Were YOU Gossiped About In The Congregation?

by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    Who wasn't gossiped about?? I hated it and made it my goal not to mean mouth anyone. That backstabbing problem was one of the things that made me decide to get out.


  • under_believer

    Anyone who has lived in the same house as an elder™ knows that they talk on the phone for hours gossiping about the publishers™. Often in casual situations, like a dinner, two elders™ will go off into a side room of the house and gossip. It happens at the meetings™ too. It's also totally true that most elder bodies™ are factionalized and usually have one or more internal parties vying for control. Any former CO™ can attest to the problems with elder body™ strife he encountered in the circuit work™. I personally have been gossiped about many times.
    There is the odd, virtuous Witness™ who is above gossip--my mother was one. But they are few and far between, and as others have mentioned, it's mostly because they don't have anything else to do with their time.

  • juni
    because they don't have anything else to do with their time

    I don't feel that that is a general reason for why they do it. I believe it's a way of making themselves feel superior over others. Also, those that are die hard gossipers like the attention they get from others when they have the latest dirt.


  • wednesday

    yes, I knew a pioneer sister , who was otherwise as sweet as she coud be, but could not resist gossip.

  • Lokie2005

    Most definetly!! If they could see me now, I wonder what they would say now? I am much more of interesting and Colourful character now..

  • juni

    Welcome Lokie.

    They would probably think/say - "See what happens when you leave the ark of salvation for Satan's world."

    Look forward to future posts by you.


  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    As Juni said " Who wasn't gossipped about?"

    In my experience, the Elderettes were the worst offenders (although hardly anyone was squeaky clean).

    This is one of the many, many reasons that I am glad that I broke with this lot 12 years ago.


  • minimus

    A lotta little devils in the "Christian Congregation", huh?

  • serendipity

    I sure hope so. Lord knows I gave them plenty to talk about.

  • Forscher
    Were YOU Gossiped About In The Congregation?<.div>
    Of course. who wasn't? But for those of us who were not in the "in" cliques the gossip could get downright vicious.
    So, what was the gossip about? Through the years I had my sexual orientation called into question (I was the odd man out when the marraige "musical chairs" was finished), was labelled a "fighter against Jehovah", labelled as lazy, labelled as materialistic, labelled as henpecked after I got married, and on and on. Some of the gossip made its way out of the congregation and into the wider community. Again, the elders were the worse ones about doing that as were the suck-up Ministerial servants who were trying to curry favor with one particularly powerful alpha-elder.
    For all I know they still are doing it. I hope they enjoy it!

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