So, okay you 'christians', what does God REALLY

by AGuest 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigboi


    You have the nerve ask for explanations for personal attacks? Well, Shelby did a good job of highlighting your hypocrisy. You've doen nothing but attack the woman personally. Now you have a problem with someone doing the same to you? If you were able make judgements about yourself as easily as you make them about other ppl, I might be willing to help. Again, I might be, don't hold your breath.

    If yu could see past the hate you are spewing forth then maybe you might be able to understand. However, I doubt you ever will. Have a nice life Julie. Someone should feel sorry for your kids.



    "life's a bitch a with a g-string and a twelve pack of Busch."

  • Julie

    Ah little man--

    Again you display your cowardice. I clearly dispelled Shelby's allegations of hypocrisy. If you think me wrong on this count by all means correct me. I am always willing to learn.

    As for feeling sorry for my kids, perhaps I do drive them too hard. Last night when I was making the rounds of all our local food merchants, for donations to our local food pantry for the poor, I had them come with me and help me carry all the bags and boxes of food the good people of Traverse City donated to the cause. And today, when it was time to distribute all the food, they came with me to help box it up acccording to each person's needs. Of course this pantry is part of a Catholic church, I've worked there (volunteered) for six years, and while I no longer believe in the religion I believe in the cause of feeding hungry people (of any color or religion). Does this make me a hypocrite (as you seem to apply the term so loosely)?

    Lucky for them they'll be in school tomorrow so they don't have to come with me while I volountarily (that means no pay) fill in at the American Cancer Society for the secretary who lost her mother in one of the plane crashes. Tuesday, when I go to volunteer at the library to read to the little kids they will be in school so they'll miss that too.(Doing my bit for literacy in America) Oh yes, but slave driver that I am, I had them come with me to the local blood bank and help to register donors and pass out refreshments the other day.

    While I cannot save the world I'd rather light a candle than curse the darkness. How about you?

    Yes, self-centered, hateful bitch that I am, I can't believe the state hasn't come and taken them away from me yet.

    So tell me self-righteous, judgemental, presumptuous little boy--what have you done lately to contribute to your world????

    Julie, who normally doesn't tell the world of her labors but thought a lesson needed to be administered here

  • bigboi
    Yes, self-centered, hateful bitch that I am, I can't believe the state hasn't come and taken them away from me yet.

    You said it.



    "life's a bitch a with a g-string and a twelve pack of Busch."

  • Tina

    Hi Julie,
    What a woman you are! I am grateful there are folks like you in the world!
    Please dont be surprised to be denigrated and insulted from ingrates here. They're the ones sitting on their asses here,harassing and pointing their dirty little fingers at others who are out and actively trying to make this world a little better place.luv,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • Julie

    Little man--

    How come you are such a coward?? How come you don't answer any questions? Have you no balls? Have you pride? Have you no brain?

    What a sad little man. BTW, Shelby has been mysterioulsy quiet today. Is she rapturously enjoying her delusions or what?

    Julie, who pities Shelby who only has this sad little man to ineffectively come to her aid

  • bigboi
    How come you are such a coward?? How come you don't answer any questions? Have you no balls? Have you pride? Have you no brain?

    How come you think your questions are worth answering?

    I have 2 balls, one's smaller than the other one.

    Yes, I do have some pride. I don't take myself too seriously though. I have even less consideration for the likes of you.

    I've got a brain. When you start using yours, I'll start using mine.

    That is all I'm done with you. Good bye.



    "life's a bitch a with a g-string and a twelve pack of Busch."

  • Julie

    As I said before littleboy--

    :I clearly dispelled Shelby's allegations of hypocrisy. If you think me wrong on this count by all means correct me.

    Can't do it eh? I didn't think so. It would be painful to admit I am sure, just as it is painful for Shelby to be honest when she is wrong too. As they say, 'birds of a feather.....'

    thanks for demonstrating the tactics of a "good Christian", you make it so much easier for the "likes of me"....


  • toddy

    AGuest,what in Gods name are you on about???

  • bigboi
    thanks for demonstrating the tactics of a "good Christian", you make it so much easier for the "likes of me"....

    Where did you get that from? Could it be yet another baseless assumption on your part? Why am I not surprised? I fyou want to call me a Christian fine, I've been called worse. Hell, but I don't even consider myself a "good Christian" if I consider myself one at all. Thanks though, I must be making a better impression than I thought.



    "life's a bitch a with a g-string and a twelve pack of Busch."

  • joelbear

    this thread is yet a zillionth example of what happens when we stray away from what god wants (for us to love each other) and start adding our own philosophies and self importance into it.

    we are not prophets, we are not important, other than in how we add to the wonderful living world and in how we help others.


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