Personality of "Anointed" JWs

by Smiles 66 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Dr Zhivago
    Dr Zhivago

    I was one of those that "partook of the emblems" while I was a JW. I don't think I'm any kookier than anyone else on this board :). I never felt "special" or better than others. But I have to say that most of the "anointed" that I knew were difficult people. They were self-interested and weren't happy unless they were the centre of everyone else's attention too. There was only one, that I personally knew, who I considered to be possibly mentally ill. And she felt that she was born more righteous than everyone else.

    Dr Z

  • BabaYaga

    Hello and WELCOME, Dr. Zhivago!!!

    Welcome to the forum!

    May I ask you, are you active, inactive, faded, DA'd, DF'd? With your particular situation, did you stop "partaking of the emblems" while still attending meetings? How did that go?

    Hope I'm not being too forward.

    Again, welcome!


  • MinisterAmos

    I agree with Outlaw.

    Over half of the anointed I have known are bat-shiat crazy, or are highly dysfunctional school janitors dying for attention. Not a prince in the bunch!

  • Dr Zhivago
    Dr Zhivago

    Thanks for the welcome, Baba. I'm a fader. I was still a "partaker" when we quit, that was well over a decade ago. We left because we saw that it wasn't "the Truth" and there was no way of correcting it. "That which is crooked cannot be made straight." After reading the various experiences of people on this board, I'm extra glad that I'm no longer associated with the JWs.


  • Quentin

    Like BluesBrother and Blonde those I knew were of the "old school" annontied and were doing the "Lords work"...none I can remember were goofy, demented or mental...aloof yes, but that was about all. I will say they weren't afraid if the wt and had no problem speaking their minds.

  • MeneMene

    Just wanted to say Hi & welcome to Dr Zhivago. I am a newbie also. I can't remember ever personally knowing one of the anointed but we sure stretched our necks at the Memorial trying to see if anyone did partake.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Gill wrote

    I knew three and they were aloof, critical and not the friendliest of people!

    And with what reason? The idea of a two - tier religion, with one class going to heaven and another staying on earth, is a jw idea, and most of us are on here because we don't believe in the jws ideas any more. I personally don't practice any form of religion, nor do I particularly believe in god.

    I believe the "anointed" class exists only in the minds of jws, particularly those who have the peculiar idea that they are part of it. There is no absolute scriptural evidence that the idea of their being two separate "classes" of christians actually exists. It is watchtower doctrine, based on their somewhat twisted interpretation of the bible, and nothing more than that.

    If there is a God, and he loves us all, why would he give 144000 people a more special privilege than the rest of humanity? Whatever the jws say, the bible does not teach that.

  • Mulan

    Actually I have known about 50 anointed over my lifetime, 3/4 of those who were pre-1935. I found that they all exhibited a variety of personalities just like JWs do that aren't anointed.

    So all the traits you mentioned about "anointed" I have seen in those who aren't anointed as well.

    Ditto! Some were really nice, special people, but I know lots of people like that who don't claim to be annointed.

    Others were jerks who really thought they were special, and should be treated as such. Again, I know others like that.

  • sspo

    Some tried to live a christian life and others hardly attended meetings but they always partook at the memorial.

    You figure it out!

  • Smiles

    I'm not so sure that "pre 1935" anointed JWs were dissimliar to JWs that profess to be of the anointed today.
    The more you read about the private lives of Russell, Rutherford, F. Franz, the leading anointed ones of the time,
    the more you will realize that there was something very peculiar about them as people and not in a healthy way.
    Whether some anointed JWs try to imitate the higher up anointed JWs or if they just are not right in the head to
    start with, the WT publications have bragged for years on how different and special the "anointed remnant" is
    by their conduct and views. The WT bred the anointed to think that way and they still do.

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