Jesus was a liar.

by nicolaou 123 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gumby



    Finish yer damn story ye bastard! What happened ? Did your prayer get answered?


  • MegaDude


    Do you really need another unverifiable opinion?

  • nicolaou

    Well I'd like to hear it.

  • gumby

    He prolly had to go poop or sumthin and he'll be back to tell us. I already pooped


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    nic Sorry for the confusion.

    One things for sure - it wasn't some invisible 'guy in the sky'.

    How do I know that pixies and elves don't live at the bottom of my garden? How do I know that Moonmen aren't plotting to takeover the world from their lunar base? The same way that I know a super-intelligent deity doesn't exist 'up there somewhere'.

    What "same way"? It's real simple! How do you "know" anything for sure?

    You quote only a snippet of my post and, unless I'm mistaken, use it out of context. You asked me "What is that way?", but I had already explained it. If there is no evidence, I have no basis for belief. Wonder? Yes. Suspicions and leanings? Sure. Belief? No.

    Are you saying that you don't ''know'' anything for sure? Are you asking for evidence? D Dog

  • JamesThomas


    I wonder if sometimes you look for depth and meaning when there is none. Can you not concede that somtimes the universe is just as we perceive it? When Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the life" why not simply take him at his word? (and challenge it)
    The watchtower clouded my mind for decades by hiding reality behind a myriad of books, magazines and lectures. A billion obfuscating words when just a few short ones would have sufficed. I prefer things to be clear, plain and simple.

    Yes, I understand that you are out for simplicity and are looking on the surface of the statements made 2000 years ago and what they meant about Jesus then; and I come in with some universal truth stuff that must at times be a bit irritating. I do have a continues theme in most all my posts, and perhaps i try too hard to take advantage of threads which may be used to support it. Besides being extremely boring (I'm not saying you said that) it must often look as if I am going off subject. In this instance regarding the words of Jesus which your original post quoted, I have felt for a long time that they were some of the few scriptures found within the Bible that actually do point to our very own deeper significance, right here and now....and there is no other significance.

    So often the mind is programmed and conditioned to see the universe only as individual waves and ripples which say and do their thing and then die. Then we look back and ponder on what may have been said and what it all means. We ask questions regarding the past because we are hoping for perhaps a slight gleaming of deeper understanding into our own meaning and existence now. All I am saying is look deeper, just past the waves and ripples, and realize the Ocean ("I") which you truly are. Once seen, you then find hints and messages and pointings to It everywhere, perhaps even in some of what Jesus is accredited to have said.

    I would like to add that the Truth of our being is Simplicity itself. So much so, that we miss it completely as we seek within complexity.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    hey nic, cool thread. you know i agree with you too. and i love how people get so worked up about this. and actually, the other day at work, i asked a buddhist what he would think if i said to him that i thought the buddha was a fake, and after thousands of years his followers don't know any better. and he said that he thinks it's fine for me to say that. the buddha was a fake to some and not to others. but that it doesn't matter what happened in the past. it's about what you do right now. i like buddhists for this sort of thing. xians on the other hand, have a hard time thinking this way. they MUST be right, thier history must be true, there is no other way for them.

    james thomas,

    it's nice to wake up to the stuff you write. you should take the stuff you write on this board, and compile it into a book.


  • The Chuckler
    The Chuckler

    In relation to another thread.....anyone else think the xtians are getting preachy?

    Nice thread Nic.

  • MegaDude


    What do I believe? I believe if there is a God and if he gives a poop about mankind that he would answer a heartfelt prayer. If not, he doesn't exist and you needn't be concerned about it.

  • Ticker

    Im not here to debate whether Christ is legit or not and never would I take a stabbing jester at ones who hold personal views whether to the contrary or not. I personally believe it comes down to faith, you either put faith in Christ or you don't. The bible forecast this, that it would require much faith on the part of christians, but I think it is shallow to dismiss Christs claims on the scriptures that were related since they all require faith on part of the follower. Who's to say unless one puts faith or doesn't. The only thing I find disturbing and this is not directed toword any one individual but when ones leave the organization that they entrusted their whole faith in, they then find it impossible to put faith in God. How was it easier to put faith in a corrupt human organization but then upon realization they cannot rightfully put faith in God? Even many years of devotion to a religious body of humans but yet upon revelation of their deciet one cannot bear to put faith where it properly was needed, namely in Christ. It is one thing to be duped once, but another to take bitterness against a human system that misled one and to display that bitterness toword Christ. I mean no bad to anyone but it is shocking to view the amount of apathy among ones who could so faithfully serve man but not God.


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