Did u want to leave the org bcause u were doing something immoral?

by Will2Power 69 Replies latest jw friends


    Troll alert Guys!!..This is Thread number #3 by my count...OUTLAW

  • bigmouth

    Nope. I lived a clean honest life and was still generally known as a JW although I had not been to meetings for several years. Actually I developed depression and went to see the Evil Mind Doctors for help, so I guess that was 'immoral'.
    I had noticed the lack of love in the org. well before I visited sites like JWD.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I don't care if you are a troll, Will2power, I'll tell you why I left and whether I wanted to leave or not.

    To begin with, I wasn't doing anything immoral, even in the eyes of the WTS, when I made my decision to force the GB to have me df'd. The local PO had spies on me to see if they could conjure up some badness on my part because I was attempting to help my youngest son, then 13 to get ready for baptism and was labelled a "troublemaker." The spies couldn't find anything bad to report. The reason I KNOW there were spies is because the spies admitted it to me.

    I sincerely did NOT want to leave at that time, but felt that I couldn't go on being a part of the WTS, because I realized they don't have intense love for one another and that actually they love to hate.

    So I wrote a letter to the GB (copying the local cong, of course) and told them what I thought about their doctrines and practices and people that are downright MEAN to one another......AND hypocritical, of course.

    I knew this would force them to df me. It did. They did.

    It was YEARS after my df'ing that I finally got online and discovered just how DIRTY all the deeds and writings and teachings and practices of the WTS actually are.

    These discoveries just confirmed to me what a huge pile of.........hypocrits they are, even though I'd already seen how their personal behavior was hypocritical.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Common falacy - spawned by a paranoid religious community. They are so convinced that they are the bastion of morality, they view it impossible that others [especially those to coin a phrase 'who left Jehovah'] could and do live decent and morally intact lives.

    Granted, with time, that moral compass shifts in certain ways for some. Now, should I need to save the life of my loved one by use of medically transfused fluids and tissues from another human, I would consider it immoral not to do so. I remain moral, but paradigm shifts make the morality of my life ring as immorality to my former associates. So definitions get lost in perspective. Or do you just refer to the sexual sins? Even there the compass might turn, though it has not to date for me.


  • GermanXJW

    No, I left as a MS in good standing. I noticed more and more that it all did not make sense and was not willing to put that much energy into a system I did no longer believe in.

  • jwfacts

    I worked out, before ever coming to the internet, that the doctrines were false, that holy spirit did not guide the organization, and that the light was not getting brighter but different by reading Studies in the Scriptures. After I left I then found these sites. I wish I had a lot earlier as I could have saved years of research and confusion.

  • bubble

    I left due to immorality, but did think at some point I might go back for the sake of my family.

    After much research I decided to never ever go back because the whole cult is a sham and full of lies.

    Thank god for the immorality, it was my ticket out!!

  • diamondblue1974

    Define Immoral?


  • LittleToe

    This kind of trollish nonsense barely deserves a reply.

    Contrary to what the WTS would have everyone believe, not everyone turns into a sex-fiend when released from their clutches. I left for doctrinal issues, compounded by their own scholastic dishonesty. As for whether I not I subsequently became a sex-fiend is my own business

  • Beardo

    Nope - not exactly.

    I was subjectively speaking a naughty boy and broke a few rules. But nobody knew, and out of an act of conscience I walked away and never went back.

    During this time period, I did not try to dis-assemble the belief system - I was still 100% convinced of "the truth" and planned to return one day.

    A while later I went down the list of dos & donts and straightened my pathway; planning to sort myself out and return fulltime at some point. Then I began to study the literature again and referenced articles on the internet and spoke to a few ex-JWs. Certain things didn't make sense and I found that I did not feel the same way about the organization. So, here I am several years later.

    To clarify - yes, I was naughty, but no, I did not cease to believe or try and strip the belief system apart for several years.

    It is a broad generalization to think that everybody who walks away does so to become a drug taking, whore seeking, sociopath.

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