JW's- Have they lost their ability to think?

by Vitameatavegamin 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • nytelecom1
    They announced in front of the congregation that she was "marked". Nobody could associate with her outside of the meetings. Total Bullshit.

    Just curious..did they mention her name?? This would be contrary
    to instruction.

    The other factor we're not considering....NYT may be just a diaper wearin babe, of some 19-20 years.

    nope that doesnt fly..if you read my other posts you can pretty much get an indication of my age. And my obligation to sending you an email is?? Did I hurt your feelings?

    Don't hold your breath waiting for NYTeleDub to respond. His claim of being a free thinker is validation enough for his alter-ego.

    you are just obsessed with me answering posts within minutes, now arent you?
    ......and didnt really reply to it. would you visiting this site be such grounds? would {associating with/talking to} disfellowshipped and dissaccociated ones on a daily basis be such grounds....that is your way of free thinking? (and if this isnt a clear cut example of living a double life, i dont know what is. but again, another time, another thread perhaps.)

    I dont consider this association. Now I can expect to hear how I wouldn't dare tell the elders I am here, or how the Borg considers this association. I also dont tell the elders how many times I wipe my ass when I crap..should I tell them that too? Let me see..are you telling me to be a free thinker I have to leave the org??
  • Gopher

    Nytelcom, you asked:

    Are you telling me to be a free thinker I have to leave the org??

    Are you telling us the "org" tolerates free thinkers? Since when?

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • nytelecom1
    Are you telling us the "org" tolerates free thinkers? Since when?

    seems to me it does...

  • Gopher


    Then why all the articles about "Beware of Independent Thinking"? Seems like the WTS is teaching such thinking is a snare. Of course, to me it seems like they just want to keep the rank-and-file JW's strictly in line. Too many questions, and the elders will come and ask you about your loyalty to the 'organization'. Or if you try to leave quietly, your absence will be noticed, and again you'll get a shepherding call. If it's determined your attitude is out of line with the organization, they could slap a DA or a DF on you if you're of no particular use to the congregation any longer.

    I'm not making any of this up. This is an amalgam of several real-life experiences.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • dubla


    you are just obsessed with me answering posts within minutes, now arent you?

    -no, i for one am not obsessed with anything to do with you, let alone how quickly you answer posts. but it would be nice if you would actually RESPOND to half of the questions posted, instead of picking and choosing what to respond to, and which questions you can safely answer without putting your foot in your mouth. the post the above quote came off of is a prime example of just responding to snipets from different people, using them out of context, and throwing in a quip or two to sound witty.

    Now I can expect to hear how I wouldn't dare tell the elders I am here, or how the Borg considers this association. I also dont tell the elders how many times I wipe my ass when I crap..should I tell them that too?

    -um, give me a break. are you seriously going to compare a possible disfellowshipping offense with wiping your ass? so, youre telling me it really doesnt matter what they know, that your personal life is your business (well, actually i would be inclined to agree with you, but thats simply not the way it works in the org).? in other words, it wouldnt matter if you were drinking 48 beers every night, or shooting up heroin, sleeping with the neighbor and her daughter, etc., etc., because, hell, you dont tell them how many times you wipe your ass, so whats the difference? LOL.....clearly a defensive statement using reasoning that is just WAY out of context.


  • Moxy
    i agree, the perspective of ones inside can be helpful, but i wouldnt necessarily take the word of posters on this forum that they are still truly "inside." nytel may very well be inside, but he also (as could anyone on a forum), may be twisting actuality in order to suit his views or simply to aid his side in an argument.

    yes, thats true of anyone. you have to determine how much you trust people.

    i would guess that many of us, (which is the case with me), already know and talk to ones that are still on "the inside," perhaps ones very close to us, old friends, immediate family, etc., thereby already having a source of information on how things are now. in other words, when i speak of things or happenings in the religion, i am going by more than my past experiences.

    im more inside than most here (unfortunately ) but i still value other perspectives.

    im not discarding nytels stories and experiences as false, but i do have a hard time taking them as flat out facts of how the organization is blanketly run now.

    nor should you.

    whats easier to believe is that all congregations are run differently, and the same sin or wrongdoing is treated/disciplined differently in different areas (see above posts). id venture to say hypocrisy runs deep in most if not all areas, and leniency varies.

    i agree. i dont think nyt's points really applied to the original discussion about get-togethers, but his description of being able to stand up to elders if there is no written counsel to the contrary rings true with my own experiences. some people seem to be able to get away with grey-area stuff that others didnt and it might be partly a matter of how willing you are to stand up for stuff. i dunno. i think some people just intimidate the elders.


  • dubla


    one more thing for you (and im sure i wont get an answer).....

    I dont consider this association.

    -have things changed this dramatically since ive left the jw religion? can jws talk to disfellowshipped ones now freely, as long as its not "associating" as you say this isnt? (or do you get around that by saying this is "typing" not "talking", lol.) or perhaps this falls under "business" because youre at work? let me know your thoughts if you care to. personally, ive been taught (and i know its still the practice in my former congregation), that you do not even SPEAK to disfellowshipped ones, let alone "associate" with them.


  • dubla


    ...but his description of being able to stand up to elders if there is no written counsel to the contrary rings true with my own experiences. some people seem to be able to get away with grey-area stuff that others didnt...

    -yeah, ive seen this myself. "grey" areas, "concience matters", etc. thats one of the main topics ive been hitting on during this particular thread, which really ties nicely in with the "double life" issue that was brought up earlier. i agree with you, if its not in writing, you can probably get away with it. im not sure if thats what nytel was saying though, he just seems to come across more as "if its not in writing, its okay and not {looked down upon/discouraged/counseled against}". i mean, theres a WORLD of difference between getting away with something, and it actually being acceptable in the {elders/organizations} eyes. ive been continually asking him, "are these things counseled against?" and "is this discouraged?" (not in so many words). hell just come back with, "im a free thinker, i can do what i please" or something along those lines. he just doesnt strike me as a loyal dub (more like a fence rider), so im not sure he should be looked upon as the authoritative rulebook on dubs, which im sure you dont think he should either.


  • Pubsinger


    You didnt answer my ?

    Would you disfellowship them.

  • nytelecom1

    re post your question..i dont have the time to scroll throgh a hundred posts

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