The sarcastic speech of a contentious wife can drive a husband away and make him prefer dwelling in a barren wilderness. (Proverbs 19:13; 21:19)

    *** w75 3/1 p. 154 par. 16 Lasting Gain from Living by the Bible as a Family ***

    One thing is certain, however; the situation will not get better if the wife tries to assume headship, constantly nags or criticizes her husband and expects him to do things far beyond his capabilities. (Prov. 21:9, 19; 27:15, 16)

    "Keep on loving your wives and do not be bitterly angry with them." (Colossians 3:19) If you are a husband, ask yourself, `Is my demeanor cold, tempting my wife to seek comfort elsewhere?'

    Why does the WTS feel that this scripture is appropriate for men?

    *** w00 3/1 p. 18 par. 18 "Search for Jehovah and His Strength" ***

    Those with authority in the family and in the congregation

    should be especially careful to control their anger, since anger instills fear rather than love. The prophet Nahum said: "Jehovah is slow to anger and great in power." (Nahum 1:3; Colossians 3:19)

    Q14, 15) Why is looking outside of marriage not the answer to marital problems?

    14) Seeking solace in a romance outside of marriage is not the answer to marital problems. Where could such a relationship lead? To a new and better marriage? Some may think so. `After all,' they argue, `this person has the very qualities I need in a mate.' But such reasoning is false, for anyone who would leave his or her mate--or encourage you to leave yours--has a serious disregard for the sanctity of marriage. It is unreasonable to expect that relationship to result in a better marriage.

    for anyone who would leave his or her mate--or encourage you to leave yours--has a serious disregard for the sanctity of marriage.

    Partly true. Statistically, second marriages are even less stable than first if they have not dealt with the issues that marred the first. But if you have dealt with those issues to the best of your ability…..

    15) Mary, mentioned earlier, gave sober thought to the consequences of her course, including the possibility of causing herself or someone else to lose God's favor. (Galatians 6:7) "As I began examining my feelings for my husband's coworker," she says, "I realized that if there was ever a chance that this man could come to a knowledge of the truth, I was working against it. Wrongdoing would adversely affect everyone involved and stumble others!" -2 Corinthians 6:3.

    Gave sober thought to the consequences of her course

    Good advice when making any decision but notice there was no discussion as to whether she went to her husband to work things out.

    Should people stay in an emotionally abusive or verbally abusive marriage if the other spouse makes it clear they have no intention of changing? Should a woman stay with a physically abusive husband just because it might create initial difficulty for some and be misunderstood by others who aren’t in the same situation?

    *** w88 11/1 p. 24 par. 15 When Marital Peace Is Threatened ***

    Often, separation does not work out well for a Christian husband and wife either. They soon learn that without a mate or the children there is a gnawing void. Not to be ignored are the pressures resulting from separation. Will it be possible to care for matters from a financial standpoint or otherwise? And what if the strain of separation results in a fall into immorality?

    The Strongest Incentive

    Q16) What are some aftereffects of moral uncleanness?

    16) The Bible warns: "As a honeycomb the lips of a strange woman keep dripping, and her palate is smoother than oil. But the aftereffect from her is as bitter as wormwood; it is as sharp as a two-edged sword." (Proverbs 5: 3, 4) The aftereffects of moral uncleanness are painful and can be deadly. They include a troubled conscience, sexually transmitted diseases, and the emotional devastation of the mate of the unfaithful individual. Surely this is reason not to start down a path that can lead to marital infidelity.

    troubled conscience, sexually transmitted diseases, and the emotional devastation of the mate of the unfaithful individual

    But then why are faithful JWs encouraged to take back the unfaithful one?

    Q17) What is the strongest reason to maintain marital fidelity?

    17) The fundamental reason why marital unfaithfulness is wrong is that Jehovah, the Originator of marriage and the Bestower of sexual capacity, condemns it. Through the prophet Malachi, He says: "I will come near to you people for the judgment, and I will become a speedy witness against ... the adulterers." (Malachi 3:5) Regarding what Jehovah sees, Proverbs 5:21 states: "The ways of man are in front of the eyes of Jehovah, and he is contemplating all his tracks." Yes, "all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting." (Hebrews 4:13) The strongest incentive for maintaining marital fidelity, then, is the realization that no matter how secret an infidelity might be and how minor its physical or social consequences might seem, any act of sexual uncleanness damages our relationship with Jehovah.

    Think about it, until the founding of the Christian congregation, men could marry more than one woman and not be guilty of adultery. Women on the other hand could only have one husband even if they had to share him with another wife, even 999 other women in the case of Solomon.

    Where does marital unfaithfulness figure in this scenario?

    no matter how secret an infidelity might be and how minor its physical or social consequences might seem, any act of sexual uncleanness damages our relationship with Jehovah

    Besides leaving Jesus out of this relationship, isn’t the WTS more concerned about what people might think not God, since they hide their abuse cases out of the sight of humans, but saying it is not possible to hide from God?

    Q18, 19) What do we learn from Joseph's experience with Potiphar's wife?

