Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-29-06 WT Study (REJOICE WIFE)

by blondie 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • moomanchu

    "He was so nice, so different from my husband," she says. Soon Mary and her husband's coworker were romantically involved. "I haven't committed adultery," she reasoned, "and the man is interested in the Bible. Maybe I can help him."

    Bill Clinton :" I did not have sex with that woman".

    Having photos of your marriage mate and children around the workplace will serve as a visual reminder to you and to others that you have priorities.

    I almost did what Bill Clinton did but then thanks to the Watchtower I didn't because I had pics. of

    the family

    The fundamental reason why marital unfaithfulness is wrong is that Jehovah, the Originator of marriage and the Bestower of sexual capacity, condemns it. The strongest incentive for maintaining marital fidelity, then, is the realization that no matter how secret an infidelity might be and how minor its physical or social consequences might seem, any act of sexual uncleanness damages our relationship with Jehovah.

    So the reason not to act like a buck in the rut and nail everything is, our relationship with Jehovah

    will be damaged, hmmm, then again there was David and Solomon I'm so confused.

    If only our relationship with Jehovah wouldn't be damaged, then as long as we didn't get caught it would be all good.

  • moomanchu

    I almost did what Bill Clinton did but then thanks to the Watchtower I didn't because I had pics. of

    the family

    So no one gets the wrong idea I was just joking about this part.

    Also there was a couple in our hall who got divorced then J. got married to D. meanwhile Cathy got reinstated. So there they were one big happy JW family J and D and C all together at the hall. I could never understand why Cathy didn't go to another hall.

  • SirNose586
    Large number of women have entered the workforce….created fertile soil for improper office romances to develop.

    Perhaps the women should wear burkas and not be allowed to walk around in public without a male relative escorting them. That would make the numbers plunge re field service statistics.

    Yes, if only those women hadn't desired to work, there wouldn't be this mess!

    And also, thanks Blondie, for doing the research to find out where the statistic comes from. I really don't like that they are reluctant to cite sources. Of course, they know that their word is like an extension of the Bible, so no dub cares to find out where it comes from...

  • Virgochik

    They slam the Catholics for granting annullments, so people can remarry. Only the JW's just make them wait a year, then get reinstated, and everything's forgiven. What, please, is the big difference?

  • blondie

    Hi Scully,

    I don't know how you keep your gag reflex under control while picking apart that crap.

    It is a challenge. When I first get the magazine, I read the article when I first get it making notes and suggestions for further research. I might do that in 3 stages. Then when review week comes, I try to divide it up into thirds, about 7 paragraphs at a time. It keeps the gag reflex down.

    But it keeps me inoculated against every wanting to go back. If it helps even one person see more clearly the deceptive qualities of the articles, I feel it was worth the effort.

    Hello, OnTheWayOut,

    I can try to focus on some of your comments while holding my tongue

    Actually, some of my comments could be made with the right submissive tone and demeanor. Women can get away with this more than men. I saw an older sister do this when I was growing up. She was always quietly putting the brothers in their place as she slapped them up side the head figuratively with her bible.

    Yes, crazyblondeb, the Cardinal victory dance was seen at my house.

    Yes, men get preferential treatment. The elders in one congregation felt so bad for one brother separated from his JW wife, that they allowed him to regular pioneer. The sisters in the congregation knew that they would never be given the same consideration. See the elders identified with this "poor" man who wasn’t getting any.

    Hi Clam,

    I finally got a simple scanner that can do pictures but I am still try to master it. I wonder what inappropriate dress and grooming JW men use to attract women; what physical qualities do they emphasize?

    Some ideas never die, Gill.

    Although this is a topic where the WTS speaks out of both sides of their mouth. They say it can be necessary for a woman to work outside the home, BUT maybe the family could cut back and see that materialism has crept into their lives and that she could pioneer instead.

    Interesting book for a man to be reading, stilla.

    Both strata of women are controlled, the wives of the men and the concubines to bear the children…only in the US, Canada is the free land. Could it compare to the elders wives that seem to have it better, compared to the rank and file JW women? A scary scenario and I could see that this is the outcome facing the WTS in their so-called Paradise.

    Disgusting, eh, fullofdoubtnow.

    I know a sister who had to wait 8 years to be reinstated after she left her JW husband. In the same area, a pedophile was reinstated in 8 months. I only saw this in rural areas. In urban areas where there were a choice of congregations, these women changed congregations. Some of these women had been elders wives and found out how quickly they had no status in the congregation with no JW husband.


    Whose breasts, your own? (smile)

    Glad to hear 55 years has not slowed you down.

    Codeblue, what a thing to say. How old is he? Is he married? If his wife had done the things your ex did, would he feel the same way?

    HE is now saying the divorce was nobody's fault even though he knows his JW DAD cheated on me for 19 years.

    You’re on a roll, moomanchu.

