My Wife Just Called Me...

by XJW4EVR 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • upside/down

    The reality is...they don't have anything more productive to do...

    This is a good thing...


  • Quotes

    I posted this in thread "Crazy Concept - We have to kick you out because you dared to leave!" and feel it is worth repeating:

    Well, it is not that crazy. In fact, there is scriptural support for this.

    Remember the parable of the shepherd, who, upon losing his little lamb, left the entire flock behind, and went out and searched and searched for the missing little lamb.

    Upon finding the missing little lamb, the lamb tried to stay away from the shepherd. The little lamb did not like the loving shepherd, so he tried to stay away from him. But the loving shepherd was agile, and had more experience, so he quickly caught the little lamb.

    Upon catching the lamb, the loving, gentle shepherd proceeded to strangle the lamb to death, with this bare hands. "That ought to keep my flock clean" announced the shepherd, to no one in particular.

    "Now, where did I leave the rest of the flock?" asked the shepherd.

    "Oh, well, it doesn't matter. They can take care of themselves. I'm going back to the farm house, until such time as another lamb dares to think it can endanger the rest of the flock by escaping."


  • skeeter1

    Don't go. They will only "scold" you for thinking in order to self perpetuate their own selfish need to be omni-important and on Jehovah's mission.

  • jwfacts

    What a joke, you clearly are not considered 'a brother'. You do not meet the criteria in the elders manual for being d/f so they should not be wasting their own time. If you don't go or even respond they may d/a you, but they may not bother. If you go you will be d/f.

    The only reason to go is so you can laugh in their face, it could be fun to sit there and mock them for an hour.

  • Confession
    ...they want to review with me this Saturday (4-21-06) at 7:30 pm.

    Dude, 4/21 is Friday. Saturday is 4/22. Better re-check the date and time.

  • rebel8

    A scan of the letter may be of interest to some. At the very least, it shows non-JWs how cultish they are & would scare off many who are interested in JWs. Consider scanning it and posting it here, and giving permission for xjw webmasters to put the image on their sites. Block out your personal info.

  • nelly136

    does data protection cover that sort of thing where you are?

    maybe a copy sent to them and the method of its delivery explained, might not go amiss

  • love2Bworldly

    XJ--are you in Sacramento?


    A couple of things...

    Thank you for the catch on the date Confusion. The date is 4/22/06.

    Secondly, I got home last night, and read the letter. I will scan the letter over the weekend and post it here. I made a copy of the letter, and took it over to the King-dumb Hell. I walked up to the elder conducting the CBS (I knew him from my time at the Hell) and as chance would have it happened to be the presiding elder of the J.C. I asked him why he was wasting his, and more importantly my, time with a J.C. against someone that is obviously no longer considering himself a JW. He said that he wanted to know where I stood on certain things, because some members of the Cong. have asked about me. I said that it was none of their business, and that if they couldn't figure out that I was no longer a JW, then they continue to be as stupid as always. I then asked why something marked "personal & confidential" was taped to my door. He said that he did not feel he had to waste postage on me (I think my remark about stupid JWs got him a little heated). I told him that I up until that day, I had limited my battle with the WTB&TS to educating people within my church. However, I am now thinking of taking the offensive and exposing all the dirty little secrets of the JW's. Primarily, that the JW's harbor pedophiles, and that the community needs to be protected.

    I also told him that since I no longer consider myself a JW, that the elders are violating policy in the Pay Attention book. That the elders, in not mailing their request and instead taping it to my door also violated my right to privacy, since anyone could have read that letter. I asked him whether or not Bethel would be interested in their little charade. I told that if Crooklyn wasn't interested, I am sure that I could get the interest of an attorney or two. I also told that any attempt to disfellowship me in absentia will be met with legal action against each member of the JC, and each member of the BOE. I also told him that nothing would give me more pleasure than to take him to court and have to answer for this. I then turned and walked back home.

    It felt good to have power, and to watch a man that is nothing more than a self-righteous jerk melt in fear when I threatened him with a lawsuit.

    Lastly, I am not in Sacramento, I am in Los Angeles.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    YOU ROCK DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I LOVED reading that!!!!


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