Were YOU Gossiped About In The Congregation?

by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Gossip was the principal "hobby" of just about everyone in my old cong, and most of it used to stem from the elders. I remember a few awake articles on gossip, which obviously didn't get read.

  • KW13

    they think they are above it, as elders its their job lol

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I thought our Hall was the ,"Gossipers Hall of Fame ". We even had most of the Elder Body replaced in the 1980's for the rampant gossip their wives caused .HQ sent in a Bethelite Gestapo elder to reorganize .Now most are back in their old positions , and still at it except now it's been passed down to their kids. I can only imagine what is being said about my family right now. I'm evil enough to start my own rumors about myself just to see how far it will go and mutate.

  • kilroy2

    I can say first hand that the elders were the biggest gossips, Nor* Guardner of Vanderbuilt Mi, I used to hang out with his kid, and I could always hear him telling his fat ass wife lorn* all the dirt on every meeting he had been involved with.

    She loved to hear the crap, I guess I would tell her gossip if I were married to her to, if it would keep me from having to sleep with her, uggg, I used to call them BJ and the bear, as N. Guardner used to truck for the socity, he loved the pointed boots double clutching trucker crap.

    Guardner telling his wife was very common, most elders tell the wives everything that goes on in the commity room, I think they wack off thinking about who is doing who.

  • loosie

    My very own mother started gossip about me.

    She called up lots of sisters in my current congregation and told them that I had Syphillis. Where she got that idea I'll never know. I never had syphillis. The worst thing I have ever had was the typical yeast infection.

  • Balsam

    Yah the latest in Randleman, NC is that "Unique1" and "Balsam" (that is me) are apostates and we are dragging the JW away from the congregations. We are Satan's helpers. LOL

    And I am the evil wife who left my faithful JW Ministerial servant husband immediately after our son was killed in an auto accident. I ran off with a man I didn't know whom I'd met on the internet. Another one was that I had run off with a prison convict, heard that from my ex-husband's cousin which is totally bizarre, and had to be started by my ex. I also turned my son's in to apostates.

    The truth is that my son did die after his father refused blood for him and that is what caused me to leave my ex-husband. That idiot is so self -righteous it would never occureto him he was the cause of my leaving. I did seek shelter with and my old high school friend, and he helped me divorce my idiot husband and now he and I are married. But he was no strange to me, we just had not seen each other in 30 plus years. My sons chose to leave the JW because of the death of their brother at the hands of their Dad refusing life saving blood transfusions to save him.

    The weird thing is how Unique1 and I are not working together to bring people out of the JW's. I think her mother got that one started, along with a young disf'ed 21 yr old in the same congregation who is terrified of anyone outside JW's talking to her. Sad and pathetic lives. Well we are notorious and interesting at least.

  • Tigerman

    This is odd. I was gossiped about and I'm not even a JW. This is what happened. I was at my son's wedding reception ( who is a JW ), standing at a counter and some guy strolls up to me and says, " So, you're the one. " Of course not having any idea what this short, fat, bald man was talking about I said, " Yeah, that's right. I'm the one ." And he walked on.

    I started thinking about what he said. Maybe he ,and his crowd on the other side of the room, thought me to be a demon or something . . . .maybe they think I'm the one that they have nightmares about . . .maybe they know in their heart of hearts that I'm the one that will one day make them feel the pain that they have inflicted on thousands of people around the world as they destroyed one family after another in the name of the great Watchtower Society of Brooklyn, New York

    Am I the ONE ?

    ( this is a nonhijacking post )

  • rawdata

    A couple of y'all said "if you're alive" you get gossiped about. Heck, some of the Witnesses I knew, even that wasn't a requirement. There was some people who had died years before, that they still gossiped about. Granted, people are going to talk about people, it's just part of human nature. It's not like they have a sense of decorum, but choose to ignore it. It's like the entire concept of appropriateness is lost on them.

    @ tigerman: You were warned what would happen if you took the red pill.


  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    When ANY brother or sister stands up and really speaks the truth (no pun intended) and demands answers and action from the local Elders, YES! You can bet the tongues are wagging. As a standard practice, it is a common trait with many if not most JWs to be busy meddling in other people's affairs and they are just as bad as anywhere else on this planet. Although, the smell of self-righteous arrogance does permeate the air with JWs more-so than with normal people. Hell, you have to cut the air to walk through it sometimes.................................LMAO

  • Tigerman

    rawdata . . . I want another one !!!!

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