Ask an Elder (tm)

by SickofLies 90 Replies latest members private

  • Mrs.Congeniality

    I think a number of us are anxiously waiting to hear the JC meeting. When do you plan on posting your meeting? Thanks again this really helps us to realize they can not handle the pressure of questions

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    I think a number of us are anxiously waiting to hear the JC meeting.

    I'm getting my popcorn and drink supplies in ..... {{{{ making a list }}}}

  • mcsemike

    The link worked for me. I also ran it with RealPlayer.

    The elder is a scumball, a lying piece of filth. I cannot fathom how anyone with an IQ over 50 could remain in this cesspool religion. I have a BA in Psych and my child was raped. The next elder who pooh-poohs it gets his face broken. I've listened to enough of this cult's BS. I'm writing a book and I'm naming names, elder's wive's names who called my child a "lying whore" and everything else. How's this for a title: "Knock, Knock, It's Jehovah's Witnesses. Do you want a Bible study or should we molest your children?"

    The NGO is an established fact. I will suggest the same thing I did on Silent Lambs. (I'm M.A.N.). Everyone email everyone you know. Call the local papers. Email Dr. Phil, he's doing a show on cults soon. Email the Oprah show, this would be dynamite. Remember how many people watch these 2 shows alone. It's time for the WT to be destroyed, once and for all. We'll see if God is with them or not.

    "On 9-11, the terrorists hit the wrong buildings."

  • mcsemike

    I just finished the audio files. After I win the lottery, I will offer $100 for each MS, $500 per elder, $1,000 for a CO (or above) that anyone eliminates. These men acted like obnoxious bastards, wise-asses, and arrogant horse's asses. (Edit this, Randy, if you have to.)

    These men are presumptuous, believe they can "think", and act like they are psychologists. How dare they, with their high school educations, question and imput motives to people who have college degrees?? This is unbelievable. I'm gonna puke any minute now. I'm listening as I type this.

    I never could find the answer in my college books to my satisfaction. Did anyone ever come up with a good explanation as to how these "men" (read a*holes) can even think for a moment that they have brains?? I'd be eternally grateful. Many thanks. I better go, dinner is not going to stay down..........

  • mcsemike

    Sorry for 3 in a row. I listened again about the debate over 607 vs. 586. How can ANY adult act like such an asshole. The educated questioner asked dozens of times for the WT to support 607 FROM THE BIBLE. All he got was stonewalling, questions about his "motives", "look it up yourself" (why, don't the elders know? if they don't, how are they qualified to "teach"?). I have never seen such stupidity in my life. Whenever the WT wants to quote worldly sources to defend their manure, that's fine. But when the WHOLE world disagrees with them, oh.... no......, we can't have that, can we. They keep telling him he didn't look up the research, they lied, they attacked his motive and character, along with his education. Each elder tried to defend his "pride" in his high school education, brainwashed by the other morons at Bethel.

    Why is it a crime to question idiots who play by a double standard? Proper research in their eyes is only if you read the WT and arrive at THEIR conclusions. They even used words improperly, used poor vocabulary, and engaged in every trick in the book, including the famous "red herring". Why isn't it legal to have these elders committed and maybe even euthanized??

    MORONS, it's called "dissonance". You idiots from the WT try to hold contrasting ideas in your little brains, you attack this brother for having a higher IQ than you do, and you try to play psychologists. YOU AREN'T SMART ENOUGH!! KEEP YOU GODDAMN MOUTHS SHUT AND FOR ONCE YOU MIGHT LEARN SOMETHING!!!! That brother asked fair questions, you gave answers from YOUR crappy articles, then when he says you didn't answer the question, you get mad and accuse him of showing off his education. I also have a high IQ. Am I wrong because you say two and two is five, and then when Albert Einstein and I tell you that you are NOT math experts, are we wrong??

    You wash windows for a living. A few of you learned to walk and chew gum at the same time. That makes you qualified to judge college experts?? Who in the Hell do you think you are?? You 3 elders together don't have the total IQ that this brother has. Why don't you show the humility that Jesus called for and just admit that you don't know what the Hell you're talking about. The year 607 is WRONG!! The flood is a fable, it has been proven that all the animals, their food, cleaning up after them, having enough food, etc., makes the flood and the ark a logistic impossibility. Yet you insist on it.

