Were YOU Gossiped About In The Congregation?

by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunnygal41

    yeah, I know I was especially after I was DF'd.....an elder's wife who was my personal friend before I left came up to my mom and told her not to talk to so and so elder cuz gossip/details of my DF case was circulating the congregation.........lol.......

  • blondie

    Everyone was gossiped about at the KH, even the CO and DO weren't exampt. The favorite JW entertainment is gossip. Making up things is allowed too.


  • Sunnygal41

    But the Ivory tower say's only buy four door sedans to facilitate,'car groups' for the sacred door to door 'field service'.............Danny, I know how you feel.........me and the ex did the same thing........and lived in cheap apartments instead of buying our own home or starting a savings account.........everything was for the organization.

  • candidlynuts

    if i was talked TO as much as i was talked ABOUT, i'd probably still be an active productive member .

  • minimus

    Candidlynuts, How true for sooooo many! But the Org.is known for its love, right?

  • looking_glass

    They still do it. It is their only form of entertainment. My mom gets really angry when people gossip about her, but she is always telling me "so-and-so's daughter is pregnant and you know she was pioneering, blah, blah, blah" I love the double standards.

    However, to be honest, those high and mighty ones when they fall, it is facsinating to watch. Oh how the might fall. A family friend once said of the PO who was removed .. "the high priest has died and now we can return to the city" because the guy ruled like he in fact was a high priest. He is a much nicer guy now that he had to endure what he made everyone else go thru before.

  • bem

    I know I was since it took me so long to be baptised, and for many more things now. but so was publishing-sis-with seven kids all having different dads, So was bro-better than you cause my kids are all 'in' and active<> never mind what they did outside the hall. Bro & sis with a son at Bethel talked about others and was talked about, The believing sis with the unbelieving hubby. The man that 'had been' an addict and now tried so hard to stay clean and sobber, but was constantly reminded he wasn't good enough to be baptised. Until he finally gave up after ten years I knew of trying to please the elders so they would allow him to get baptised) the list goes on, How do I know all this stuff??? All those years of studying. This is what was talked about in front of me during 'my personal bible study'.

  • Quentin

    You bet...really cranked up when I married an "unbaptized person"...

    Making up things is allowed too...Blondie
    Yup...nothing like expanding the story...unfounded truths get said that are gobbled up willy-nilly...an insatiable hunger to get the dirt...sad...
  • hartstrings

    This was actually the first big thing that made me question whether it was the "truth." The people who were looked up to the most were the worst gossipers and slanderers. The thing is (as my JW husband clings to) it just wasn't an isolated incident. From the minute we became pioneers and were invited into the intimate circles of the "elite," it became abundantly clear that the key ingredient: love, was completely missing from the equation. It happened in congregation after congregation; curcuit after curcuit.

    I remember coming home from these gatherings and days in the ministry feeling just disgusted and dirty.


  • greendawn

    There was a JW woman in the KH that liked gossiping everyone or at least most people and someone told me that she was gosipping me at some stage.

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