The faithlessness here

by grissom6471 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty
    Stop complaining and do something to increase your faith and appreciation for God's word and his people on earth.

    Hi Grissom,

    Please carefully examine the following and then tell me why you want to continue being a Jehovah's Witness:

    From WT literature, we have the kings of Babylon and the length of their reigns:

    Nebuchadnezzar -- 43 years

    Evil-Merodach -- 2 years

    Neriglissar -- 4 years

    Labashi-Marduk -- assassinated within 9 months

    Nabonidus -- 17 years

    This agrees with the thousands of cuneiform tablets which show:

    Nebuchadnezzar -- 43 years

    Evil-Merodach -- 2 years

    Neriglissar -- 4 years

    Labashi-Marduk -- 3 months

    Nabonidus -- 17 years

    Here are quotations from WT literature showing the lengths of each king's reign:

    Nebuchadnezzar -- 43 years

    *** it-2 p. 480 Nebuchadnezzar ***

    Nebuchadnezzar ruled as king for 43 years

    *** w00 5/15 p. 12 Pay Attention to God’s Prophetic Word for Our Day ***

    Learning that his father, Nabopolassar, had died, this young man named Nebuchadnezzar took

    the throne in 624 B.C.E. During his 43-year reign...

    *** w86 11/1 p. 5 A Dream Reveals How Late It Is ***

    Since Nebuchadnezzar reigned for 43 years (624-581 B.C.E.), this is a reasonable conclusion.

    *** dp (Daniel Book) chap. 7 p. 99 Four Words That Changed the World ***

    Proud King Nebuchadnezzar’s 43-year reign in Babylon ended with his death in 582 B.C.E.

    *** dp (Daniel Book) chap. 4 pp. 50-51 The Rise and Fall of an Immense Image ***

    9 Nebuchadnezzar, who reigned for 43 years, headed a dynasty that ruled over the Babylonian Empire.

    It included his son-in-law Nabonidus and his oldest son, Evil-merodach. That

    dynasty continued for 43 more years, until the death of Nabonidus’ son Belshazzar, in 539 B.C.E

    *** it-1 pp. 238-239 Babylon ***

    Finally, after a 43-year reign, which included both conquest of many nations and a grand

    building program in Babylonia itself, Nebuchadnezzar II died in October of 582 B.C.E. and was

    succeeded by Awil-Marduk (Evil-merodach). This new ruler showed kindness to captive

    King Jehoiachin. (2Ki 25:27-30) Little is known about the reigns of Neriglissar, evidently the successor

    of Evil-merodach, and of Labashi-Marduk.

    Evil-Merodach --- 2 years

    *** w65 1/1 p. 29 The Rejoicing of the Wicked Is Short-lived ***

    Evil-merodach reigned two years and was murdered by his brother-in-law Neriglissar, who reigned for

    four years, which time he spent mainly in building operations. His underage son Labashi-Marduk,

    a vicious boy, succeeded him, and was assassinated within nine months.

    Nabonidus, who had served as governor of Babylon and who had been Nebuchadnezzar’s favorite

    son-in-law, took the throne and had a fairly glorious reign until Babylon fell in 539 B.C.E.

    *** it-1 p. 453 Chronology ***

    For Awil-Marduk (Evil-merodach, 2Ki 25:27, 28), tablets dated up to his second year of rule

    have been found. For Neriglissar, considered to be the successor of Awil-Marduk, contract tablets

    are known dated to his fourth year

    *** kc (Let Your kingdom Come 1981) p. 186 Appendix to Chapter 14 ***

    Nabonidus Harran Stele (NABON H 1, B): This contemporary stele, or pillar with an inscription,

    was discovered in 1956. It mentions the reigns of the Neo-Babylonian kings Nebuchadnezzar,

    Evil-Merodach, Neriglissar. The figures given for these three agree with those from Ptolemy’s Canon.

    Neriglissar -- 4 years

    *** w65 1/1 p. 29 The Rejoicing of the Wicked Is Short-lived ***Evil-merodach reigned two years

    and was murdered by his brother-in-law Neriglissar, who reigned for four years, which time he spent

    mainly in building operations. His underage son Labashi-Marduk, a vicious boy, succeeded him,

    and was assassinated within nine months. Nabonidus, who had served as governor of Babylon and

    who had been Nebuchadnezzar’s favorite son-in-law, took the throne and had a fairly glorious reign

    until Babylon fell in 539 B.C.E.

    Labashi-Marduk -- less than a year

    ***Index 1930-1985 Labashi-Marduk ***


    king of Babylon: w65 29; bf 183-4

    *** w65 1/1 p. 29 The Rejoicing of the Wicked Is Short-lived ***

    Evil-merodach reigned two years and was murdered by his brother-in-law Neriglissar,

    who reigned for four years, which time he spent mainly in building operations. His underage son

    Labashi-Marduk, a vicious boy, succeeded him, and was assassinated within nine months.

