Atheists Worst Nightmare!

by SickofLies 75 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finally-Free

    Ok, now if someone will just show me how to eat a freaking mango without making a mess of myself I'll be convinced.


  • kid-A

    Despite the fact an organization of MEN betrayed you.... there was a time you wanted to believe and worship Him

    Actually, no there was'nt. Religious shit was forced down my throat by my parents and society. I feel sad when I read comments like this from you. You have just replaced the watchtower drug with another religious drug. Its all the same illusion, but the magicians just wear different capes.

  • Mastodon

    This is PRICELESS!!! It looks like an info-mercial for Bananas. Guess who loves bananas? MONKEYS, bitch! Anyway, he made a good point of slipping that sucker into his hand in a very erotic fashion. And the tab on the banana it's not for opening it, it's to have someway to pull it out of your ass when you're done with it!

    BTW, when I said 'priceless' I meant it's not worth two bags of shit!!!

    MASTODON (Of the "Eat my atheist banana, bitch!" Class)

  • upside/down

    I couldn't take anymore past the whole "banana thing"... I thought he was describing a blow job! does he explain the fruit of a prickly pear cactus?


    u/d(of the big gang bang class)

  • SickofLies
    SickofLies does he explain the fruit of a prickly pear cactus?

    God created these for people who are into S&M

  • daystar

    Sorry, couldn't watch it.

    Oh Kirk! How far have ye fallen!

  • kid-A

    Oh Kirk! How far have ye fallen!

    Tell me about it, I had no idea he had become such a wing-nut. Yikes.

  • peacefulpete
    Evolution is the perfect theory because it can never be proven.

    Before you say too much more ask yourself if animal species alive today look like animal species found in the fossil record. If not then why? New species are presently observed appearing as a result of isolation and hybridization. Genetic mapping has revealed a wealth of information about interspecies relationships and approximately when they diverged from parent species. Just what would be necessary to prove evolution? Everything that we observe through extensive research of the past and present screams evolution.

    The deliberately misleading Pepsi can illustration has nothing to do with biological evolution.

  • slacker911

    This is just another example of creationists being their own worst enemies. If how the banana fits with our "design" is proof of creation, may God also help any athiestic chimpanzees that are out there...

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    >LMAOROFL !!! OK greendawn, whatever helps you sleep at night !!! LOL

    Why does it always come to the alleged 'crutch' that believers 'need'? Your 'crutch' might be atheism, since by declaring you are one you can aleviate any of the conscience pangs that may trouble you. I say that you have to have more faith in naturalistic science than you do in scripture to be a 'true believer'! Oh and use the usual elitist ridicule that betrays a lack of reasonable argumentation.

    >p.s. once you have your Ph.D in molecular genetics, try posting the comment again !

    The same goes for you? BTW, one does not have to be an expert to post a valid comment on any subject. If one had to be an expert in order to have a reasonable view of a scientific discpline then there would be very few who could do so. All of us 'stand on the shoulders of giants' in most fields of study.

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