JW's- Have they lost their ability to think?

by Vitameatavegamin 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    You know and I know that visiting this forum and participating in the debates is definitely contrary to all WTBS theology and practices.

    Neither one of us can simply raise our hands at a congregation meeting and offer one of the viewpoints expressed in this forum as an answer to a scripted question from a society publication, can we?

    Could you print information from this forum or from one the web-sites and use it in speaking part in the school?

    Could you advise a sick one to make their own decision concerning medical treatment, without consequences?

    Would anyone, especially elders from your congregation join you and your co-workers for some refreshments and appetizers at the local bistro?

    Could you engage in courtship with a female co-worker and publicly present her as such and introduce her to the congregation elders and friends at the next meeting?

    You know and I know, and the rest of the forum knows we cannot do any of these things without losing it all. I am forced to wait until everyone I love catches up, it is the price I pay for fanaticism and therefore my prison sentence continues along just as yours does!

    We are psychological cellmates imprisoned in the "Stockholm Syndrome" of the WTBS. Ask Kent for the explanation.

  • Moxy

    enh, dont be too hard on nyt. hes certainly no apologist. tho i dont necessarilly agree with his original statements about opinion vs policy, i value having his input. i think it certainly is true that when youve been out for a while you start to forget what its really like and tend to just retain the bad memories. at the very least, you dont know how its changed since youve been out in terms of the social atmosphere inside, stuff you can only know by being there. having the input of folks that are still in helps us keep our perspective.


  • Vitameatavegamin

    Interesting points, I have noticed though different trends in different congregations. Some congs. dress differently, some drink more than others, it seems depending on where you are, you can get away with different things. Sure, no matter where you are, adultery, fornication etc. are major no no's. But I live in a very small town, about 1000 people, and we have a cong. of about 65. It seems here you can't do much of anything without someone knowing or " reporting " something.

    A young brother here was walking downtown with his cap on backwards and the one elder had to make an issue out of it at a meeting. It seems where I live, people are VERY judgemental. Everything is wrong according to certain people. We have had dances and I have done the music a couple of times. It is so discouraging to even plan anything anymore because you have to be so careful. Someone is always offended about something and has to make an issue out of it. It's just things like this that go on here.

    I think being so isolated where we are, some of the elders think that they can form their own opinions and have everyoone abide by them. Kind of like living up to THEIR own personal standards.

    It's all about who's who anymore. Not who you really are.

  • dubla


    i find it interesting that you quoted this snippet......

    I would imagine the mere fact that you visit this site would be grounds for disfellowshipping, or at least, what they used to call, "pulic reproving", or at least taking away your microphone and selling literature behind the counter duties.

    ......and didnt really reply to it. would you visiting this site be such grounds? would {associating with/talking to} disfellowshipped and dissaccociated ones on a daily basis be such grounds? i dont think the post began as you leading a double life, indeed this may be a subject to devote an entirely new thread to. i think they are valid questions though, as i think the questions ive posed to you on this thread are valid. you seem to conveniently avoid the questions that you do not wish to or cannot answer, and just throw in your two cents where you please. a discussion normally calls for two sides, and each side exchanges {ideas/questions} that the {opposing/other} side then proceeds to respond to. can you carry on in a discussion such as what ive described? or are you relegated to question dodging?

    I am going against the very grain that many of you hold dear too. The fact that dubs are brainwashed.

    please elaborate on this idea for me as well. how are you going against that grain that many of us "hold dear to"? you mean by going against the org. and the counsel from the podium, that is your way of free thinking? (and if this isnt a clear cut example of living a double life, i dont know what is. but again, another time, another thread perhaps.) id be interested to know what you meant here (among other things id be interested in you responding to).


  • dubla


    this is called "sects"......see previous posts.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Don't hold your breath waiting for NYTeleDub to respond. His claim of being a free thinker is validation enough for his alter-ego.

    All JW's know you cannot associate outside the WTBS, hence the prolific use of 1COR 15:33, even though the main thought is about associating with the doubters of the resurrection.

    We can expect some putrid excuse in return.

  • LDH

    The other factor we're not considering....NYT may be just a diaper wearin babe, of some 19-20 years.

    CMon, didn't you know plenty of young men who weren't qualified to wipe their arses but give counsel to the rest of us?

    See, he's a bit like DrivesLikeJehu (some of you may remember) --a little piss-ant kid in college who came to this forum and told all of us that the WBTS never forbid college!

    He's only gotten the new and improved version of the truth. You know, the one where it's a conscience matter whether you vote or not.

    So NO I didn't forget what it's like. I remember only too well trying to convince myself that I was normal and had a normal religion. Just like NYT is doing.

    As far as his motives, if you'll remember about a week ago I posted a thread asking if anyone knew the whereabouts of Tom Pecos, a well known brother from Upstate and Western NY. NYT came out and said that he is now gay and hangs out at all the gay bars. When I asked him for proof of even knowing who I was talking about (remember I asked you to email me privately since yours is locked, NYT?) he vanished from the thread.

    He is a dichotomy that *he* can't even figure out. But if he had so much freedom in the Christian Congregation, me wonders what purpose this forum serves for him?


  • dubla


    i think it certainly is true that when youve been out for a while you start to forget what its really like and tend to just retain the bad memories. at the very least, you dont know how its changed since youve been out in terms of the social atmosphere inside, stuff you can only know by being there. having the input of folks that are still in helps us keep our perspective.

    i agree, the perspective of ones inside can be helpful, but i wouldnt necessarily take the word of posters on this forum that they are still truly "inside." nytel may very well be inside, but he also (as could anyone on a forum), may be twisting actuality in order to suit his views or simply to aid his side in an argument. i would guess that many of us, (which is the case with me), already know and talk to ones that are still on "the inside," perhaps ones very close to us, old friends, immediate family, etc., thereby already having a source of information on how things are now. in other words, when i speak of things or happenings in the religion, i am going by more than my past experiences. im not discarding nytels stories and experiences as false, but i do have a hard time taking them as flat out facts of how the organization is blanketly run now. whats easier to believe is that all congregations are run differently, and the same sin or wrongdoing is treated/disciplined differently in different areas (see above posts). id venture to say hypocrisy runs deep in most if not all areas, and leniency varies.


  • AMarie


    You must be in the only congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses on earth that view worldly association this way. I have a personal experience that still makes my blood boil to this day.

    My younger sister was always extremely faithful to the organization. She auxilary pioneered after school, took part in assembly dramas etc. and her faith was unshakable. One day, she met a young man who soon would become her husband. The only problem was that he was "worldly". She kept a chaste relationship with him and married him a virgin. She did nothing wrong by bible standards. However, when the elders found out she was dating a non-beleiver, she was immediately reprimanded. They announced in front of the congregation that she was "marked". Nobody could associate with her outside of the meetings. Total Bullshit.

    I think you know in the back of your mind that we are right, but admitting that the infallible Watchtower Society is wrong about something is against the rules, isn't it.

  • dubla


    are you suggesting that nytel is in fact the gay brother from ny? just wondering.


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