Guantanamo Bay Suicides - a PR Move

by eyeslice 131 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fangorn

    I guess the word allegation is meaningless to you Robdar. None of this stuff has been supported.

    While I'm sure you're used to having your ass kissed and it's probably the only point of emotional contact for a pathetic terrorist bum boy schmuck like you, I'll pass.

    Neocon, neocon, you're really hung up on that. I guess you're an anti-semite aren't you, that's the code word isn't it. No wonder you're a terrorist ass licker.

  • Robdar

    I guess you're an anti-semite aren't you, that's the code word isn't it. No wonder you're a terrorist ass licker.

    That's the trouble with neo-con ass wipes like you. You guess about a lot. For your information, I date a Jewish fellow. He's hot. And guess what? We agree about the situation in Guantanamo.

    Now get off the name calling and guessing and respond to the problems at hand. You said:

    just for your further enlightenment you might check on the status of the International Red Cross in Guantanamo. They have unfettered (look it up if the term confuses you) access to the prisoners in Guantanamo and they have no complaints, as in zero, none, nada about the way prisoners are treated there. I'm sure it will astonish you to know that the IRC is not a right wing, neocon organization, is not a particular friend of the US and usually leans left. But then you're not interested in the truth are you? You just want to froth at the mouth with your leftist, anti-Bush, anti-US garbage.

    And I proved you wrong. That's really why you are such a dimwitted, foul tempered ass wipe, isn't it? You are wrong and you just cant handle it. Speaking of ass licking, you missed a spot over by my left butt cheek.

  • Robdar

    I guess you're an anti-semite

    Dumb ass neocon. If anybody is anti-semite, it's you. I'll give you a clue, Semite doesn't mean just a Jewish person:

    Main Entry: Sem·ite
    Pronunciation: 'se-"mIt, esp British 'sE-"mIt
    Function: noun
    Etymology: French sémite, from Semitic Shem, from Late Latin, from Greek SEm, from Hebrew ShEm

    1 a : a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs b : a descendant of these peoples
    2 : a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language

    Now, I will quote you again:

    Who cares if the murderous scum kill themselves? Give them the pill or the rope or a gas oven or whatever it takes. The world will be a better place. As far as the hell of Guantanamo goes, most of the prisoners that have been released said it was a great place. The "hellhole" is pure lefty propaganda

    YOU are the anti-semite, moron.

    Yanno, calling you a neocon is an insult to the other neocons of the world. You are a plain faced, arse licking imbecile.

  • katiekitten

    Guys, you CAN discuss this without calling each other names. Thats just silly, and if I may say so, nasty.

    International Red Cross in Guantanamo. They have unfettered (look it up if the term confuses you) access to the prisoners in Guantanamo and they have no complaints, as in zero, none, nada

    Yes. But still its not the treatment per se that is the problem.

    Its the fact that a group of people are being held without any prospect of EITHER being released OR having a trial. That is wrong. Plain wrong.

    Maybe the Red Cross only have a remit to comment on conditions, and not on the larger political issues, like whether it is right or legal to hold people indefinately in a place covered by no legal jurisdiction.

    Personally id rather be shot immediately and wrongly, than held for year indefinately and with no clue as to when I might get a trial.

  • Robdar

    Guys, you CAN discuss this without calling each other names. Thats just silly, and if I may say so, nasty.

    But it's so much fun, KK. I think Fang is enjoying it too.

  • katiekitten

    Ahh sorry!

    I guess I missed the point

  • mkr32208

    Here lets make it simple!

    Anyone who will publicly curse ALLAH and say that the terrorist are wrong can go free. Right now! TOFUCKINDAY! If your one of the three wrongly imprisoned 'not even religious' guys then you have nothing to fear right?

    Since all Muslims are in fact peace loving and misunderstood there should be no problem with saying "Allah sucks donkey dick and mohamed is a homosexual" on live tv right? I mean all those peace loving Muslims will say "it was just theocratic warfare and we understand!"

    Here's a chance for these guys to all get out...

  • katiekitten
    Anyone who will publicly curse ALLAH and say that the terrorist are wrong can go free. Right now! TOFUCKINDAY!

    Is this a new legal test in America? What about a proper trial? Surely the pilgrims escaped all that witch burning, water dunking if she floats shes a witch if she drowns she innocent stuff.

    I thought they had decided the rule of law was better than that. But I see I was wrong... all you have to do is curse Allah to show your innocence...

    If your one of the three wrongly imprisoned 'not even religious' guys then you have nothing to fear right?


    What they have to fear is that they might be there for another 4 years awaiting trial. Or longer. Im not saying they are innocent. Im saying they deserve a trail. If they are guilty the trial will prove that, and YOU have nothing to fear. After all your legal system IS robust enough to protect you from truly guilty people isnt it?

  • katiekitten
    Since all Muslims are in fact peace loving and misunderstood there should be no problem with saying "Allah sucks donkey dick and mohamed is a homosexual" on live tv right?

    I dont understand the logical step that says "if you are a devout religious person, slandering your god in the vilest terms on live TV is a sure test that you are not a fanatic".

    It is only a test that you can slander a deity in vile and offensive language.

    Your logic seems to be flawed by anger.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Anyone who will publicly curse ALLAH and say that the terrorist are wrong can go free.

    What stupid thing to say!Also,not everyone fighting America is automatically a terrorist...ever heard of resistance fighters??

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