    No one with half a brain misses the fact that you idiots (who also are sneaky bastards by having a second elder listen in on phone calls without telling the other person, which is illegal, if not immoral) have changed your beliefs more often than all the other religions put together. Yet you have the b***s to accuse others of not following you down each and every wrong path, no matter where it takes the person. Two and two is five, then four, then five, then we don't know, then it doesn't matter, then it's four, then you forget, and on and on. He asked about Sodom and Gomorrah and how many times you flip-flopped on that. You changed the subject.

    You lied about child abuse. You cover it up more than the Catholic Church ever did. JR Brown is a scumbag liar and if I ever meet him in person, I'm going to hit him so hard it will take Jesus to raise him from the dead. (You WT spies, call the police, I don't care. You'll all die soon anyway. If there is a God, you don't have him, so he'll kill you for your lying. Read Revelation.) You use a double standard in all your research. You worship the "slave class" and "if it's good enough for them, then I accept it". If the WT told the sisters to dance naked in the street, I bet some would start doing so.

    The elders played dumb about "Silent Lambs" as if he didn't know the site. I'm sure they all know it. They deny the UN and the NGO. It's all proven on the Internet. I wish the brother had punched a few noses. I have to respect you, Sick of Lies, you have more patience than I do. I swear, the blood issue would have come up if I had been there. They just said the brother went from asking a question to "advocating a faith different than what I have." Well, gee whiz, I sure hope that my beliefs are different than those of a moron who accepts anything and everything that is told to him.

    Then he is now an "apostate" because he asked too many questions. What verse in the Bible limits how many questions you can ask about idiotic explanations?? Why can't he question 187 stupid defenses of 187 stupid beliefs?? How many times is the WT allowed to say "we have the truth because in 1919 we were teaching meat in due season". Yet every single teaching from 1919 has now been abandoned. So what kind of "meat" was it if they dumped it?? Why would Jesus choose a group of people who had EVERYTHING they taught WRONG??? DUHHHH!!!!!!!

    Well, this is long enough. Listen to the recordings. You will look a long time to see a more succinct and intelligent expose of 3 or 4 grown "men" acting like children. "I've got a sick wife and I should be home with her." Well, jackass, then go home and take care of her. You sure can't defend your answers. My congratulations, Sick of Lies. You did a wonderful job. I'm proud of you. One more elder body showing the need to visit the proctologist to find their heads. "A spiritual person does not doubt." Really?? What about "make sure of all things"??? He's filling his mind with "garbage"??? Wow, that garbage got man to the moon. The WT garbage got people dead with blood and vaccine flip-flops. I rest my case. I'm a confirmed agnostic. But if there is a God, if he wants my worship, the WT must die. Those are my terms. WT stays, God is dead. WT dies, I'll think about it. My best to all.

  • SickofLies
    I listened again about the debate over 607 vs. 586. How can ANY adult act like such an asshole. The educated questioner asked dozens of times for the WT to support 607 FROM THE BIBLE. All he got was stonewalling, questions about his "motives", "look it up yourself" (why, don't the elders know? if they don't, how are they qualified to "teach"?).

    Good point! They just don't want to admit that their entire belief system is based on a false date. Thats why they were so shook up!

    you gave answers from YOUR crappy articles, then when he says you didn't answer the question, you get mad and accuse him of showing off his education. I also have a high IQ. Am I wrong because you say two and two is five, and then when Albert Einstein and I tell you that you are NOT math experts, are we wrong??

    If the FDS says 2+2=5 then it is!

    JR Brown is a scumbag liar and if I ever meet him in person, I'm going to hit him so hard it will take Jesus to raise him from the dead.


    Thanks for the support and the intelligent responce MCSE Mike.

