Were YOU Gossiped About In The Congregation?

by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    The beautiful thing is that elders can't get into trouble for being gossipers because they're doing it for the congregation's good.

  • blondie

    Sometimes if the elders "gossiped" lied about the wrong person (a powerful elder or his wife), they could get their butt in a sling.


  • Leolaia


    And when I complained to an elder (since the rumors were untrue), he gave a talk about it at the service meeting in which he talked about the specific rumor as a "hypothetical situation" (in which all eyes in the congregation immediately centered on me and the "other person"), to my embarassing regret for ever telling him about it in the first place....

  • DannyHaszard

    Hazing horrors at the hall-Carrying on in the car-group,field service by the clique elite often was what i called malicious in the ministry and time for consecrated gossip by the service bags bitchy dominatrix regular pioneers

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Were YOU Gossiped About In The Congregation?

    Yep - it is the most powerful tool the witness priesthood has at it's disposal.

    They mostly gossiped about me because I would not 'shut up' and just get in the theocratic line. Those damn pesky doctrinal inquiries and concern about Christian love [or lack therof].

    They are still at it though I am out for over two years now - every once in a while a tidbit falls from the slander mill and I hear it - let em do thier worse.


  • Fleur

    ROFLMAO!!!! What a question! Let me tell you, the stories of my departure from my 1st marriage and df'ing get bigger by the year. Even I can't believe some of the things I've done LOL.

    Bottom line, all JW's gossip because they are miserable. The only ones who don't gossip are the ones either on their way out or the ones who are just so sickened by it because it's happened to them. Otherwise, it's open season. If you're alive, in a congregation, and at all intersting, attractive, or successful (or any combination thereof) believe me, you're being talked about.


  • plmkrzy

    big time.

  • wednesday

    i once years ago moved about 10 miles from where I currently am. one JWS , (not an elder) came up to me and asked me if I thought by moving here people woud not know who I was. (apparently i am a celebrity) I was stunned(can you really imagine someone saying that) and then told them to Mind their own business. They felt I was insulting. also, once a smart mouth young MS saw us in the movie rental place and felt it his right to examine what we were renting..

  • plmkrzy

    I think the stupidest gossip happened after I left. I found out I became a madam for an escort service. LOL! I wish.

  • lovelylil

    not only gossiped about but for three years certain eldereses tried to make my life a living hell. They were jealous becasue my experiences were often used in our KH and were upset because my hubby was the account servant and these "sisters" tried to influence the way money for the hall was spent. Their elder hubbys were totally hen pecked and did everything they said. Anyway, they tried to get me to influence my hubby and I told them the accounts were none of my business and if they had a problem with that, they could send their elder husbands over to explain to my why they, as sisters, should have any say in how the KH's money was spent.

    From that time on, and for the next three years, they called me the man of my family, said I was the one who hen pecked my hubby, called me a bad mother, they said I made up all my good experiences even though some of their husbands were witnesses to some of them. They said my kids were stubborn and bad association, and that I had mental problems.

    Most of these rumors got back to me by my friends. I then tried to resolve it by pointing out the scritpures about slander to the elder's wives but they laughed at me. I tried to bring them before a judicial committee by going to the PO whose wife was not involved. But my witnesses where called by the elder husbands and told if they said anything, they would be promptly disfellowshipped. So they called and told me they were too scared to say anything. My hubby was furious and resigned as a MS. By the way this was the Hingham MA congregation.

    I had to go to a CO in order to stop it. Things calmed down for a while, then resumed. Thankfully I was out of the WT a few months later. This experince actually helped my hubby and kids to see that all was not kosher in the WT world.

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