Beard Question For The Girls Out Of JWD (Guys Can Answer Too)

by jayhawk1 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    Yea, but theres probably wildlife being kept warm in there too!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Speaking of beards, there's a beard survey for women on this link.

    There's one for men as well on the same site.

  • jayhawk1

    Katiekitten said,

    Yea, but theres probably wildlife being kept warm in there too!

    Wait a minute! Guys don't accuse women of this if they grow their hair long. Why do guys get this kind of treatment? I am a neater, cleaner person than my wife is. I keep the house much better kept than she will ever do. House cleaning is a whole other topic that I'm sure to cover later on in another thread.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Jay,

    I love a well trimmed goatee, and like well trimmed beards. But I would never want my husband to have a zz top beard!! My brother had one for the longest time, thank goodness he got rid of it! It reminded me of out of control pubic hair! YUCK!!


    Lady Liberty

  • jayhawk1
    out of control pubic hair

    I don't see it quite like that.

    ZZ Top Photo

    Billy Gibbons looks good to me.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    The short one in the middle is kind of sexy. The two long beards on the end, YUCK. They kind of remind me of the beards the patriarchs must have had in the Bible. Never been a big fan of the patriarch look. Brings back to many bad memories of bad dramas and watch tower illustrations.


  • jayhawk1

    Don't think of Biblical Patriarchs, think of Santa instead.

     Santa to the stars Brady white Santa Claus, Santa Clause, Saint Nicholas, St. Nicholas, Kris Kringle, Christmas, North Pole, Real Santa Claus, Beard, Beards, Holidays, Real Bearded Santa, Père Noel, Father Christmas, Papa Natale, Jultomten, Budda Claus, Allah Claus, Santa O'Claus, Mac Santa, St. Nick, Kolya, Saint Nick, Jolly Old Elf, Chanukah Claus, Hanukkah Claus, Kriss Kringle, Santa San, The Fat Guy, The Man In The Red Suit, Parades, Sleigh, Merry Christmas, Xmas, Noel

  • sandy

    no to the guys on the side. HELL NO! Yes to the guy in the middle without the long hair in back.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Silly jayhawk! There is no such thing as Santa. Some of you ex-Jw's are so gullible!


  • jayhawk1

    If I could pull of the Frank Beard's look (The guy in the center) I would consider it. I don't have his face and I don't have his hair. I do however have the other guy's features.

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