So, okay you 'christians', what does God REALLY

by AGuest 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigboi
    hey, won't that the name of some big greasy cheeseburger years ago?)

    dunno, maybe

    why is it you're always hacking up hairballs on behalf of Shelby?
    Isn't her "schpirit" strong enuff to take care of her?

    I guess the spirit moved me.

    So, you acknowledge her affliction.
    Least we're on the same page on that ONE....

    Sarcasm? Nice ONE....

    I don't need to re-read something I just wrote, BBoy.
    I've considered Jesus' words, some of them Rough Stuff... and tried to use some of Jesus words in the past week to warn Shelby, that she has been seduced by an Unclean (hence Evil) Spirit.

    I suggested you re read your post because it seemed odd to me that you would condemn shelby for exhibiting certain behaviors while exhibiting those behaviors yourself, is all. Oh I forgot, you blamed it on the "spirit" guiding her. I wonder what spirit is guiding you?

    Righteous Indignation is healthy.

    Oh! So that is what that was!

    What is not healthy for Shelby or the cause of Christianity is for her to give herself over to this seductive spirit and spout off all these nonsense... and refuse to answer legitimate questions from folks here, that probably are trying to help her.
    Snap her out of it!

    Who determines whether the spirit guiding Shelby is "seductive"? Has she refused to answer these questions, or has she chosen not to answer them yet? Help? That was another example of sarcasm right?

    What do you mean "her part"?
    I thought it was the "schpirit" what tolt her if she could respond or not... and I KNOW that "schpirit" didn't want to respond to me.

    OK so it's a wise spirit then.

    You got NINETEEN.... more toes and fingers to go, big fellow!

    You might have ONE left, but it sure as hell ain't a toe.



    "life's a bitch a with a g-string and a twelve pack of Busch."

  • Farkel


    In a nutshell, your response to Tom T's evidence was this:

    : So, what? So, for all of your hatred and maligning of me, I have not done so to you

    Tom presented solid evidence and you are a big bullshitter, Shelby. I offered you lessons in logic way-back-when. You declined. You prefer bullshit.

    I therefore don't trust you OR your bullshit God and your bullshit reasons for speaking for him. And it is not my fault, Shelby. It is YOUR fault. You are a liar and a charletan. You are a fraud, Shelby and all your voices and all of your bullshit is just voices and bullshit. You have revealed yourself to us and the world, Shelby. And it ain't nice. If God really IS speaking to you, I'd rather be in Philadelphia.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • navco79

    god wants the apostates crushed to dust it is coming praise jehovah

  • navco79

    u can say something about sentence structure all u want u sad weirdo but the education want save your pathetic life. as your brain of dung gets squeezed like a water bottle will see stupid one just like in isreal always have to have some stupid i think im so smart ones well u no what happened to them so enjoy your time roach your mashing day is coming hahaha lol have fun

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Becareful not to use your hand when you swat him, it looks like he got a stinger.

    When a 2 year old asks a complicated question how do you answer?
    How long have you LIVED and how long has God LIVED?100000000 to .0000000001
    Who is like God?
  • outcast

    Hopefully they only let him out on meeting nights, and he'll be back in lock up at the sanitorium tomorrow.

  • navco79

    how does it fell to be half dead jehovahs people grow every year just seen 2 studied become dedicated while u cry every day on the net and your homosexual leader of this cult randy plays with him self as he watches watchtower org? u all are sick people a net sodom its time 4 jehovah and jesus to send lightning bolts between the eyes till your brain pops apostates i hope its worth it

  • navco79

    jesus said we will be hated and spit upon and they will try to stop us its been over a century weirdos its more powerful than ever attack us now soon the fire and sulfer will roast u all! i have the barbecue sauce!

  • Cassiline

    Hey Julie and Tallyman,
    Did you notice AGuest lied, or perhaps her spirit guide misdirected her replys. (YEA RIGHT)whatever......................

    AGuest's quote's,

    >>>>>>>Dearest Julie... may you have peace... and dear one, I answered the question. In truth... and in quite some detail. If you did not 'hear' and/or 'get the sense of it'... I am not sure how to proceed from here. Perhaps you can review what I was given to share... and tell me SPECIFICALLY what you did not understand. Okay? Okay. And, again, peace to you.

    >>>>>>>>Dearest Julie... may you have peace... and may you know and understand that in ALL truth... I had not yet received an answer until earlier today. Seriously. And so until then, I didn't even entertain your question. But, my Lord has condescended to make a reply. Thus, the word of my Lord to you, in answer to your question is:

    Just in case anyone missed it.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Julie

    Surprise! Surprise!! Another Fundy-liar!!!

    I guess all the horrible turmoil in the world is going on cause God is too busy blathering in the ear of a delusional liar. Not only is Shelby a liar--it is OK with her that there is much killing and horrible violence on "God's behalf".

    Sick, sick fundies.

    Julie, who knows if they could those sick fundies would gladly achieve a Christian Taliban and their first step would be to kill all of us who see through the bullshit

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