  • mcsemike

    You are welcome. I'm also "sick of lies". I had a 99 GPA in all my essays when I got my Psychology degree. Without being immodest, I think that puts me in a good position to write a devastating book against the WT. All I have to do is get on Dr. Phil or Oprah and the WT is finished. I don't like violence per se, and I know the rank and file is ignorant in general, but I wouldn't complain if Bethel burned down. I can't blame my soon to be ex-wife or daughter (who's still in therapy), but I do blame the elders and others in high positions. They have ALL heard these arguments. I know they think about it. I know they have their doubts. But they don't have the moral integrity to do the right thing. They are spineless garbage. Yet THEY mark ME!! Very funny. Wait until Jesus does his thing. I bet there will be more dead JW's than any other religion. "With what judgment you are judging, you will be judged." READ YOUR BIBLES, IDIOTS. STOP READING THE WT AND THE "ASLEEP" MAGAZINE!! THEY ARE NOT WORTH ANYTHING EXCEPT TO BE USED IN AN OUTHOUSE!!! If you don't like the real truth, then drop dead. I'm finished with tolerating people who kill others with their policies and eagerly pray for the death of over 6 billion people. I wish that fact bothered more people. How many of you here are offended that these "loving" people are gloating over your deaths and hope to inherit the very house you live in?? It would tick me off.

    When my book is done, I'm going public. My fortune and time will be dedicated to helping abuse victims and bringing down this cult. One person on Silent Lambs warned me that she had been shot at by JW's due to her apostate beliefs. I somehow doubt that, but I did remind her that in most states, mine especially, we can shoot to kill if our lives are threatened. I don't think some JW will risk his life taking pot shots at anyone, especially me. (I'm very good.) My advice to you WT stooges: Leave me alone and you'll stay okay. Sue me, attack me, turn my family away from me, and you'll suffer eternal pain. I'm Sicilian and I do NOT forgive. "An eye for an eye." The battle lines have been drawn. I'm 55 years old and my grandparents died around the age of 100. I have over 40 years to bring you down and the money to do it. (Your billions won't help you.) I know you WT scum spies read these sites. You talk about "theocratic warfare" and the war between Satan and God. You ain't seen nothing yet.

    Sick of Lies, please keep up the good work. I like your approach and I think you showed remarkable patience while listening to attacks on your motives by men (?) who got "C" averages in 10th grade in high school. It's been almost 40 years since I was in high school, but unless they now teach Psych 101, I suggest you idiots from Bethel mind your own business. Higher education is not "poison" or "garbage". And your tone, your rudeness, snottiness, and plain jackass manners proves that you DO NOT HAVE THE TRUTH. JUST FACE FACTS, OKAY??? FOR ONCE IN YOUR PATHETIC LIVES, GET IT THROUGH YOUR TINY LITTLE BRAINS THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE THE TRUTH!!! If your IQ's went up 40 points, you would be vegetation. Now, why don't all you WT jerks take some college courses at night instead of listening to the same puke at your meetings and you just might learn something valuable. Don't worry about tuition. I'm sure most of you would qualify for free schooling under the "mentally handicapped" system.

    And it's "SILENT LAMBS". SILENT LAMBS, SILENT LAMBS!!!!! You know goddamn well what website he was talking about. Stop lying and playing dumb about the site and also about the UN and the NGO issue. I know you all had a meeting telling you how to answer the publishers who ask about either one. You know goddamn well the WT joined the UN. You got up on the back of the wild beast, hugged the great harlot Babylon the Great real tightly, and rode around holding her for ten years. Then when you got caught, you jumped off and said, "Not us, we never heard of her." You forget that her perfume still is on you and you stink of it. You were also seen and photographed by the world. So don't lie anymore. JR Brown, you are a piece of scum. You have an "aggressive child abuse reporting policy"??? Like hell. You only report when the state law requires it. Any decent person would report child abuse whether the law required it or NOT. You are moral pigs and I hope you rot in hell.

    Now I'll go have my coffee so I'll be in a better mood. Ha ha. I meant every word I said. If you WT stooges don't like it, find me and do something about it. But I warn you to make your arrangements first. I intend to destroy you and I NEVER lose. If I have to, I'll give my life and fortune to see you all destroyed. Good luck, you'll need it.

