Personality of "Anointed" JWs

by Smiles 66 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Smiles
    A wise man of the past wrote: "Man has dominated man to his injury." (Ecclesiastes 8:9) His words are true whether those dominating are individuals or classes. When one group of people elevates itself over another, misery and suffering inevitably result.

    Faithful and discreet slave CLASS? CLASS of anointed Christians? Elevates itself over the CLASS of other sheep. With all the misery and personal suffering within WT organization talked about here, by the JW's own doctrine, the anointed must be held responsible.

  • LittleToe

    Along with Danny, I would encourage you to make a distinction between the terms "anointed" and "Governing Body". IMHO the latter are the villains of the peace. The so-called "anointed" are generally despised by the Governing Body and Other Sheep, alike. S'your call though.

  • FreeGirl2006

    The congregation I grew up in had about 5 or 6 anointed. The chief freakazoid thought he was slightly lower than Jehovah and we attended the Congregation of "Norm". He had a penchant for puke green and that was the only color scheme allowed. It took years to get curtains put on the windows because he thought they were the handmaiden of the devil or some such craziness. He never had curtains on his windows at home. This psycho was so important that he never never never walked in to the hall with his wife. One day she fell in the parking lot and could not get up. Fortunately, I came along very shortly after her fall and I helped her into the hall. She was also of the anointed, but one of the sweetest people I have ever known. I enjoyed telling the chief freakazoid off many many years later when my pedophile elder non-father figure was finally df'd for pedophilia (just 20 years and countless victims too late). I walked up to Norm and reminded him of the jc I was forced to submit to at age 10 where I was accused of lying about the abuse and how justice was now being served in some capacity with the df'ing of that lying sack of crap. Norm never spoke to me again (thank goodness). On a side note--don't you love an organization that will reinstate a molester after 1 year and then you have the poor people who are bipolar that get df'd for years because they go off on uncontrolled sexual binges with consenting Adults. And then they try to commit suicide from the anguish they feel--have two friends who are going through that. Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry for getting OT--that is a pet peeve of mine.

    Another anointed sister in the hall would sit out on her porch looking for the UFO's that came down to visit her. Really! I think that must be why she never showered--to hold the aliens at bay. Since I was single, I was volunteered to pick her up for the meetings...nothing like riding in a car in the dead of winter with your window wide open so you can breathe.

    So you decide--are they normal?

  • Terry

    I was of the anointed for about four hours. Really.

    Then, I decided I didn't want to be because I had fallen into strange quicksand.

    There's a story here, but; I'm too tired to elaborate right now.

  • myelaine

    " I'm too tired to elaborate right now."...

    Terry's a big tease...


  • blondie

    What I can say is that for every "weird" person who said they were anointed, I could show you an equally "weird" person at the hall who did not claim to be "anointed." The weirdness was not because they were anointed.

    Weirdness was equal opportunity.

  • Smiles

    From most of the experiences here, anointed JWs do not seem to have a very good reputation.
    Considering that there are only a few thousand of them and the overall experience with them
    has been negative, sounds like they need some good Public Relations help.

    Any volunteers?

  • dozy

    Further to previous posts , does anyone know of any JW who became "self un-anointed" (to coin a phrase)? I knew of several JWs who suddenly stopped taking the emblems and admitted that they now felt that they didn't now believe that they were anointed. Perhaps they had had an emotional experience similar to that of a "born again" and eventually felt that this was no longer valid or meaningful. And these weren't just the classic "nutty easter bunnet" anointed menopausal women whom several have alluded to.

    There was one very humble , honest sister of the classic "old school" anointed type who used to give a very heartfelt , tangible account of her "anointing" which supposedly happened at the same time as her husband. About 10 years later (her husband had died in the meantime) she confided in the CO that she no longer felt "anointed" and now is just a R & F JW. At least she was honest enough to admit it ( it would have been very easy for her to keep on partaking and enjoying the status it gave her among certain JWs) , but it did create a stir at the time.

  • BluesBrother

    When I was a kid , late 50's - 60's , every congo had one or two of the "remnant". They were all old and had been seving for decades and mostly they had been brought up 'churchy' so , yes they seemed a bit distant and aloof.

    They knew the Bible inside out , they talked a lot more about Jesus then ever is heard today. The called him "The Lord" . Everything wsa about The Lord, they did "The Lords work",and were waiting for "The Lord to take them home"

    Were they nutty? no more that most octogenarians . I can remember acts of kindness towards this awkward lad although they were of the old school and rather strict.

    Decent people who had given their lives to their faith

  • Virgochik

    When I was a child, Grandma used to have me stay over some weekends with her when Grandpa worked midnights. Behind their house, was a cottage Grandpa had built for his disabled sister and her "caregiver." The caregiver claimed to be annointed. These two women had lived together for forty years, and were like a married couple. I always wondered! Anyway, the annointed sister was really scary to me, as a child. She had a wart, and was really sour and nasty, and I thought she looked like a witch. She made catty, mean comments about people, including Grandma, in her sly silky voice. They were just a wierd pair, and I dreaded the mandatory visit to say hello to them when I went to Grandma's.

    Grandma didn't like them either, and muttered comments about their odd ways. She wasn't too keen about them always wanting her to cook a big meal and deliver plates to them in the back. She'd tell me just to get the hello over with so we could watch TV. I definitely never felt anything especially spiritual about Sister Annointed Caregiver.

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