I caught my JW parents digging in my trash + an intervention

by LeftBehind 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Purza
    will start with catching my parents digging in my trash. My neighbor called me on the phone and thought I would like to know that 2 people were digging in my trash and asked if she should call the police. I jumped out of bed and and ran to the back yard thinking I was going to bust some elders. To my shock it was my parents.

    OMG!! I can't believe that! Did they look "guilty"? Were they embarrassed that they were caught? How low can you go!


  • carla

    Sorry if I missed it before, how old are you? just roughly. I can hardly believe your own parents would be going through your garbage! only in the jw's!

  • apfergus

    I remember when my mom regularly searched my room while I was at school when I still lived at home. She would flip out at the most random things and even threatened to kick me out of the house a couple of times. At one point she was also reading my email and to this day I'm still paranoid about keeping track of web browser cookies because of that.

  • daniel-p

    Next time they pull that ask them if they think Scientologists do the same thing.

  • beanorama

    stop smoking crack and maybe the "bad guys" will stop raiding your trash cans - just in start checking your phone lines for taps Kissinger might be listening

  • beanorama

    If I'm taking this out of context, forgive me:

    1. If your still livin there they have free reign over THEIR trash

    2. If your not, call your local crimestoppers, they're trespassin

    3. If your under 18 (or over for that matter), get on a porno site and get a life

    pick any of the above that apply

  • sass_my_frass

    Sorry hon, sounds like a bad time. Maybe if they weren't doing anything at all you'd resent that they don't care. You've been there; only a few months ago you got upset with us for taking your brother away, and that's what they're seeing happening now. Try to use this time to establish how things are going to go between you and they in your new life. But mostly; look after yourself, it's a rotten time!

  • MidwichCuckoo
    Oh where to start. I will start with catching my parents digging in my trash.

    JW's have the strangest hobbies, don't you think?

  • mrsjones5
    JW's have the strangest hobbies, don't you think?

    Oh that's called dumpster diving...some people in the states love to do it, sometimes they find great stuff.



  • MidwichCuckoo

    Lol Mrs Jones - checked out your link. Isn't that a tad different (although STILL odd in my books) from someone going through someone's PERSONAL household dustbin?

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