  • SickofLies

    Nice rant, if I can do anything to help with your book let me know, I'd be willing to do a phone interview if you'd like. Also I'm appealing the case so watch out for the new audio to be posted in the next couple weeks.

  • mcsemike

    Hi SOL: I had NO idea that you asked questions because you're too proud of your education. "Higher education poisons spiritual minds and fills them with junk." Gee, I thought the junk was already there. Higher education can't give us life?? Whoa, WT idiots..Try polio vaccine, heart transplants (which you first said were not allowed and now are allowed), extending man's life expectancy from about 40 years old in 1900 to about twice that today. "But can these men give you life?" Well, WT idiot, yes they can. Will God?? I don't know. But he DID create germs, disease, rape, free moral choices, etc. I didn't ask to be a pawn in any imaginary argument between Satan and God.

    Years ago, I suggested that when Satan asked Eve his questions, why couldn't God just have killed Satan and if mankind wished to know what life would be like under Satan's rule, God could play a video tape in everyone's mind showing them the results. Good, huh?? But a MS told me that people could still doubt that it would have occurred the way is has. So I said, how about in the new system, when people hundreds of years from now ask "why do we need to serve God?", then all the survivors could point back to this time period. Yet aren't those people and children then born/alive going to have to take someone's word for it?? Is God going to still play tapes of this system for them?? I doubt it. So why let people suffer for thousands of years just to prove a point that God could have done painlessly to all?? Remember, God is the only creator. HE MADE GERMS, GOD MADE POLIO, GOD MADE CANCER, LEPROSY, AND ALL THE REST. Does anyone have a problem with that?? I do.

    SOL: Email me if you want to. I like the way you think. I would NOT have been as patient as you during that meeting. Stupid people get me angry and I tend to want to break noses. Since I now live in FL, I've learned not to use deadly force when provoked, unless I'm allowed by law, but I could NOT have attended that meeting and not smashed a few faces. I admire your tolerance of these wise-asses and their witnesses. I have never met a more obnoxious group of people in my life. And they believe they are sheeplike and are better than the kind, old, 80 year old people I live near down here by the river in FL?? I don't think so. What a bunch of idiots!!

    "What's your next question?" 607? Did Jesus live? Did Jesus walk on ice?? I read that too. Yet that elder, who can't spell geology, KNOWS that ice never occurs in Israel. Then they are going to pray for "Jehovah's viewpoint"?? How would they know what it is?? Does God write on the wall? On a laptop?? Speak out loud??

    I know this thread is long and I've dominated the end of it. Could a few other people please let me know how you feel? I'm sorry for the bitterness, but my child was raped at 9 years old until she turned 13. We lost 2 million dollars fighting this and paying bills. My health is gone and I'm going to die much earlier than my expected 95 years old like the rest of my family. My now 20 year old daughter hasn't seen me in 3 years. She won't speak to me, yet expects me to leave her millions of dollars that frankly, I'd rather give to Silent Lambs. My wife is divorcing me and I asked her on what grounds. She said apostacy. I said how about the verse telling the wife to stay with her unbelieving mate. She said that doesn't count because I was once a servant, so I "know the truth". I know nothing of the kind. The WT hasn't had the truth ever. Pyramids, reading bumps on Russell's head, Rutherford's drinking and psychotic behavior, one thousand dollars monthly spent on my medical bills, hundreds of thousands owed for my daughter, the rapist getting 4 months in jail, 4 congregations calling my child a lying whore and all 4 being reshuffled so that those who believed her were put in one group and the doubters in another. Yet, the local newspaper printed the story and he pleaded guilty in court. But the JW's said he only did that to get a lighter sentence. The day before court, his son, who was calling my child names, walked in on his 57 year old raping father and found him in bed with a teenage girl. Did we get an apology. Not a chance. The son was promote to elder for his good christian works. And people want to know why I wish the 9-11 planes had hit Bethel instead. I lived near NYC, I watched the towers burn. I wanted so much to see them have hit Bethel, but alas, terrorists are jerkoffs.

