My Wife Just Called Me...

by XJW4EVR 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I think you have disassociated yourself in their opinion. They probably have to just make sure you weren't attending the church for a funeral or a wedding. It all depends on whether you admit to being a member. You can be booted for just attending. I think that is what happened to ozziepost and his wife.


  • Scully

    I wouldn't show up. If they call you about an envelope being taped to your door, your reply should be "Envelope? What envelope? Don't you people know how to mail a letter?" and "You said it was marked PERSONAL and CONFIDENTIAL, eh? Well, apparently someone else has so-called personal and confidential information about me that they shouldn't have. I value my privacy a great deal, and what you have done is inexcusable. HOW DARE YOU be so careless with personal confidential information about me!!" and "I will be calling the Legal Department at Bethel about this and I don't wish to discuss this any further with you until after I've done so."

  • What-A-Coincidence

    or return the envelope with a match inside ... tell 'em to burn it with your publisher card. You saw nothing you heard nothing.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Well, you can always use the excuse someone here successfully used - "I was never baptised, I will not be attending the meeting". (at least it will get them to start questioning any records they may have)

  • cruzanheart
    If they call you about an envelope being taped to your door, your reply should be "Envelope? What envelope? Don't you people know how to mail a letter?" and "You said it was marked PERSONAL and CONFIDENTIAL, eh? Well, apparently someone else has so-called personal and confidential information about me that they shouldn't have. I value my privacy a great deal, and what you have done is inexcusable. HOW DARE YOU be so careless with personal confidential information about me!!" and "I will be calling the Legal Department at Bethel about this and I don't wish to discuss this any further with you until after I've done so."

    ROFLMAO at Scully!!!


  • KW13

    leave 'em or do something funny

  • BluesBrother

    Pay Attention to the Flock

    Baptized persons who have not associated for some time.

    If you learn of serious wrongdoing on the part of such a
    person, the matter should be investigated if it poses a
    threat to the congregation's cleanness and welfare or caus-
    es a public scandal.

    Consider the following:

    Does he still profess to be a Witness?

    Is he generally recognized as such in the congrega-
    tion and/or t e community?

    Does the person have a measure of contact or
    association with the congregation so that a leaven-
    ing, or corrupting, influence exists?

    How did the matter become known to the elders?

    UNIT 5 (a)


    Is the person willing to meet with a committee,
    thus admitting accountability to the Christian con-

    Depending upon length of inactivity and other factors
    suggested above, elders may determine to hold the
    matter in abeyance.

    In such a case, a record of the person's questionable
    conduct should be made for the congregation file so
    that everything noted might be clarified when the
    person shows interest in becoming active again.

    If the sinful conduct is known only to believing family
    members and no congregation action is taken because
    of the factors outlined above, believing relatives will
    likely determine to curtail family association severely,
    viewing the relative as bad association. ( I Cor. 15:33)

    If the individual still professes to be a Witness and is
    willing to meet with the judicial committee, the matter
    should be handled in the normal way. However, when
    factors such as possible legal action exist, it is best to
    consult the Society before proceeding. (w87 9/1 p. 14)


    One thing I forgot to mention. I live about a block from the King-dumb Hell, and I have lived hear for about 6 years. They building does not have a locked entrance, and I know they have seen me go in and out from time to time. So it's not like they are stalking me.

    I am currently not thinking about legal ramifications, since I don't feel threatened. I am more amused, than anything. I am also thinking of calling my P.O. dad in New Mexico, and letting him know what's going on (him and I speak, but not on religious matters).

    Thanks for all the advice. I am leaning towards having some fun. So more fun ideas would be welcome.

  • Finally-Free
    I am leaning towards having some fun. So more fun ideas would be welcome.

    Well, you can always wipe your ass with the letter and then tape it on the kingdom hall door.


  • Nina

    If all you want to do is have fun, photocopy the letter (minus your personal information), put it in an envelope marked just the same as yours was, and tape the whole deal to every single door in your building. Sit back and watch the fur fly!

    Disclaimer: this idea does not originate with me. I got it from reading the theocratic warfare strategy in the old yearbooks.


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