I caught my JW parents digging in my trash + an intervention

by LeftBehind 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • oldflame

    It does no good to call the police. Sorry but the police can dig through your garbage to locate evidence and they can do this without a warrant. Reason ? Because once your garbage leaves your house and goes into the garbage it is no longer private property but is now public property.

  • TheListener

    Wow. think of it this way - no one every tried that hard to keep me in. They must really love you.

    Also, I thought garbage was private property until it mingled with the other trash in the trash truck.

  • blondie
  • FreeWilly

    Maybe you should just take the initiative. Create a Powerpoint slide-show on all the reasons you are leaving the JW's.

    Have them all over and click "PLAY".

    Do record it for us though! -FW

  • InsomniacMidwesterner

    Hi, Use your study of other cults to help reach your family. Tell them something like, "Did you know that *fill in your favorite non-JW cult name here* teaches that if you leave their organization, terrible things will happen to you? You will die, get cancer, become a junkie lying in the gutter, etc. I really feel for these people. They live in such fear. Could we pray for them together?" Then, before they answer, bow your head, close your eyes, and pray, "Father Jehovah God, please help all these people in these controlling, manipulating cults, like *fill in your favorite non-JW cult name here*. It must be awful to belong to a controlling, manipulative, demanding organization like that. Please open our eyes and help us to relieve the suffering and torment those people must be experiencing. In Jesus' name, amen." They have to pray with you, since you invoked Jehovah's name. Every chance you get, tell them about how different cults enslave their members, how they twist scripture, etc. Just an idea. I have to go to work now. Maybe I'll get some sleep tonight. It could happen. Cheers, Insomniac Midwesterner

  • serendipity

    Since Tom Cruise & Katie are in the news, I'm going to do a little digging on Scientology to find parallels with JWs. I'll have a discussion with my mother and I'll criticize the cult like traits. Maybe that will help her to do some thinking, and pass it along to the other JWs in the family.

  • jgnat

    Ditto what Blondie said three times.

    The frequency of visits, calls, and notes, I am pretty sure, come under the category of HARRASSMENT.

  • Ingenuous


    I wish my parents had been forced to dig through the trash. They used to have a key, so my father just waited until I went to work, then let himself in for a little "reconnaissance"...

    It might help to do some reading on "codependence" in getting ideas on how to break away. I'd highly recommend Melodie Beatty's books, as well as a couple "how to" books, like Emotional Blackmail and Toxic Parents.

  • Amazing1914


    Fascinating post, and something that only former JWs can relate and understand.

    I went to Sams and bought a shredder.

    Excellent move!

    Jim Whitney

  • LeftBehind

    Here is my update on my parents digging in my trash. They are still doing it. I know this because they confronted me on shredding all my papers and want to know what I am hiding. The first time I caught them I felt sorry for them now I feel so violated. How dare they do it again and then have the utter nerve to confront me on why I am shredding. I am so furious. I drew a line in the sand and told them they were not acting normal and that I will inform my neighbor to call the police if she sees them again. I know the police cannot do anything because my trash is "public" but hopefully it will deter them. I am so sickened. Not even in my most righteous dub days would I have considered digging in someones trash. That is just sick and not normal. I know JW's are not normal but sinking so low as to digging in someones trash and then confronting me about shredding my own papers??

    I am still getting phone calls, unannounced visits and notes on my door. Some are getting more agressive though since the last time I posted. They are very upset with me for being vague. My elder brother even accused me of playing head games with them. I saw one sister do a drive by. I have come to the realization that they are not going to let me fade. That sucks. If they would let me fade then we could still have some sort of relationship. They cannot see that though.

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