Did u want to leave the org bcause u were doing something immoral?

by Will2Power 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • arwen

    i left the org because they made a concious decision to join the very disgusting thing I had been taught to stay away from. I was and still am a very moral person or at least try to live my life in a way that would please God and His Son Jesus Christ. After I left I found out about the the other things the org had been involved with and I realized why there was no real love left. Jehovah had left the building!

  • seattleniceguy

    My sin was lying to myself in a desperate attempt to convince myself the organization was true.

    When I got honest and accepted the facts, I left.


  • Honesty
    Did u want to leave the org bcause u were doing something immoral?

    Yes, Yes, Yes!!! I was engaging in disgusting behavior that was bringing reproach on God.

    I was worshipping the Watchtower Society's 'Faithful Slave' instead of worshipping Jesus.

    But I repented and now am righfully worshipping Jesus because He is God.

  • Will2Power

    Thanks for the fantastic replies. I am certainly not a 'troll', whatever that is. My question was legitimate, at least to me. I was interested in this because, as we know, many JWs imagine that those who leave the organisation do so because they are secretly sinning and their consciences become so troubled that they feel psychologically compelled to pull away from the congregation and later on perhaps justify that through discovering and making a big deal about all the faults in the organisation (ie, often those who protesteth the most are the biggest hypocrites). JW's may refer to the scripture about how those who are doing works of darkness do not want to come to the light and apply this to all those who voluntarily leave the org. From all the replies I've seen this JW view of 'apostates' is almost completely unfounded.

  • AuldSoul

    I think it is awesome to see someone think through a question I have not seen asked before, and even more awesome when they ask it.

    Thanks, Will2Power.


  • BabaYaga

    Agreed, AuldSoul, thank you for asking, Will2Power...

    This is an excellent question. Seems to be one that faithful but doubting and divided lurkers might find quite educational. And to those dear, questioning, lurking ones who may be reading this... read on. You ain't seen nothin' yet.


  • cruzanheart

    No. I left because the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society did not live up to my set of moral values and the moral values of the Bible, which they claim to follow, and it therefore violated my conscience to be associated with them.


  • BlackPearl

    Pure as the driven snow, here. Just got tired of the continual backstabbing from the "friends". Those people have nothing more to do than gossip, their lives are so boring.

  • Jeffro


    I can certainly understand from your wording why some would think that you are a 'troll' (Someone who posts to a newsgroup, bulletin board, etc., in a way deliberately intended to anger other posters and draw arguments, or otherwise disrupt the group's intended purpose.)

    Many people leave the JWs because they find their teachings to be incorrect, just as I did. However, their teachings are still wrong regardless of whether or not a person is living up to the moral standards imposed by them. It should not be implied that no longer believing a lie, for whatever reason, is to be viewed as a personal indictment.

  • caligirl

    Nope... I left because my conscience would not allow me to remain a part of something that I felt was a farce (mockery; a ridiculous sham). I did not feel comfortable associating myself with a group that expected me to believe that God would kill everyone on earth that didn't get 10 hours per month going door to door and attend 5 meetings a week driving a "proper" car and wearing "appropriate clothing." Oh, that and the fact that so many of the teachings and requirements have nothing at all to do with what the bible actually says, and are burdensome rules thought up by men who have no right to govern my faith or the expression of that faith.

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