Did u want to leave the org bcause u were doing something immoral?

by Will2Power 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjwms

    Could not deal with the

    GUILT.....FAULT.....AND BLAME. !

  • Bodhisattva1320

    1. WTS did not care about my future (education) WTS did not care that everything they taught ME growing up in thier religion taught me to be self destructive in REALITY.

    2. WTS is immoral, lies, covers up its mistakes, protects child abusers, propogates mass ignorance, props up immoral people to lead its followers.

    3. was CREATED by two men in the last 100 yrs of recorded history- sorry guys not fallin for the BS - laughable

  • stevenyc

    The question depends on whos definition of morality you are refering to.


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Seems a bit daft everyone suggesting this Guys a troll.

    Fair enough question imo.Yeah,i partly left because i thought i was missing out on shags etc...but also because i knew Jw,ism was a false load of rubbish

  • bavman

    I left to BECOME moral.

  • luna2

    Hmmm, yes, that must be it. I was reading sci fi and murder mystery novels and going to R-rated movies. lol Nah, I'm pretty boring in the immorality department, only grade B sinning here. The real reason? Being a Jdub simply sucked the joy out of everything everyday in every way.

  • undercover

    I think its a fair enough question, troll or not. If minimus asked it, I doubt we'd call him a troll.

    In my case I had extreme ups and downs as a JW. When I was faithful in it I was a freak about it. When I was "weak" I was completely inactive. My last bout of inactiveness was contributed to by making friends with worldly people. I enjoyed their company and I was having fun. Over time, I became less and less active at the hall and eventually started missing most of the meetings and service, but still made it to assemblies, CO visits and maybe 2 Sundays a month. I wasn't doing anything "immoral" but I was allowing myself to do things that I would never have done when faithful, like going to bars and clubs with worldly people, drinking, dancing, etc. I went on business trips with co-workers and ended up in strip clubs and enjoyed it. From a fundamentalist viewpoint, I guess that could be immoral, but from a secular viewpoint and my viewpoint now that I'm out, it's not.

    During that time, the questions and doubts that I had for years started surfacing more frequently. Instead of squashing them, I gave into them and started researching them. Then during a COs visit who was a hard nosed ass, I basically knew that I wasn't going to continue with the religion. That wasn't the end...I still went back and forth on what may be right about the JWs and what the motivation was of the GB but over time I got over that even.

    So, in a way, I discovered that I couldn't be myself as a JW, and then researched and discovered the lies and it gave me an out. But the years of conditioning don't go away overnight and the pressure from JW family doesn't go away either.

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    I left because of immorality but not mine. The organization is immoral. The people running it are immoral. The elders are immoral. The pioneers are immoral. The elders wives are immoral. The elders children are immoral.

    I was tired of all of the lying and hypocrisy. I was tired of crying after leaving the Kingdom Hall. I was tired of being in a false religion and being told that it was the truth.

    I was told by an Elder when my husband and I decided to leave "Well, we will see how you and your family are doing in a year from now." Well, it has been over a year and nothing has changed in my life, except we are happier. However, let me tell you about his life. He is no longer an Elder, his wife has been found to be cheating on him, they are on the brink of divorce. His 19 year old daughter has left her husband and they are now getting a divorce and last but not least his 18 year old son is into drugs, sex and alcohol, he has been arrested at least once and he had a drug party at his parents house while they were away.

    Hope that helps your survey.


  • Kudra

    I don't think this guy is a troll- look at his previous posts: they are legit, and he actually had this "leaving cause you want to be immoral" question before.

    This thread is just cause he probably thinking about that question and is interested in the answer.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I knew it wasn't the truth, so there was no point staying.

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