Did u want to leave the org bcause u were doing something immoral?

by Will2Power 69 Replies latest jw friends


    Fullofdoubtnow..That happened to a friend of mine.His good JW dad tossed him out of the house at 16.He had no place to stay except his girlfriends house.He was disfellowshipped.....His anointed JW dad,quit decades later..You could see him in front of assemblys with a bullhorn..He`s still nutsCrazy Eyes...OUTLAW

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Outlaw, I've known young couples get in trouble for being alone without a chaperone, reproved rather than disfellowshipped however. It just shows how trusting the wts leaders are of their flock.

  • hambeak

    Outlaw I believe you are right. As I look back most of them had some mental problems, looked to the org. as some kind of shelter. I know my immediate family is so totally disfunctional they don't even speak or get along anymore all collateral damage due to the wts brainwashing and phony lip service not true to anything but the org

  • sammielee24
    immoral and unethical. As a side note: morality is not just behavior.

    Thank you Auld Soul - too few people acknowledge this. As a JW, to judge a man or a woman as immoral for one act of fornication and follow that through with the shunning policy is both unethical and hypocritical when that same JW both condones and supports, by lack of alternate action, molesters and pedophiles that work within their midst. I see more immorality in the lack of obligation, responsibility and compassion shown abused, raped and molested men, women and children in the society than might be found in the actions of one woman or man who has committed a single act of fornication. I realize that immorality is held to thought as well as deed and since JW's believe in and follow the Watchtower rules on 2 witnesses, this leaves them morally bankrupt. sammieswife.

  • TheKings

    i left because i couldn't be myself and be a witness...it made me depressed to the point of daily thoughts of suicide. i've always been an independent thinker agaisnt authority figures, a free-spirit, and they just couldn't hold me down with all their rules.

    actually...i first left when i found a friend outside the organisation. i was told that i could not have this friend. i decided to make up my own mind on that and drifted away slowly, seeing how it was just an excuse to keep people under control.

    it turns out that this friend helped me more than any jw teaching ever did ...

    the farther i distanced myself from the teachings the more i learned about myself and about reality. i never sought out alleged "apostate" sites... i found some factual sites on jw's 2 days ago by accident when i was looking for a forum...and i couldn't read fast enough. i was fascinated by the real truth, but i had already told myself in my heart that if god wanted to destroy me for being me then so be it. i have been distancing myself for a period of 2 years going on 3 ... and finally knowing these things the last artifacts of the JW mindset and fear of jehovah, or rather the organisation, are cleared away. i'm free.

    that's usually how they react to you leaving...they say just you want to do bad things. it's so insulting and manipulative.

  • Ingenuous
    Did u want to leave the org bcause u were doing something immoral and then sought to justify your leaving the organisation/religion by researching websites like this (to salve your conscience, justify continuing in your pleasurable but unscriptural lifestyle),


    OR did you sincerely leave purely because you discovered certain false teachings, scandals, etc, while still living a moral, Christian lifestyle?

    Yes. And I didn't even have to visit "forbidden" sites on the 'net to discover them.

    Troll or not, there are probably many readers of this board wondering the same thing. It can only do good to put the truth out there.

  • colorado5591

    Did u want to leave the org bcause u were doing something immoral

    in a roundabout way....

    I got caught with my pants down (pun intended) and my lack of repentance got me booted in a hurry

  • crazyblondeb
    it's only safe for child molesters

    I left because my stepdad was/is one of those, and he was molesting me.

  • willyloman

    Gross immorality... on the part of the organization. My moral standards are higher than theirs. That's why I left.

  • Elsewhere
    Did u want to leave the org bcause u were doing something immoral?

    What's with the JW preoccupation with sex? Seems like just about everything comes down to "what naughty thing did you do with your naughty bits?"

    I left the WTS because I could not help but think on my own.

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