    Nabonidus, who had served as governor of Babylon and who had been Nebuchadnezzar’s favorite

    son-in-law, took the throne and had a fairly glorious reign until Babylon fell in 539 B.C.E.

    Nabonidus -- 17 years

    *** it-2 p. 457 Nabonidus ***


    (Nab·o·ni´dus) [from Babylonian meaning "Nebo [a Babylonian god] Is Exalted"].

    Last supreme monarch of the Babylonian Empire; father of Belshazzar. On the basis of cuneiform texts

    he is believed to have ruled some 17 years (556-539 B.C.E.).

    *** w68 8/15 p. 491 The Book of Truthful Historical Dates ***

    17 Other investigators say this: "The Nabunaid Chronicle . . . states that Sippar fell

    to Persian forces VII/14/17* (Oct. 10, 539), that Babylon fell VII/16/17 (Oct. 12), and that Cyrus

    entered Babylon VIII/3/17 (Oct. 29). This fixes the end of Nabunaid’s reign and the beginning of the reign of Cyrus.

    Interestingly enough, the last tablet dated to Nabunaid from Uruk is dated the day after Babylon fell to Cyrus.

    News of its capture had not yet reached the southern city some 125 miles

    distant."—Brown University Studies, Vol. XIX, Babylonian Chronology 626 B.C.—A.D. 75,

    Parker and Dubberstein, 1956, p. 13.


    "VII/14/17": The 7th Hebrew month Tishri, 14th day, 17th year

    of Nabonidus’ reign.

    So there you have it.

    If you start with the WTS's own date of 539 for the fall of Babylon and count

    backwards through the Kings of Babylon for each year of their reigns,

    you arrive at 586/587 for Nebuchadnezzar's 18th/19th year, when he destroyed Jerusalem.

    I think the key quotation is the one from WT 1965 1/1 p. 29 , which shows Evil-merodach reigned two years, followed by

    Neriglissar, who reigned for four years, followed by Labashi-Marduk, who reigned less than 9 months, followed by


    This is an important quotation because it shows the succession of the kings, with no room

    for an extra king in between, and it also agrees with the conventional chronology's regnal lengths.

    Using the WTS's own data for the neo-Babylonian kings and the lengths of their reigns,

    there is NO ROOM for an extra king or for an extra 20 years.

    If you start at 539, the WTS's own date, and count backward according to their own

    data regarding each king and his reign, you will arrive at 586/587 for Nebuchadnezzar's

    18th/19th year, when he destroyed Jerusalem.


    607 B.C. made easy:

    Most of what we need is found in a single paragraph of the Watchtower book "Babylon the Great Has Fallen - God's Kingdom Rules!" on page 184 . To keep things simple, I will paraphrase this paragraph, but include the actual paragraph at the end for reference.

    We have to start some 68 years AFTER the date of Jerusalem's fall with a date and event that is agreed upon by both the WTS and secular historians. From this date we will count backward by counting forward.That date is 539 B.C., the date that Babylon fell to Cyrus the Mede. Keep in mind we are trying to find the date Jerusalem fell.

    The Watchtower book "Babylon the Great Has Fallen - God's Kingdom Rules!" tells us that Nabonidus was King when Babylon fell in 539 B.C. The Watchtower book "Aid to Bible Understanding" tells that Nabonidus ruled seventeen years from 556 to 539 B.C.

    We are now back to 556 B.C.

    The Watchtower book "Babylon the Great Has Fallen - God's Kingdom Rules!" tells us that before Nabonidus, Labashi-Marduk ruled about nine months. It also tell us that before Labashi-Marduk, Neriglissar ruled for four years. So if we go backwards 4 years and nine months from 556 B.C. we're now at 560-561 B.C.

    The Watchtower book "Babylon the Great Has Fallen - God's Kingdom Rules!" also tells us that before Neriglissar, Evil-Merodach ruled for 2 years. We are now back to 562-563 B.C. and to the last year of the reign of King Nebuchadnezzer.

    On page 1212 of the Aid to Bible Understanding book we are told that Nebuchadnezzer ruled 43 years.

    562/563 + 43 years = 605/606 BC, the year when Nebuchadnezzer started ruling Babylon.

    2nd Kings 25:8-10 tells us that Jerusalem was destroyed in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzer's reign, so if we go forward 19 years from 605/606 B.C. we will have the approximate years of the destruction of Jerusalem.


    Nabonidus- 17 years 556to 539 B.C. - Cyrus overthrew Babylon

    Labashi-Marduk- assassinated within 9 months

    Neriglissar -- 4 years

    Evil-Merodach -- 2 years

    Nebuchadnezzar -- 43 years

    17 years + 9 months + 4 years + 2 years + 43 years = 66 to 67 years.

    Starting at 539 B.C. and going back 66/67 years we arrive at 605/606 B.C. or the start of the reign of Nebuchadnezzer.

    Nineteen years after 605/606 B.C. brings us to 586/587 B.C. when Jerusalem was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar.