    18) The example of Joseph, son of the patriarch Jacob, shows that the desire to remain at peace with God is a powerful incentive. Having found favor in the eyes of Potiphar, a court official of Pharaoh, Joseph came to have a privileged position in Potiphar's household. Joseph was also "beautiful in form and beautiful in appearance," a fact that did not escape the notice of Potiphar's wife. Every day, she tried to seduce Joseph, but her efforts bore no fruit. What caused Joseph to resist all her advances? The Bible tells us: "He would refuse and would say to his master's wife: `Here my master ... has not withheld from me anything at all except you, because you are his wife. So how could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God?"'-Genesis 39:1-12.

    OT exampleJoseph

    While Joseph fled from immorality, his brother Judah had relations with a prostitute.

    Is adultery more serious than fornication?

    Note that the married woman and the engaged woman were put to death while the single woman was not (fornication)?

    Deut. 22:23-29

    19) Unmarried Joseph maintained moral chastity by refusing to get involved with another man's wife. "Drink water out of your own cistern," says Proverbs 5:15 to married men, "and tricklings out of the midst of your own well." Guard against even unwittingly forming romantic attachments outside of marriage. Put forth the effort to strengthen the bond of love in your own marriage, and work hard to resolve whatever marital difficulties you may encounter. By all means, "rejoice with the wife of your youth."-Proverbs 5:18.

    Would unmarried Joseph been allowed to have sexual relations with a virgin, divorced or widow and not have been found guilty of moral chastity? Yes, because the sin was in having sex with someone who "belonged" to someone else, someone’s property.

    What Did You Learn?

    - How may a Christian unwittingly become ensnared in a romantic relationship?

    - What precautions can help one to keep from forming a romantic attachment outside the marriage?

    - When experiencing problems, what should a married couple do?

    - What is the strongest incentive for maintaining marital fidelity?

    Concluding Comments

    How many were divorced over the years you part of the JW community? What I saw was an increase in separations. JWs with no WTS basis for divorce but who could no longer live under the same roof. Seriously, the elders would caution them against the greater temptation to commit adultery, not recognizing that these couples hadn’t had sex with each other for years, so this was no "new" danger.

    Did you see JWs that committed adultery with the view of being df’d for a year and being reinstated, perhaps even marrying the JW they had been unfaithful with? And then they all had to go to the same rural congregation, the original wife, the new wife and husband?

    Marriage to the right person can be a wonderful thing. Choose wisely. Don’t give up at the first sign of trouble, but deal with it in love and be willing to make compromises.

    It has been uncharacteristically cold around here, 10 degrees lower. But except for a powdering last week, things are clear again. No danger of fires on our doorstep, no floods, and no bombs. My hubbie is off grocery shopping and I am fairly sure no one will bomb the store. Are the Cardinal fans up yet?

    Love, Blondie

  • Scully

    Thanks for doing all the hard work on this Blondie. I don't know how you keep your gag reflex under control while picking apart that crap. Mine was working overtime on that article.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks Blondie,

    As a fader, I will be at the meeting. Now I can try to focus on some of your comments while holding my tongue.

  • crazyblondeb
    Are the Cardinal fans up yet?

    Heck, yea I'm up!!! WWWooooHHHHHOOOOOO!!

    Oh, and thanks blondie. I thought of my parents marriage. It was a joke!! My stepdad is on this 3rd wife. He was DF'd for a short period cause he wasn't "free" to marry, but did it anyway. Now that he's reinstated, I guess all is good. Not that I give a rat's ass!!

    Now, excuse me while I go find a big bucket to puke in!!


  • Clam

    Very interesting Blondie: thank you. I wish I had the magazine at hand to see the illustrations. I'm trying to picture the coffee buying Casanova and the flirty sister.

  • Gill

    Why am I not surprised that it's all the fault of those darned women, getting a job, meeting other men and therefore causing divorces!!!!

    I should have realised that!

    Could be that when women start working outside the home, and educating themselves furthur, and speaking to non cultys, they learn how they've been deceived all those years by a bunch of old poop heads in Crooklyn!!!

  • stillajwexelder

    I am just reading "A Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Attwood -- -- to coin a phrase "PRAISE BE"

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Another excellent review blondie, thankyou.

    I've known one or two that have left their wives for someone else, not always jws, been df'd or da'd for a year or two, then come back with the new partner and got reinstated, and been welcomed with open arms, while the wronged wife has been expected to forgive them for what they've done. If someone had done that to me, I'm not sure I would have been forgiving, at least not on the inside.

  • fokyc
    Breasts intoxicate you at all times. With her love may you be in an ecstasy constantly.

    Yes that's me, 55 years married and I still get intoxicated with them!

    Thanks Blondie for another very good rendering of the study, I do have the mag so can read along with you.


  • codeblue

    Blondie...thank you!!!

    I just visited one of my kids. HE is now saying the divorce was nobody's fault even though he knows his JW DAD cheated on me for 19 years.

    Maybe this WT study will be the eye opener he needs to re-adjust his thinking.

    Wow...Jehovah sure provides us food in due season....

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