Are witnesses Christians?

by KW13 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuldSoul


    I am curious as to your opinion on why Cornelius was not required to retire from his position as a Roman army officer in the "Italian Band" prior to receiving the Holy Ghost and being baptized. What say you? (Acts 10)

    I shall await your thorough explanation.


  • AuldSoul
    AW: Did you ever wonder why some letters from the Society had this printed on it while the other letters had WTBTS ;on it instead?

    Not really. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is now a publishing corporation, not the headquarters organization for Jehovah's Witnesses. The headquarters organization for Jehovah's Witnesses is now called "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses."

    Of course, I could call myself the Tooth Fairy, but that wouldn't make it true.


  • stevenyc

    ll call themselves Christian, however they still follow the law of Moses in many cases. Jehovahs witnesses are not allowed to have a relationship with Jesus. If fact, if a witness be promoted the love of Christ, he would be disfellowshipped.


  • acadian

    As Christian as any other church that's incorporated in the "State".

  • Mysterious
    .of, pertaining to, or derived from Jesus Christ or His teachings: a Christian faith.

    Yes they certainly do study the teachings of Christ.

    2. of, pertaining to, believing in, or belonging to the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ: Spain is a Christian country.

    Again their religion is based on carrying out Jesus preaching, they teach love of neighbour etc.

    7.a person who believes in Jesus Christ; adherent of Christianity.

    I guess that would depend on whether belief in Jesus as being god (ie: trinity) is required. But they certainly do believe in Jesus as god's son.

    So I would certainly say it would not be out there to call JWs Christian. I do know that my evangelical friend in grade 8 said the witnesses were the anti-christ though, doubtless due to their lack of faith in the trinity. Personally I don't care if they are Christians or not they are a damaging and hurtful religion.

  • Dansk
    they teach love of neighbour etc.

    But they don't practice it, so I don't consider them Christians!


  • poppers

    "In the end, it is how people live their daily lives that determines whether they are Christians, not the religious group they belong to."
    Some Buddhists I know are the best Christians I have ever met.


    poppers I agree with you. Witnesses are too works based to be christian. The scriptures repeatedly state that salvation is a free gift so why would a free gift of grace and salvation have to be worked for??? The law of christ is love for god and neighbor not how much time a person spends knocking on doors or sitting and listening to boring meetings.

  • freetosee

    When I was young I remember the brothers (and WT literature) referring to themselves as "Jehovah’s Christian Witnesses".

    I think the WT teaching is pseudo Christian, because it denies the honor and worship Jesus receives in the scriptures. The Grand Climax! book is a good example of WT distraction efforts.

    Christianity is not a matter of membership, it is a in-your-heart thing.

    Some Buddhists I know are the best Christians I have ever met

    That’s a good point!


  • Fe2O3Girl

    This might just be a question of semantics. How does one define "Christian"? Mysterious has given us an accepted definition.

    Some of the comments on this thread seem to be defining "Christian" by standards of behaviour: kindness, charity and so on. Which is either hugely derogatory to non-Christians, or meaningless - couldn't we just as easily say that a kind vegetarian JW is a Buddhist? Clearly not.

    Christianity has to be defined by some belief or faith in Jesus Christ, and in my opinion, it is irrelevant if the believer is a complete bastard or a lovely kind person.

    I tend to the opinion that if someone thinks that they are a Christian, then it isn't up to someone else to decide if they are a True Christian.

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