    The whole point is to hide it from humans, God doesn’t count, because he has "left the land."

    I think the elders manual even has a policy that if a man cheated years ago, hid it, but is now an elder, that it can be overlooked and no discipline need be given. Perhaps it will be like David who suffered nothing but his family and subjects did.

    Hey, SirNose,

    Yes, I like to point out the flimsy or non-existent sources for non-JW quotes. Norm on his recent topic pointed that out too. Similarly, the WTS uses snippets of verses, making JWs think they don’t have to look up the scripture, not realizing that the context can give a very different meaning.

    What’s the difference, Virgochik?

    The Catholic Church does charge quite a big chunk of change to grant an annulment. Do you think these people are donating to the KH under the table? Could be, I can’t prove it though.

    Of course, the WTS tries to scare these people by asking them what would happen if Armageddon came while they were not yet reinstated? As if God decides your survival on the JC determination of your congregational status.

    Good Comments, everyone


  • jgnat

    I note the author quoted, Shirley Glass, was married at nineteen while an undergraduate, had her first child thirteen months later, continued in school to get her PhD, is a noted public speaker, has a thriving career as a licensed therapist, and her marriage is still intact.

    Would the Jehovah's Witnesses consider her pursuits to be a waste of time...compared to a lifetime of field service, I mean?

  • BluesBrother

    I know of a couple of old school "sisters" who both said separately that they would give the meeting a miss this week. they could not stomach the family book style counsel and advice - or perhaps the ill informed comment and anecdotes that they could expect from the answers given.

    ."Anyone who would leave his or her mate, or encourage you to leave yours, has a serious disregard for the sanctity of marriage . It is unreasonable to expect that relationship

    Oh yes? Spoken from within the marbled cloisters of the Bethel .

    Have they considered the simple compatability of the persons involved? Perhaps having an affair was an act of despair to get out of a rotten marriage, and away from life that they led a dubs. Certainly, the cases that I recall during my time , all stayed together the second time. One girl told me she was blissfully happy after divorcing and remarrying . As Blondie said, statistics show that second marriages can fail too ....but it is not as simple as all that, they just like to tar everybody with the same brush

    The impression given is that offices are hotbeds of passion and iniquity ...It is a wonder that we get any work done!

  • Mystla

    This is my big sore spot. I have so many comments that they are all trying to get out at once and getting muddled.

    Maybe my marriage would have been better if I had married a "straight" man. Did the elders who encouraged my gay husband to find a wife really think it would be a happy marriage? How could we have possibly been even close to happy when it was all based on a lie?

    When I went to the elders for help after my husband told me he didn't love me (I still didn't know he was gay, I just thought I was hidious and unattractive) they lovingly told me to have my husband come talk to them, then they could help. That was it. There was no advice for me at all, no help, no assistance. My husband refused to go (he was "spiritually weak" at the time) and the elders wouldn't come to him.. what did they expect me to do? I suppose I should have "waited on Jehovah" but I couldn't. My heart was crushed (literally.. anyone who has felt this way knows what I mean) and I was lost without any support.

    I have read so many of these articles in the past. All that wrapped in plastic advice makes me ill. It sounds good til it happens to you, then it's completely unapplicable. They don't tell you that you will have to deal with it alone. They don't give any advice for how to handle the screaming loneliness. I suppose I should have stayed and been miserable with the rest of them. I'm sure glad I didn't.

    I left, fell in love, had lots of sex (and didn't die!!) and eventually remarried. Now I am blissfully happy, and all without the help of the elders, the bible, or jah.

    This is probably more that is warrented for this thread.. but I'm glad I got it off my chest :)


  • heathen

    actually couldn't make thru the entire article this week but just read mystias post , OMG nobody told you the guy you were going to marry had a homosexual past ? Unbelievable ,that's so sad . I guess that's the way it is , if they feel they will stain jehovahs name , so what they wanted was a book salesman that if his sexuality came into question could state he was married and put up the appearance of living the moral life .Not that they cared about you in anyway shape or form .They really should have made him tell you the facts before hand.

    That tower is looking more like they may have had an influx of mormans and are trying hard to distance themselves from the morman belief of allowing more than one wife . That's just great talking about sex like that in front of little kids who are supposed to answer at the meeting . Soloman being in exstacy and all , wow that's pretty pornographic for them .......

  • Mystla

    Maybe they thought I wouldn't notice? Unfortunaly I did notice.. I just interpreted it all wrong.. like a good little JW, I blamed myself for all our problems, including his complete lack of sexual attraction to me. But I'm completely over it now, can't you tell

    Your post reminded me of my little brother doing the bible reading one thursday night.. no 12 year old boy should have to read about breasts in front of 100 people, the poor kid was so red he glowed. What's that one about his sister with small breasts? I'd go look it up but I don't have a bible handy I know it was solomon.... I was rather flat chested at that stage, so I was embarressed too


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