by Simon 71 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • undercover
    My view is that it's just one more small nail in the coffin,

    And every single nail is appreciated. And the work that went into it.

    Simon does have a point though, we should not be insulting those who put a lot of work into it. Now, that's not to say that we have to agree with the impact of the "big news". If we think it was over-hyped or that it's not all that much of a story, we have the right to have that opinion and voice it. Let's leave personalities out of it and focus on the "news" itself.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    The news is awesome! I am looking forward to learning more as things start to happen. I for one have medical document proof that I was willing to die during a surgery as a JW. My mom almost did die and if there is no statute of limitations we will join any suits applicable.

    For those that don't understand, the Watchtower is all about MONEY. As these cases progress they are going to lose all that MONEY. I personally know many former JWs who have lost loved ones, this morning I sent the news to a friend who let her baby die for lack of blood thinking it was the right thing to do as a JW.

    When all the money is gone, and all the lies exposed, many more will leave. There may be millions right now just hanging on, having many doubts, that will leave when this is circulated and the media gets on board.

    The thing is that many of us have dedicated out lives to this and we need to show apreciation for what they are all doing on all our behalfs. I work with a group that provides support for the disfellowshipped and those that left on another ISP. We have faced so much opposition from active Jehovah's Witnesses, had our computers hacked, some faced personal threats, even opposition from our own ISP. (Internet Service Provider) The LAST thing we need is negativity and opposition from our kindred associates.

    Lets all work together to save our friends and families left behind in the WTBTS.

    In Love~Kate

  • doogie

    honestly, i think that when a suit is filed based on this research, THAT will be huge. even better, when a suit is WON based on this research, that will be truly monumental. but until's just an essay.

    (i'm not trying to pick a fight or anything, and i mean no disrespect to those that helped behind the scenes. i truly do appreciate the potential, but it's all just speculation. i remember reading someone's post [someone 'in the know'] saying that with enough letters written and mailed regarding this News, it had the potential to be 'cover of Time material'. i have a hard time not seeing that as overhype of this essay. a suit filed or won based on this essay could certainly be 'cover of Time' worthy, but the essay itself?...)

    i do understand the POTENTIAL of this research, but until a future day in a courtroom, the potential will remain speculation and not substantive. this essay will never appear on any news outlet and will have no real weight until a court hears a case. i'm sorry...

  • Finally-Free
    Have you really understood the implications?

    I will understand the potential implications better once I have a chance to examine the article in its entirety. And I'm really looking forward to getting my copies, which I intend to distribute once I've examined the essay and found it to be accurate.

    Personally, I never expected it to be something that could destroy the watchtower. I doubt that anything could - not as long as there are gullible people who need a warm and fuzzy hope to hang on to. But if this essay is all it is made out to be, it could, in the long run, force some policy changes in the watchtower.


  • alamb

    I put this on the other thread but it belongs here. "Faith/vision is planting a tree, the shade of which you will never enjoy."

    Barbara, Quotes, Randy, Lawrence, Kim, Simon, and countless others are planting. You can complain about the heat or grab a shovel.

  • acsot

    People: what on earth were you expecting? Barbara said over and over that in time this news would prove bigger than Dateline, etc. And she was right. The implications are huge, but it will take time, as Barbara mentioned. Things don't go through the courts in a matter of days, or even weeks.

    But now, lawyers, judges, doctors, family members of JWs refusing blood - in short, anyone having to deal with the deceit of the WTS has ammunition to use against the Watchtower Society. No one ever said this would cause a mass exodus of loyal dubs. That was never implied! This is about the Watchtower Society not being able to hide behind its "religious freedom" excuse.

    Don't you get it? From all the posts I read, it never was about individual dubs - but as mentioned over and over - take a long-term view of it. Good grief!

  • Gerard

    After careful reading and thought, it is evident to me that the "Big News" turned out to be only a fringe journal article expressing one lawyer's opinion. Although she offers interesting use legal semantics, this is not legislation but one person's opinion.

