by You Know 536 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    Hi Tina,

    I believe that the dooms day mind set is a very important topic. It is one of the more destructive aspects of being a Jehovah's Witness or a member of any extreme fundamentalist religion and since it detracts greatly from a person's quality of life and ability to make plans, achieve goals and more or less lead a productive and happy and fulfilling life.

    It is now the end of another wonderful day. I got a lot accomplished in my yard and studied some calculus. Going to rent a couple of movies tonight and chill out wishing Mitch was home to scratch my back. See you tomorrow on what I anticipate to be another wonderful day to be alive.



  • Tina

    Okies,I stand corrected.You're right what is not important to me,may be to others. Point taken!
    Hey huggy,I owed you a WB! So happy to see you around!
    Ahh where is a back-scratcher when ya really need one eh? lol

    OOO Im still enloyimg my garden as well...and you're right it's a beautiful day and life can be good! luv ya bearish one,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • Seeker

    There is another benefit to this monster thread: It has kept You Know confined here, instead of spreading his nonsense all over the board. Never would have thought it possible to limit his drivel, but keeping him busy here has done the trick.

  • Stealth

    YouKnow, You should apply for a job in the WT writing committee. At least you would have the balls to publish the sky is falling hype that the JW's need to get membership up.

  • You Know
    You Know

    One more thing: With the fabled month of October now upon us, this thread and its hotly debated topic appear to have served its purpose. Due to the recent events, no doubt some of you have been given reason enough to pause and re-evaluate things from a spiritual standpoint. If anything, the tragedy of September 11th has impressed upon us how fragile this human system of things really is and just how quickly the world can change. Be reminded that Jesus foretold that this world's cataclysmic finale would grip the entire world, suddenly, without warning. I think we have had a small scale demonstration of how easily that can come about.

    No doubt, though, most of you will remain intransigent, stubbornly clinging to your belief that everything is normal and that nothing happening in the world has anything remotely to do with any oncoming judgment of Jehovah. But, even that is what the Scriptures have foretold as the prevailing mindset of those who would ridicule Jehovah's word. Even the government of the United States has done its part to perpetuate the myth that everything is fine, having told Americans that the most important thing for us to do is to get back to our normal way of life as quickly as possible. For Americans to return to their normal routine means a return to the illusions and distractions of Fantasy Land---a return to the land where apathy reigns supreme. No doubt, that's where most of you prefer to reside.

    At any rate, debating about what will, or will not occur, has no actual bearing on the future. From my perspective, I am supremely confident that Jehovah owns the future, he has been there and back, perhaps literally, and his will and purpose will override any plans that men may have---which is a good thing. If it is his time for the system to go there is nothing anyone can do to save it. And, just because past events did not lead to the end of this system doesn't mean that the system is not going to end. And, just because Jehovah's Witnesses have been anticipating it for longer than any of us have been alive doesn't mean anything either. That is just plain foolish and wicked reasoning. The fact is, even as I have shown by the links on this long-running thread, this system is self-doomed. With or without Jehovah's intervention it is going to come crashing down soon.

    Sometimes volcanic mountains rumble and smoke for years as they build up to a catastrophic eruption. People may become accoustomed to the tremblors and smoke and ash raining down, and so come to view them as "normal," which in fact they are normal. They are the normal things that go on before she blows! Likewise, what people view as normal goings-on in the world are actually the telltale ominous rumblings of the collapse of a long-standing civilization.

    But as I say, there comes a time when it's pointless to debate whether the mountain is going to blow or whether it is just more of the same hot ash coming down. Those who are going to get away from the mountain have probably already moved, and those who are going to stay in the mountain's shadow can't be persuaded to budge.

    So, we will see how events now unfolding will develop. At the very least some of you will will keep a wary eye upon that stock market ticker. LOL. In the meantime, I too have left things unattended. The clutter on my desk has nearly become unmanagable. I would go back to my normal routine too, but this is my normal way of life---Forever on the watch / You Know

  • ChuckD

    "....it's just my normal way of life. Forever on the watch."

    Camera pulls back to show lone figure on the mountaintop, peering into the distance through binocculars.

    Majestic music rises.

    Fade out.

    Credits roll.

  • You Know
    You Know

    Perfect! / You Know

  • Gopher

    Can I take a shot at this?

    With the fabled month of October now upon us,
    Contrast Matt. 24:36, "Concerning that day and hour nobody know, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father and You Know".
    No doubt, though, most of you will remain intransigent, stubbornly clinging to your belief
    I guess you could call "most of us" (whatever that means) intransigient, but that name also could apply to you. Such name-calling has no effect on the course of the events, it is pointless.
    the prevailing mindset of those who would ridicule Jehovah's word.
    It is true that the Bible did say ridiculers would be present at the end times. However, the mere presence of ridiculers does not PROVE that the end times are here. Ridiculers are a constant... in some people's minds it is a healthy skepticism over continual date-setting, You Know.
    the land where apathy reigns supreme. No doubt, that's where most of you prefer to reside.
    No, most of us prefer to reside and be active in the REAL world, doing real good for real people, and not showing this "conditional" and "surface" love that tends to mark the JW's. We're interested in living according to the reality, that God's intervention is unlikely to come in our lifetime, so we better get busy with our goals and plans, and we better get busy and help our families and neighbors with real needs & concerns, and not dilly-dally in a fantasy land of "the end is near".

    And another point,

    Even the government of the United States has done its part to perpetuate the myth that everything is fine, having told Americans that the most important thing for us to do is to get back to our normal way of life as quickly as possible.
    What the hell is the government supposed to tell people, to run around like chickens with their heads cut off? Come on!!! Thinking people know that our way of life was altered forever on 9/11/01, just as other epoch-changing events occurred in the 20th century (such as the beginning of each world war, and the assassination of President J.F. Kennedy). But life had to go on after these other events, and it did, with a sense of order and routine, because IT HAD TO. It is similar with the events of 9/11/01. It is not a precursor to the end of the world, just as these other earlier earth-shaking events were not!!

    See you in NOVEMBER, Bobby.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • teejay

    I clicked on page 16 of this thread... just to see.

    I started to read YK's note, read three quarters of the first line... where he said, "One more thing: With the fabled month of October now upon us" and I go, "my god... that October thing again..." I've read enough of his note at that point. I'll have to see the meteor or hear about the start of Armageddon on CNN, I guess... I don't have to read about it here.

    So I skip down to Chuck's note. Nice imagery. It reminded me of a program on the Navy Seals I saw once on the Discovery Channel. At the end, the narrator tells the story of a commander kneeling on a beachhead, shielding his eyes from the blazing sun as he peered out over the ocean. Someone came and asked him, "What are you looking for?"

    "I'm looking for a war."

    Go, You Know - the Prophet, the Watchman, of JW.com.


    Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
    -- Mark Twain
  • joelbear

    Well, this thread started with posts saying the world as we know it would basically come to an end by the end of October.

    Now, you know posts, that even if things go on for a while, that doesn't mean the end is not near and we need to say on the watch, lest we be swept away by Jehovah's purpose.

    Sound familiar?

    Trust that I in know way encourage people to throw caution to the wind, sell their houses, go gamble their life savings away in the stock market or in Vegas, live a selfish lifestyle that would cause someone to lose their health or life or friends.

    However, I also don't encourage people to spend all their time waiting for the shoe to drop.

    Its pretty simple. Live a good life. Be good to others, show love in all your dealings, build a family of friends, pursue your dreams of accomplishment. If the end is near, you'll be ready.

    Today is another wonderful day to be alive. I bought a new computer and a good friend is coming over to hook it up and then we'll share a nice dinner together.



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