Great letter, Cathy!!!!!
Ooooooohhhh...My "unofficial" DA it in the paper!!
by HadEnuf 91 Replies latest jw friends
BTW, in order to have a letter printed in a newspaper, you must submit your full name (and to the paper, address and phone number). If you look at the URL you will see that Cathy's full name is listed at the bottom, not just Cathy L.
Yay, Cathy.
Re my earlier reply...................... So you could stay anonymous explaining WHY you must stay anonymous and cant leave the JWs even if you wanted to because of the shunning
I thought about saying I want to leave the Jws but cant because of mother, daughter, in laws, nieces nephews and friends would be instructed not to talk to me ever again.....................and all because I found out about their child's abuse policy quoting the silent lambs site.
Wow Mumzy, I knew your were a fiesty little apostapoop! Great letter!
Very well written letter!!! Very well said...
...keep us posted if and when the elders contact you...
Hugs to you
BTW, in order to have a letter printed in a newspaper, you must submit your full name (and to the paper, address and phone number). If you look at the URL you will see that Cathy's full name is listed at the bottom, not just Cathy L. Yay, Cathy. Blondie
I saved the article so I can print it out after the elders try to contact you for your Committee meeting.
I'll drop it off late one night at Danny and Nancy's because I'm almost positive they will also be very proud of your grammar and writing style. They might even wake up to what the Watchtower really is.
You started out innocently about the Da Vinci Code and then WHAM you mention cult and then specifically KH.
When all this hullaballo started over the Da.Vinci thing started -I thought ..This is going to cause a lot of problems to religious folk... Little did I know Cathy!!!! was in the wings!!!!!( wearing them) Go Girl!!!! I dont think you realise how the letter will help SO MANY!!!! Your a gal after my own heart TELL IT LIKE IT IS TO EVERYONE weather they like it or not ((((HUG))) Thanks ...
Ya' done a good thing girl ! Like someone else pointed out, you kept the letter "upbeat," that's important. JW's 'wigs will flip' when they see that perfect "cult" reference, but, they'll also see that you are happy and have 'gone on with your life' -- something JW's just don't think is humanly possible after leaving Mother Watchtower.
Your tone probably helped your letter get the nod from the editor. Good for you.
The paper may be VERY interested, if you experience any retribution (official or just 'marked') from the Kingdom Hall for publishing your personal opinion. THAT would be a follow up article I'd love to see...
Local Woman Shunned by Jehovah's Witness Church after giving her opinion in our paper.
That's F***** AWESOME!!!!! (wish I had thought of that....very jealous)
Local Woman Shunned by Jehovah's Witness Church after giving her opinion in our paper.
Just let them do that Rabbit...that's all I need. A little push that way and out come the "pen and paper"...well, actually the computer. I can always threaten them with slander if they announce I've been DF'd without any notification. We haven't heard from any of the elders for years because they've got their tails between their legs pertaining to the situation that caused our exodus. Well, we'll see. I'm not going to stress out over it. Here's a good quote:"Becoming less attached to outcomes doesn't mean that you don't care or that you don't try. Instead, it's more a matter of trying really hard, caring a great deal, putting the odds in your favor--but then letting go of the result and allowing things to unfold as they will (which is what will happen anyway).--from "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"