    I suffered depression and was on meds for years. My mother died of a broken heart one year after my wife left me and took my daughter. I studied methods to kill myself. I was put on reproof for the same issue, 607. What the F***ing hell is so goddamn important about 607??? Did any of you know that is once was 606 until those assholes figured out that there was no "zero" year?? I wonder how many people were DF'd for saying 606 was wrong before the WT changed it? Drinking raw milk is good for you? Aluminum is bad? Vaccines are from Satan? Man will never escape the atmosphere of earth? There isn't room for the stupidity of this cult. How can sane people defend the flipflops?? Oh, I just answered my question. They aren't sane, are they?? A black boy turned white? (MJ did). A man with a face like a dog will act like one?? Germs don't cause disease, biting worms do?? Yeah, that last cold I got, you should have seen all those "hundreds of foot-long biting worms" that came out my nose. I could go on, but what's the point??

    I will have a doctorate in the next few years. My IQ qualifies me for Mensa. Please believe I'm not saying this to brag. I know WT spies read this site. I'm trying to make the point that all of us have brains, that it's not the "dummies" who quit the WT and make up stupid arguments against it. SOL is a smart man. Terry and his humor I find brilliant. Terry, you should write a book. You are very good. All of you ask clever and pertinent questions. I am so frustrated that we can't channel all this talent, contact the media, and get the WT outlawed for good. Or at least exposed on TV so much that if any JW in the country gets out of a car to witness, he'd be mobbed and the door to door work would have to be halted for good.

    What can we do, my friends?? I call you that because I never had many in the WT. There were some, but they left me when I quit. I saw for myself how the WT tried to cover up my child's rape. I know that if I were dying of a terminal disease and had one month to live and could get the 20 people together in one room that were responsible for my family's agony, I'd kill them all. I'm sorry if that offends others. But I'm Sicilian and I'm tired of suffering because the average person in the US has an IQ of 90 and I have to live by their inferior laws because it's a democracy. When is it time to admit that the system doesn't work? Was the Revolutionary War illegal or immoral?? If we had lost, it would have been. But we won, so we're heroes. When do I have the right to say I didn't get justice and now have the right to kill the rapist? We can't sue him because he filed bankruptcy after being sentenced, so he has no money to take. Yet he kept his 3 houses and his business. Even if I waited until I was 80 years old with one month left to live, and killed him with one of my many guns, what good would that do? It wouldn't pay my bills.

    We all need to pool our resources. I am well aware of the principle that states that when you spend your life attacking a past religion, you are still enslaved by it. That is true to a degree. But leaving the WT alone will only let them win. I don't care about "winning", I want the rapes, DF's, and suicides to stop. Isn't that a noble goal? What can be done as a group to annihilate the WT for good?? The people who post here are brilliant and write well (I like Blondie's comments very much). But we must find a way to all come together. There are several million ex-JW's still alive. Together, we outnumber the current amount of JW's. Why can't we beat the WT?? Please post your thoughts. I need ideas on how to take the WT down forever. God is NOT with them, he could never be so stupid or corrupt. Thank you for your ideas and for your friendships. If anyone has ANY media contacts, please let's get going and use them. It's time to strike now while the NGO, France's tax issues, Bulgaria, and other things are fresh in the news. The WT is reeling, let's all fire together and kill it once and for all. Many thanks. My email is a fake for now because of my child's situation. To contact me, use [email protected] I use the name Thomas King. My best to all and my sympathy to any who have suffered.

  • mcsemike

    Sorry, I left out Gary Buss. You are very good, as are many others. I just can't list them all. Sorry for the "rant", I'm a late-comer and I've read and researched this site for ten years. I have so many feelings, it's hard to catch up in one week or so.

    I admire all of you for what you have suffered and the courage it took many of you to accept the pain of losing family and other hardships. I'll try to post my child's picture at the age of 16 and 1/2. I don't know if it will work. Here goes.

    It needed to be resized. I hope it came out okay. She was my princess and now I don't even know her. I hope none of you ever lose your families. My best to all. Please contact me if you have any ideas. [email protected] Thomas King

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