When and where baptized

by drahcir yarrum 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • ReverendRoy

    It was at Barton Colliseum in Little Rock, Arkansas. I think the year was 1973 or 1974. So I was 12 or 13....

  • tergiversator

    Dec. 31, 1994. (What would have been my thirteenth birthday if we hadn't stopped celebrating them at 4.)

    A fairly cold day even for central California, and it was a frigid walk back from the outdoor pool. There were a dozen or so baptized at the circuit assembly, and I was the youngest one. First one out in the pool, too, followed by my older brother. (And I wonder when he would've chosen to get baptized if I hadn't...?) I was absolutely sure it was the right thing, and not a little proud of myself for figuring out the truth so young. Sigh...

    -T. (of the Never Make Seven Irrevocable Life Decisions Before Breakfast class)

  • Mulan

    May 8 1955, Seattle WA. I WAS NINE YEARS OLD!! Were my parents insane? Don't answer that.

    Hey, TMS: Which South Seattle Kingdom Hall, in 1953. That's where I was too. I was in White Center.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Tatiana

    I was raised in the so-called "truth". I remember writing my mother a letter telling her I was getting baptized at an assembly in Greenville, South Carolina. This was in 1975. Two days later my jw husband slammed my head into our wall and made my nose bleed. I called the brothers to my home for a meeting to see if they could help me. They read me a scripture telling me to "be in subjection to my husband" and asked what I had done wrong. (I forgot to iron his shirts)
    Thank you, dear brothers, for changing my mind and saving my life!!!! I am just disassociated! I'd kiss you both if I could!


  • WildHorses

    Hi Waiting,

    I believe you said that you have just reciently came out of the org? If so, I wonder if you were there when I was dunked. It's a small world isn't it?


  • AngelofMuZiC

    I think it was 1996 in Buckingham, Pennsylvania at the Circuit Assembly....I forget the theme...I was 15...I wanted my mom to be happy...I wanted friends....I tried to be a good girl....but the dark side started closing in....the darkness won me over....I love darkness.


  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    LOL@slayer and moxy!!!!

    i know the pieces fit because i watched them fall away...

  • SlayerLayer

    Tatiana, I was probably at that assembly. Of course, I was only 3 years old in 1975 lol Oh how loved running around the Greenville Memorial Auditorium. I picked up so many girls there in my teenage years. Kissed my first girl at an assembly there too! LOL I was so bad.


  • dins


    Thank you for that bit of info on Monroe. Now I do remember that area being inhabited by Hasidic Jewish People.

    Wonder how much $$$$$ the Society received on that one.


  • waiting1


    Lilacs was baptised in 1995 - you were a Big Boy by then......

    Sorry Lilacs

    As I said, the antique stores pulled upon my heart strings more than the org by then. My husband & I would shuffle out asap - never saw the baptisms. Besides......if you've seen one newbie being dunked, you've seen....well, 2 to an assembly anymore, eh?

    Beautiful *Baptismal Pool* however. Gotta say something nice at this point.

    Btw, you might have noticed us......we were the ones who always came back after the afternoon session had been going on for an hour or so. Just cruise right in. My husband's parents would be so irritated with us - but they rode with us, so didn't say much.


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