Tookie is running out of time

by jt stumbler 102 Replies latest social current

  • lisaBObeesa

    I believe the death penalty is morally wrong.

    Also, I believe it is impossible to have a death penalty and not have some mistakes...Humans are going to mess up, and do mess up, and innocent people have been put to death. There is no way to make the system flawless. There is no way to make the system fair. Even one mistake is too many, when you are talking about human life. I don't believe we should have a death penalty.

  • chachasmum

    Killing is wrong. While you can give someone their freedom back you cannot give someone their life back. Mistakes are made, death is final.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Nah. Seeing the damage these scumbags can do quickly snaps people crying for clemency back to reality. Well, sometimes

    Do you want pictures of your daughter, mother, father, etc. with half their face blown off, posted on the net?

    I recall that John F Kennedy's family fought to keep his autopsy photos from being published.

    I lost my brother. It was hard for me to look at photos of him in life for the next year. I cannot imagine how I'd have felt had the photos of his carwreck been published and spread everywhere and me accidently come across them. I wouldn't want you seeing those pictures either. If he had been murdered, I doubly wouldn't want those pictures published.

  • SixofNine
    No murder, no murderer, no execution matches the ugliness of the cheering crowd.

    Just so my friend.

  • mkr32208

    Yeah in the whopping 12 executions that the state of California has had in the last what 30 YEARS!?

    This is idiotic this creature decided to MAKE himself sub-human he was scum and he deserved to die end of story!

  • sixsixsixtynine
    Right here in this forum, some sick individual who called him/her self "Tookiewilliams" started a thread here in an effort to poke fun at Mr. Williams. Simon or the moderators quickly and rightfully deleted this despicable thread, and I personally am disgusted at all those who found this amusing enough to post additional posts of the same nature. You showed what sort of people you are.


    It might not hurt for you to lighten up a little bit. You would be hard pressed to find someone more opposed to the death penalty than myself (go back and check my many posts on the subject a few months ago).

    But I personally found that thread to be very funny. Was it in poor taste? Absolutely, but the best satire and humorous social commentary usually is. Check out sometime.

    Nothing is too sacred to laugh at. We are bombarded with disturbing news constantly. Some people find it easier to process all these things that are beyond our control, by seeing the absurdity and humour in it.


  • Rabbit


    BTW, where did I claim that the various entities you mention were "out for innocent blood?" No where. What a tactic, misrepresent the other person's comments, then attack your own misrepresentations. Pretty pathetic, but not surprising, given the views you've expressed.

    Please forgive me for misspeaking. On the various threads I've been reading, some still believe after 24 years of appeals, he is 'innocent'. I apologize for including you in that group.

    Now how about answering the questions you ignored ?

    I asked:

    And you know this how ? (In regard to your accusing the Governor of having purely "political" motives.)
    All of them out to further their political interests, huh ? (juries, judges, 24 years of appeals, State & US Supreme Courts)

    You answered:

    Because I work within the justice system and also because I read.

    I'm sorry again. I must have missed something in your very definitive answer, maybe, it was way too much information for my little hare-brain. Your "working in the justice system"...means nothing, except that you have an opinion. And I can read just fine, too. Yet we have come to different conclusions. You may be right or maybe we're both wrong.

    Could you tell me how you KNOW (not think) about the Governors motives ?

    Williams has had 24 years of lawyers representing his interests. Way too long in my opinion, but, very necessary for something as serious as the accusation of murder -- and the penalty being death. Whatever it takes to prove guilt or innocence. Personally, I think the system does need to be tweaked, for instance, if the government accuses anyone of anything...THEY should pay your legal bills. That should help 'level the playing field' for rich and poor alike.

    Evidently, every court & jury has decided: 1.) he's guilty, 2.) his legal rights have been protected, 3.) finally, he was legally sentenced to die.

    Those are not MY opinions, those are facts. My opinion is, the juries and judges know all the facts surrounding his case...1st hand. I will bow to their superior knowledge and intellect in this case.

    The jury system is the best solution today, if you have something better, please help change it.

    Pretty pathetic, but not surprising, given the views you've expressed.

    That is not very respectful of you. I may have a different opinion, but, I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone here who thinks I'm "pathetic."


    Narkissos: I'm not sure who you were addressing, so, I want to acknowledge that there are people "cheering" when a murderer is legally executed. I am not one of those at all. To me, both the deaths of the victims, as well as the criminals -- is sickening. Why ? Because the deaths of the innocent IS a tragedy for all their family and friends. It makes all of us fearful, that maybe we or someone we love may be next to face death -- needlessly. It's a tragedy for the murderers family, too. I feel sorry for what they have been put thru. But, I do not "cheer" the death of the guilty.

    To me it's the fitting, but, sad end of an ugly act. He should, in my opinion, pay his debt...a life for a life. In Tookies' case he only paid for 'one' life, out of the four he took. He paid as much as he could.

    Sincerely, Rabbit

  • sixsixsixtynine

    The Reverend Carroll Pickett, former chaplain on death row in Texas:

    Ninety-five times, I personally walked a man who was sentenced to die to the death chamber in Texas. From the very first person executed by lethal injection, through 16 years of walking those eight steps from the holding cell in the death house to the impeccably clean gurney in the death chamber, I led a man - some were older, some convicted in their teens, some mentally ill, some very hardened by life and, I fully know, some who were innocent.

    Each one was different. They were brought to my unit early in the morning, usually, to be held for death at midnight, so I was with them for 18 hours, and in some cases even longer if their cases went to appellate courts and stays were held until 3, 4 or 5am - or the latest which was 6.20am the next day.

    More than 200 men came to the death chamber in my time as chaplain there, and of those, 95 were murdered by the state in the name of "justice", but in all reality, it was "retaliation" or "punishment" or simply "murder by law".

    During those many hours I spent talking with, mostly listening to, the men who would die after midnight when needles filled with three chemicals were inserted into their bodies, there was one question that was asked by many of those waiting to die: "How can we say that killing is wrong if we continue killing in the name of the state?"

    ( Edinburgh Evening News, July 18, 2005, quoting The Reverend Carroll Pickett, author of Within These Walls: Memoirs of a Death House Chaplain).

  • IronGland
    Right here in this forum, some sick individual who called him/her self "Tookiewilliams" started a thread here in an effort to poke fun at Mr. Williams.

    That sick individual would be me.

    Did you just finish your first Howard Zinn book or something?

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    There have been over 60 innocent persons released off of Death Rows in the United States in the last several years as a result of incontrovertible DNA evidence proving their innocence. Most states now allow the condemned to appeal on the basis of a DNA review. Until our justice system can guarantee that the Death Penalty will only be proscribed to those who are inarguably, undeniably, 100% certainly guilty, it serves no place in the justice system.

    Better 100 criminals set free, than one innocent man die by the hand of the State.


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