HELP.... kingdom hall to be erected in my meeting!

by meljon 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    I've got some brochures for you here, but I agree with the others....your protest would probably be much more effective if you mainly discussed the planning issues. (Throwing in a few other opinions probably wouldn't hurt, but too many & they'll think you're a bigot, then discount everything you said.)

    Questions you can ask at the hearing: Will the current roads be able to handle the traffic? Is there adequate parking to handle all the cars, including Memorial nights when it's busier? Have these issues been studied or professionally evaluated? How much of an an increased tax burden will be brought by this tax-exempt organization? Will the KH make a lot of noise that would disturb the neighbors?

    If you're really diplomatic about it, you might be able to mention a concern that this organization known to hide pedophiles & how this will affect the neighborhood. They've even got a database of rapists they refuse to turn over to the police. Have you checked your local area to determine if there are alleged perps in your area? Silent Lambs has one database for the US; if you know names, you can check other databases. If you were able to mention a name of a convicted rapist, that would proably pique interest.

    Good luck!

  • metatron

    Listen to Blondie and Mulan about traffic - it can block their building. I've read Seventh Day Adventist articles on this subject,

    about home churches being legally banned if they cause traffic problems.

    If it's a conservative/patriotic community, I'd bring up the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses excommunicate anyone who joins the armed

    forces by reading their name off in front of the congregation and ordering members not to speak to or eat with them.


  • juni

    For those that live in the territory right around that Hall, if they take any lit or show any interest, they will be called on a lot (return visits) as you get to start your time right away after the f. service mtg. ends.

    Just a thought from my experience in car groups. So in other words, harassing neighbors.

    Jedi Juni

  • juni


    Welcome Meljon to the forum. Look forward to more postings by you.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    If you know the specific place they plan to build - I would center my attention there. Make the local residents aware of the issues brought up here - both the moral issues and the traffic and other problems. Canvass the area with info as to the town meetings, city council meetings that relate etc. Many voices will be heard over one. These guys are elected officials in the US [I assume you are in the US]. They don't want to lose office over allowing Jw's to build.

    A simple one page listing of web sites and basic problems should get some ire up - five or six protesting people will get noticed.


  • proandcon

    Make sure the town stipulates that meetings can be held only on 3 days a week...oftentimes, JW's will get an ok to build based on one congregation and in time amother cong shares the hall ...and doubles the meeting schedule...meanwhile the JW's never inform the town of this change...useage is then doubled.

    also, be sure town is aware if the new hall will contain a residential apartment...most new halls will I believe to house the CO or those who are "leaving" bethel" to go into the FT service work at localaties. The approval to do so may be just that much more difficult to obtain.

  • jwfacts

    Danny makes a great point about pedophiles as it is a subtle and professional way to introduce the issue that will demand attention. Show the JW policy on pedophiles and say that since the WTS does not abid by the law in this issue the hall should be erected away from where there is a chance attending pedophiles will be able to liase with children.

    Traffic is also an issue. When we did our quick build i had to spend several meetings counting cars at the old hall and also at the new location.

  • daniel-p

    If you are thinking of attending planning commission hearings then do not resort to emotional appeals - that is the best way to turn a Commission/Council/Board off. Just find things worng with the project itself.

  • Purza

    I am not sure what state you are in, but the planning process should be considered public record. Attend all planning meetings (design review, planning commssion, etc.) and let your voice be heard. As daniel-p said -- do not become overly emotional or get mad at the commissioners or staff if they do not agree with you. If you go crazy on them, they tend to not hear you.

    Good luck.


  • blondie

    If the WTS is legally recognized as a religion in the country where a KH is being built, trying to bring up religious doctrine as a reason may backfire on you.

    Stick with issues such as

    1) Loss of tax revenue/no programs helping community monetarily

    2) Parking/traffic issues, especially if it is a residential area.

    3) Be aware of any zoning laws that apply and that the local congregation is not misrepresenting the facts..

    4) Noise levels in regard to the comings and goings. Will people want 100 or more people coming in at 9:30 on a Saturday/Sunday morning. Children playing outside; people talking/shouting in the parking area.

    5) Signs and lighting (those lights on the parking area are bright)

    Other than that, these people are in "danger" of having JWs call whether there is a KH in the neighborhood or not. With the advent of cell phones, many JWs now start their time calling people from the car. I would not bring up the issue of pedophiles unless you know that a convicted person attends the congregation. Sad to say, pedophiles are found in every religion.

    My experience with local governmental groups is that they are most concerned with noise, traffic, and appearance of the property.


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