    *** References ***

    Insight on the Scriptures page 425 under "Chaldea""

    "Particularly was this domination manifest during the seventh and sixth centuries B.C.E. when Nabopolassar, a native of Chaldea, and his successors, Nebuchadnezzar II, Evil-merodach (Awil-Marduk), Neriglissar, Labashi-Marduk, Nabonidus, and Belshazzar, ruled the Third World Power, Babylon."

    Babylon the Great Has Fallen - God's Kingdom Rules, page 184:

    "After reigning but two years King Evil-Merodach was murdered by his brother-in-law Neriglissar. According to the inscriptions that have been found, this usurper of the throne spent most of his time in building operations and reigned four years. When he died, his son Labashi-Marduk, though not yet of age, succeeded him. He was a vicious boy, and within nine months he had his throat cut by an assassin. Nabonidus, who had served as Governor of Babylon and who had been Nebuchadnezzar's favorite son-in-law, now took the throne and had a fairly glorious reign till Babylon fell in 539 B.C."

    Aid to Bible Understanding on Nabonidus - P 1195:

    "Last supreme monarch of the Babylonian Empire...On the basis of cuneiform texts he is believed to have rule some seventeen years (556-539 B.C.E.)."

    2 Kings 25:8-10 On the seventh day of the fifth month, which was the nineteenth year of King Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guards, a servant of the king of Babylon, entered Jerusalem. 9 He burned the Lord’s temple, the king’s palace, and all the houses of Jerusalem; he burned down all the great houses. 10 The whole Chaldean army [with] the commander of the guards tore down the walls surrounding Jerusalem.


    Welcome to JWD, Grissom and Happy researching !!!

    BTW, Jesus is my mediator now instead of a bunch of spiritual drunkards up in Brooklyn, NY. who can't get anything right.

  • Peppermint

    Its not that we have a complete lack of faith in anything we just have different beliefs to the ones we formally had. Unlike JW‘s we no longer automatically agree with one another, hence you are going to find a lack of unity on this board which you may interpret as complaining or stupidity.
    The question you should be asking is: why do we no longer believe?

  • kid-A

    Oh my god........LMAO @ Kid-A's picture of grissy.......... LOL! Hi darling, yes thats a rare snapshot of his baptism!

  • Mary
    LOL! Hi darling, yes thats a rare snapshot of his baptism!

    Still LMAO.......or, was this a picture of when he got "new light"?

  • greendawn

    Most people here have good reasons to disbelieve that the JWs are God's people on earth today, and their leaders are God's only channel of communication with mankind, what a disgusting grandiose lie, and I hope you are interested to know those reasons.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    The statements of "I'm a former Witness and people don't talk to me". Well Duh!!!. Why would anyone want to.

    Yeah, maybe they haven't earned it, eh .


    We have lots of faith - we can tell you're a witness without you telling us - it's a spirit discerning sort of thing.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    No one has any backbone anyway. Stop complaining and do something to increase your faith and appreciation for God's word and his people on earth. This group will not do that.

    1st - I have plenty of backbone - it takes a lot of that to stand up and leave a toxic religion filled with lies and manipulation after 43 years.

    2nd - I and many others here have worked to increase our faith - you are just a selective judgementalist [taught well by your religious leaders] who only sees the negative statements made here. Of course yours were negative too - just the predicate was changed.

    3rd - "God's people on earth" are not Jehovah's witnesses - they belong to a high control sect that more closely resembles the work of the Devil

    4th - This group has saved countless lives from the toment of guilt associated with leaving that cult behind. Rather than 'shun' one who has left - they are embraced here - Jesus never suggested your evil shunning practices did he? The pharisees actually wanted to attack Jesus for accepting the Samaritans and curing others - just like you are doing in this post.

    You can be saved from this evil bunch too. I hope you are - just get humble, start to think about the teaching and the hiding of pedophiles and the lies about the Un and Mexico. Shortly the scales might fall from your eyes too - God hope so.


  • voltaire

    Faith is dangerous, it causes people to hijack planes and fly them into buildings IIt moves JWs to let their children bleed to death. Cultivate reason; it will serve you better.

  • Lapuce
    It is a shame that people are here portraying themselves as Jehovah's Witness as having some knowlege or going to meetings. What exists here is a complete lack of faith in anything. And a great amount of stupidity. The statements of "I'm a former Witness and people don't talk to me". Well Duh!!!. Why would anyone want to. Can all people do here is complain? No one has any backbone anyway. Stop complaining and do something to increase your faith and appreciation for God's word and his people on earth. This group will not do that

    Ok Grissmon, are you trying to count you time here while preaching, you're talking with apostates here.... ohhhh I should tell the elders on you, bad bad boy! You should be out on the street in service doing door to door, and not being here since it bugs you so much...

  • KW13

    i think if you saw passed the end of your nose and read peoples experiences here you might see the actual truth.

    i agree with the first poster, piss off.

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