Tookie is running out of time

by jt stumbler 102 Replies latest social current

  • mkr32208

    His anti gang stance is just a way to try to save his own A$$! He's NEVER admitted to committing the crimes, never taken responsibility and NEVER apologised! He's never asked forgiveness from the victims families (well he killed MOST of the one family, but they have to have a few relatives here and there!) If his sorry butt had done that I think the govenator would have given him clemency but it's obvious to ANYONE who really reads the case files that this joker joe is just playing the system!

    Ice his a$$, they should have done it years ago!

  • Apostanator

    As for Jesse Jackson.......He's nothin but a shit stirrer !! My compliments to the Reverend.

  • bikerchic


    The guy is a thug, and deserves to die. My complaint is that it has taken over 20 years. I also wish that the victims families could actually kill him themselves, if they so chose. He shot his victims, so I have no problem with taking a shot gun to him until he dies. No problem whatsoever.

    Yeah I would like the tax dollars I paid back while I lived in California to keep his sorry ass in prison! What a pathetic waste of taxpayers money keeping him and others like him alive. I'm all for the death penalty *only if I were Queen* the guilty would be taken out behind the Court House and shot on the spot right after the jury handed down the sentence. Off with their heads! None of this housing the guilty, life for life and immediately!

    I think my way would put an stop on crime..........

  • FlyingHighNow

    Never heard of him until just now, but found this interesting:



    Read the Document Download PDF



    Stan is a peacemaker on death row.

    He has been nominated 5 times for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in helping to prevent gang violence.

    He has been nominated four times for the Nobel Literature Prize for his children's books that warn young people about the pitfalls of joining a gang and exposes them to alternatives.

    He maintains innocence of the crimes he was accused of, and faced racist discrimination throughout his trial. One issue highlighted the fact that the prosecutor in Tookie's original case removed three African-American jurors from the jury. During Stan's trial, this prosecutor made racially-coded remarks during his closing argument, comparing Stan during the trial to a Bengal tiger in the zoo and stating that a black community - South Central Los Angeles - was equivalent to the natural "habitat" of a Bengal Tiger.

    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Tookie on his final appeal and set his execution date for December 13. Thus they disregarded 9 of the 24 Ninth Circuit Court judges' assertion that the District Attorney at Tookie's trial employed "reprehensible and unconstitutional" racist tactics, using animal-in-a-jungle metaphors to refer to Tookie and to the South Central environment in which he lived. This landmark ruling means that minorities can now legally be rejected from juries based on race. This is now the law of the land.


  • Oroborus21


    I find it interesting that some crips gang members have threatened to do violence considering that Mr. Williams has disavowed his association and gang activity and calls his helping to form the gang a mistake.

    I was thinking about all the talk about his "reformation" now after all this time in prison. My first thought this evening is that it only means that he should have been executed sooner - perhaps when he wasn't remorseful or "reformed." And made me think about the interesting ethical considerations that raises. A quick execution, when the convict has not yet recanted or become remorseful is on one hand logically moral while after such one has become remorseful seems to be problematic. Yet, on one hand we want people to become remorseful for their bad deeds, to renounce them and to accept responsiblity for them (something Mr. Williams has not done) while in prison, but on the other hand if they do we are not ready to forgive them.

    When Christ appears with flaming sword in hand will the world find remorse?

    that was a nonsequitur sorry...

    I think if you give a man enough time in prison he will find remorse.

    The problem that I have with capital punishment is that it is often articulated that deterence is one of its intended goals. But the evidence is clear that it does not create any deterrence in this country or others when the process is so slow. It is like trying to give a time out a week later for something they did. It doesn't make sense, the kid doesn't understand why you are punishing them and they simply don't associate the punishment with the wrongdoing. In places like Singapore where capital punishment is quick and applicable to as "minor" things as possessing a small amount of drugs it is amazingly deterrent. I don't even want to visit Singapore the deterrence is so good - and I don't even have anything wrong to do. All forms of punishment have to be immediate or they are ineffective. That is the biggest problem with all of the criminal justice system in the U.S.

    -Eduardo Leaton Jr., Esq.

  • Oroborus21

    This is kind of off-topic but it just struck me when I submitted the above and looked at the clock here (PST) that is is 11 pm.

    So my question is what would you do if you had 60 minutes to live and you were in this position as Mr. Williams - that is that you couldn't have your freedom, run aroundand screw or anything. You have 60 minutes to live and you are being held in isolation in the cell next to the execution room. What would you do?

  • bikerchic

    The problem that I have with capital punishment is that it is often articulated that deterence is one of its intended goals. But the evidence is clear that it does not create any deterrence in this country or others when the process is so slow. It is like trying to give a time out a week later for something they did. It doesn't make sense, the kid doesn't understand why you are punishing them and they simply don't associate the punishment with the wrongdoing. In places like Singapore where capital punishment is quick and applicable to as "minor" things as possessing a small amount of drugs it is amazingly deterrent. I don't even want to visit Singapore the deterrence is so good - and I don't even have anything wrong to do. All forms of punishment have to be immediate or they are ineffective. That is the biggest problem with all of the criminal justice system in the U.S.

    -Eduardo Leaton Jr., Esq.

    Well said Ed!

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    He has ten minutes left. I'm just sensitive, I hate for any living souls to die. Seven minutes.....

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    six...five...what must he be he afraid..or at peace..remorsful ..or indignant...four...seems like he could earn his keep, why don't they make inmates work to pay their board like with the liscence plate makers...two is not painful the lethal injection. One minute left...oh man this is it...why do I feel sick?

  • FlyingHighNow

    So did it go down?

    I've heard they give you a med that makes your lungs and chest collapse. Doesn't sound exactly fun.

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