    Nothing has changed and the courts of law still won't get involved on religious doctrine grievances and on their follower's choice to accept FATAL medical advice from their religious cult instead of from a qualified physician. There is such thing as personnal accountability for your choices and actions, children excluded

    Barbara's recomendation to "read a good essay" would have sifficed instead of blowing it out of proportions, anouncing it as historic, and then blaming us for lack of fireworks.

    This is 1975 revisited . . . and I bought it.

  • AuldSoul

    This is a tool. It is up to us to figure out how to use it. Some have said the important thing to see is "this application," others are saying "this other application is better."

    Whatever fires you up in this, whether it is attempting to reach the ones still in, the ones who haven't got a clue about it either way (the public), the professionals who've been deceived (hospitals, doctors, etc.), or those who have left and still adhere to an exaggerated view of the risks of transfusion, it doesn't matter which direction you are inspired to move as long as you are moving.

    For those who would rather throw a wet blanket over something that not only was not implied but was expressly denied in Barb's thread, quit whining to us about what you thought it would be. It was big news. Huge news. Bigger than anything we've had so far. If it wasn't as big as we wanted, I could give a crap.

    BTW, 1975 was pointed to as the end. This was not. This was pointed to as hope, something to use, a real chance to start hurting the Scoiety, a real basis for proving deceit.
    I believe that what happened in the past 24 hours shows we really are a community. And it will take a community to use what is soon going to be available to us to make the whole world aware that the Watchtower Society has no credibility at all.
    Someone told me last year that to organize XJWs is like trying to herd a roomful of cats. I agreed then, but I don't now. I see that you all desperately want some justice and want your families back, just like Joe and I do and are willing to do something about it. Well, shortly you can participate in a protest movement the likes that WT has never seen. Along with the Big News will come information and suggestions as to how to effectively use what we will be provided with. (Yikes, I sound like a Kingdom Ministry. Ugh! Forgive me?)
    (December 11, 2005)

    Now, if everyone is going to keep accusing Barbara of claiming more than she did—back it up!

    I can prove that Society was encouraging people to think 1975 was the end. Can you prove Barbara was encouraging you to think what you thought? To start with, she SAID it was from outside both the JW and exJW community. Would that include any doctrinal change? No. Would that include ANYTHING related to a GB member? No.

    How can she be held responsible if everyone took what she said and then promptly ignored it in creating their expectations? BY READING THE CLUES from those who knew you could have come close to guessing what it was. It didn't take rocket science to figure out it wasn't a GB member fleeing with all the records from the secret vaults in the dungeons of Brooklyn (although, how sweet would that be, eh?). She was hoping you guys would be charged about a protest movement with some teeth. This has teeth. She delivered exactly what she promised.

    While on the other hand, 1975 was a particularly UNEVENTFUL year.


  • doogie


    you said:

    No one ever said this would cause a mass exodus of loyal dubs. ; That was never implied!

    this was posted early in the BIG thread as a bit of a teaser:

    It is very important information and if I was still a JW and found out about this, I really believe I would immediately walk away from the WT and never look back. I sincerely hope that thousands upon thousands do just that when they read for themselves how they have been bamboozled, duped and hoodwinked!
    how should this have been taken? i understand that it was expressed as a hope, but doesn't that give the impression that it IS a possibility? what expectations should someone with family still in have had after reading this?
  • Maryjane
    What the *%$!! do some of you expect?!?!

    I am extremely disappointed to read some people's comments about the latest news. It is one thing to express and opinion, perhaps that you think it isn't as big as you imagined (one wonders what you imagined) but it is another to be downright insulting to people who have put a lot of time and effort into this.

    I think that's all we've been doing is expressing opinions on the "big news". Any small step that leads to the demise of the WTBTS is a step in the right direction, but IMHO this news did NOT deserve all the hype the author built up around it. I appreciate her giving us the heads up on new developments but I honestly didn't like "having my chain yanked" as someone else put it.

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