How Gay are you?

by LittleToe 125 Replies latest members adult

  • pudd

    "Pudd is 40% gay. A straight laced girlie girl with just a hint of your butch side sometimes popping out.” My what popping out?! Ooh.... my butch side, that’s ok then; that will be the DIY question!

  • upside/down

    I don't even know what DIY stands "gay" is that?


  • darkuncle29

    only 50% gay...I'm not sure how to take that.

  • AuldSoul

    Hi darkuncle! [waves to darkuncle]

    I'm not sure how to take that.

    But I suspect you will find a way. Did your dinner date over Christmas (was it?) pass along hellos from us?


  • dorayakii

    Dorayakii is 56% Gay!

    Congratulations, you've scored right in the middle and are a happy and well adjusted homo guy!

    i think thats about right... a happy and well adjusted homo guy...

    oldflame: I am a little homophobic to be honest. I don't care too much for sissy boys

    Hmmm, you can't know a lot of gay people then oldflame, getting more familiar with a group of people eliminates fear of them... Getting to know a few black people personally, breaks down stereotypes and eliminates "negrophobia"... Getting to know some gay people personally will also break down media stereotypes and change your perspective (and don't worry, you don't have to put your back against the wall. Think about it, does every woman want to sleep with you?... then why would every gay?)

    Like Gretchen956 said, most gays do not wear their sexuality on their sleeve. There are just as many gay "sissy boys" out there as straight "sissy boys". Being gay has absolutly zero to do with being a "sissy boy" or a "hard nut". It is just that, as usual, our old friend S O C I E T Y, has placed a number of stereotypes in place, which ignorant and thoughtless people tend to gravitate toward.

    For an example of this gravitation, consider this. What do Black British people have to do with African-American Hip-Hip culture?... Absolutely nothing... What about Afro-Caribbean French people?... Even less than the Black British people, they don't even share the same language... yet, nevertheless, they both gravitate toward dressing and acting like African-Americans because thats what they think society demands of them.

    A lot (but not all, and certainly not the majority) of gays also gravitate in a similar fashion to media representaions of how gays "should" act. A camp or effeminate hand gesture, a higher pitched voice than usual, extravagant clothing, fussing about hair and skin care products... but that, you have to realise, is all due to society and media representaion. Most gays do not fit into these sterotypes and are just as normal as the next person.

  • calico

    I'm 40% gay! Don't tell my mom!

  • nilfun

    I'm forty percent "ecstatic".

  • one of 12
    one of 12

    I'm 56% well balanced Woman or so I'm told. I'd better go and ask hubby just to double check.

  • Jeffro
    I'm 26% and I think I figured out why after sittin here thinkin about where the gay part is. I just noticed my right nut is a tad smaller than my left one and I'm thinkin I got a gay nut.

    In almost all human males, the left testicle hangs lower than the right. Add that to your 'useless fact' collections.

    According to the test, I am 13% gay.

  • Jeffro


    I did this test some years ago and noticed it is flawed because the range only goes from 0 to 100% gay, so you will always be a bit gay. LOL. To be correct the range should run from minus 100% to plus 100%. So you could end up -50% gay on the straight side. Anyone agree with me?
    You cannot have a negative percentage. 0% according to the test would be 'not at all gay'. In your -100% to 0% to 100% scale, what exactly would the significance be of approaching 0? Though it's not like the test is exactly scientific.

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