So, okay you 'christians', what does God REALLY

by AGuest 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • JustAThought

    Now, normally, I wouldn't presume to answer for Shelby, but, it is obvious to even me that this response ...

    Dearest Julie... may you have peace... and dear one, I answered the question. In truth... and in quite some detail. If you did not 'hear' and/or 'get the sense of it'... I am not sure how to proceed from here. Perhaps you can review what I was given to share... and tell me SPECIFICALLY what you did not understand. Okay? Okay. And, again, peace to you.

    ... is in response to the main question of the thread, ...

    What does God really want?

    ... while this response ...

    Dearest Julie... may you have peace... and may you know and understand that in ALL truth... I had not yet received an answer until earlier today. Seriously. And so until then, I didn't even entertain your question. But, my Lord has condescended to make a reply ...

    ... is in response to your specific question ...

    Judges 4:21
    And Jael the wife of Heber proceeded to take a pin of the tent and to put the hammer into her hand. Then she went to him stealthily and drove the pin through his temples and beat it into the earth while he was fast asleep and weary. So he died.

    Judges 5:24-26
    Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite will be most blessed among women, among women in the tent she will be most blessed. Water he asked, milk she gave; In the large banquet bowl of majestic ones she presented curdled milk. Her hand to the tent pin she then thrust out, and her right hand ot the mallet of hard workers. And she hammered Sisera, she pierced his head through, and she broke apart and cut up his temples.

    My question is: If I drive a tent spike through the temples of some guy's head can I too be "most blessed among women in the tent"?

    ... which I simply took as rhetorical the first time through, too.


  • Julie

    Perhaps it was a round-about way of asking for an explaination for a horrible passage in a book that Shelby (and others) claim to be God's word. Silly me I am prone to think that something from God would be enlightening. Not like a R-rated movie that teaches us nothing other than gruesome ways to kill others.


  • Cassiline

    Dear Just a Thought,
    If you look AGuest posted the main question in the thread, asking us what God wants. Two posts later (in same thread) Julie poses her question to AGuset.
    Then Julie repeatly asks for an answer to Her own question.
    Please re-read the posts and you might see what I saw.
    Also since AGuest claims to be receiving messages, why would she not know to which message she was replying.

    My above post is what I saw and still believe. If you follow the post from the begining.

    edited by ME for spelling mistakes


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.


    My dear sister Shelby:

    My spirit bears witness with truth.

    What a wonderful priviledge to understand true "releasing" and not "binding"...
    It is spiritual and truly free.

    If we as those who profess to be Israel could daily remember that the whole law is summed up in ONE word. LOVE!!!
    Not of just those that love us, but truly love of our enemies.
    When we have shown an act of love to individuals that do not return the same, the feeling inside is wonderful knowing we have done what we are supposed to be doing, and knowing that our lord DIED for them just as much as he died for us. The ultimate perfect sacrifice. Are we not to be willing also to imitate for others what our lord did for ALL of us?

    Our nation feels such mixed feelings at the recent event.
    The biggest feeling is one of 'revenge' and 'retaliation.'

    The greatest principle that we teach daily to our children in school is "Treat others as you want to be treated!"

    WOW! How hypocritical can we possibly be? Does not rengence trulybelong to God? Could it be that we that profess to be christians and belong to the Christ could be having our hearts tested?

    Could wanting justice here and now be causing our hearts to become wicked? Yes, the bible does mention "eye for eye".....but since we are ALL born in sin and ALL fall short and ALL deserve death....where possibly is OUR mercy and patience for Jah to intervene?

    Just something we ALL including myself must think about, especially during these days.

    JUST A MOM (Kim)

  • Julie

    :If we as those who profess to be Israel could daily remember that the whole law is summed up in ONE word. LOVE!!!

    Really??? I must have missed that. Which bible are you reading dear?


  • Tallyman
    Hey Julie and Tallyman,
    Did you notice AGuest lied, or perhaps her spirit guide misdirected her replys. (YEA RIGHT) whatever...

    Hey Cassiline,

    yeah I noticed.

    "Spirit Guide"... that's a good way to describe the influence that Shelby is under. Such befitting Ewwy-Gooey-Fooey-Dooey-Newy-Agey
    Flakey Terminology.

    Shelby can say "I heard wrong"... "My baby was banging a pot and a pan in the background making too much noise and "The Voice" was muffled."

    Cass, You caught Shelby in a lie. Plain and Simple.
    She's so full of Mumbo-Jumbo, she can't keep track of what she's spewing.
    And those New Age Spirit Guides are NOTORIOUS Liars.
    They love to mislead and deceive their Hosts.

    Shelby is serving as a Host to this Parasitic Evil Entity.
    And we pity her.
    God help her.

    She traded in one brand of the Occult (Watchtower) for another brand of the Occult.

    "JustAMom" and "JustAThought" are both "Shelby Shills".

    You are right.
    The question Shelby said she answered in detail, was Julie's
    question, NOT the question of the thread, which Shelby started and opened up for OTHERS to answer...
    These "Shelby Shills" are as stOOpid as she is.
    Maybe they are the same - just different online IDs.

    And then Shelby comes back the next day with the answer to Julie's question which the "Spirit Guide" gave her.

    Can you imagine being jerked around by an Evil Entity like that?

    Gives me the Kreeps it does!


  • msil
  • msil

    "I would exhort you to first ask... and then LISTEN... to the Master's voice "

    Is this what you are referring to?

  • Julie

    Tallyman, Cass,

    The thing I think is most preposterous is this: There is plague, pestilance, famine and war in the world. Daily children are beaten, raped and killed. The horrors that exist in this world to day are unspeakable. Here we have Shelby who claims God is speaking to her and directing her on what to write in her posts (and a few who support her). How Narcissistic is that???? God would talk to Shelby instead of dealing with some of the earthly horrors His Children are subjected to?????

    It is obvious that Shelby is not in her right mind and those who believe/support her in her ridiculous calims are just a bad/sad.


  • JustAThought

    Hey Tallyman,

    "JustAMom" and "JustAThought" are both "Shelby Shills".

    I ain't no Shelby shill. Where are YOU getting YOUR information from?


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