So, why didn't Jesus write anything down?

by poppers 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tigerman

    You sound like John Lennon. You know, the guy that made millions from the concept of " no possessions . . ." the one with the 4, or was it 5, mansions around the world ?

  • gumby
    You sound like John Lennon. You know, the guy that made millions from the concept of " no possessions . . ." the one with the 4, or was it 5, mansions around the world ?

    LMAO! Gumby

  • JamesThomas


    Perhaps the significant lesson is not in the message itself, but rather in it's fallibility.

    Perhaps the significant lesson is that the message cannot be written down.Bebu

    Exactly, same thing meant. Which makes the Bible good for throwing at the neighbors tom cat, and not much else.

    if life is going to exist in a Universe of this size, then the one thing it cannot afford to have is a sense of proportion.

    I can't be sure where you are coming from with this, Merry, but my sense is one of agreement with this statement, in that a "sense of proportion" implies duality, or a relationship between parts of a whole. Ultimately, there is Wholeness only. Or as my teacher once told me: "There is not God, and."


  • JamesThomas


    What I do mean is what I have been blessed to learn about God through his aid in my life, through nature and the very life I have around me. I believe, and don't expect anyone else to believe, that the Bible is the best understanding we have along with nature, the universe & cosmos of God. Definitely eternal, definitely vast. I can only hope to grasp a glimpse or shred of understanding. I think Jesus was and is that shred. He is who makes God known to us.

    God is definitely not for a chosen few but to whoever chooses to open their hearts and minds.

    Beautifully said.

    Jesus, can be a stepping stone to realizing what is endless and without limits; and once seen, you need no Jesus, because you are It. However, keep your focus on abstract words from a book or on a Jesus separate, and it may make it extremely difficult to see the reality which is infinitely closer. Jesus' message wasn't about him, it was about you right now.


  • just2sheep

    he did. but, then his harddrive crashed while he was checking the weather during a lightning storm and... wait a minute that was me... never mind.

  • Jake99

    I have, and have had many, many, many castles, possesions and experiences of extreme value. No one in all of time has had a better or more exciting and fullfilling life than I. For he who is given all, all is expected. Would you like to see Camelot so I can show you to paradise? I am all that you say I am just as Jesus was and I endorse the same operating system that he did. Man has tried it his way and that is about as far from unity and simplicity as you can get. If you are not with the Jesus system you are against the very basic principals he suggested. I don't care if you memorize the bible backwards if you wont convert to a kingdom with his rules then you are against Jesus and the Messiah which is who I am.

  • gumby

    Your also a freakin fruitcake.......ain't ya now?


  • *Heather*

    Maybe Jesus didn't write anything down because he had too much going on in his life or just didn't feel like writing anything down. He could have also thought that there was nothing important enough to write down.... I don't know.

    I also don't think that he was illiterate because he was supposed to be perfect.

  • JamesThomas

    I also don't think that he was illiterate because he was supposed to be perfect.
    Hey, welcome to the forum Heather. You know you got me wondering: is it possible to be perfectly illiterate?


    I am all that you say I am're really not allowed to post from prison. I hope you don't get caught and just add more years to your sentence.

    (By the way, what are you in for?)


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