Anybody here who still has faith in God and belief in the Bible?

by Sheepish 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • anewme

    When I first got dfd I saw it as an opportunity to review all my beliefs.
    I started all over and questioned everything. I rebelled against all my earlier beliefs and challenged them again.
    Actually it was this forum that got me starting to think again and reflect on the Bible again.
    So many who have left the JWs still respect the Bible here. I thought seriously about that and began to read my Bible again.
    It was truly a turning point for me.

  • gold_morning


    Hi, I have to say yes.

    MOUTHY... you are awesome and God Bless you. You said it perfectly!!

    Over the years I have been in several forums and written many former JW's and I can honestly say there is a change. I see that there is a very definate distinction between those that are trying to find a way to have God in their lives after being deceived by JW doctrine and those that are working diligently to "wish Him away." I realize that it is about choice and I judge no one.

    Hope you like the facts below.

    Our bodies contain enough water to fill a ten-gallon tank

    We have enough carbon to manufacture 900 pencils

    There is so much fat in our bodies that an average person could make seven bars of soap.

    Fingernails are one of the human body's strongest components. hey contain keratin, which is also found in rhino horns, which refuses to erode after death.

    Babies are not fully naked in the womb. In fact, their entire bodies are usually covered in a thin layer of dark hair by the end of the fifth month of pregnancy, which disappear when the bay is born.

    People blink once every four seconds. That's because the eyelashes act as windscreen wipers, keeping dust and grime from getting into the eye itself.

    Humans are one of the only mammals who are unable to 'turn' their ears in order to hear approaching predators.

    An embryo is genderless for the first 6-8 weeks of pregnancy... after that the body decides whether the baby will be a boy or girl, dominant hormones emerge. Every tongue has its own individual print which is unique to each person.

    The big toe is actually one of the most important elements within the body, as it balances the skeleton and enables the owner to move forward when walking without it, we would simply fall over

    A cough releases an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds up to 60 mph.

    A fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of three months.

    A fingernail or toenail takes about 6 months to grow from base to tip.

    A human being loses an average of 40 to 100 strands of hair a day.

    A sneeze can exceed the speed of 100 mph.

    An individual blood cell takes about 60 seconds to make a complete circuit of the body.

    Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood we have only 206 in our bodies.

    Beards are the fastest growing hairs on the human body. If the average man never trimmed his beard, it would grow to nearly 30 feet long in his lifetime.

    By the time you turn 70, your heart will have beat some two-and-a-half billion times (figuring on an average of 70 beats per minute.)

    Each square inch of human skin consists of twenty feet of blood vessels.

    Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell.

    Every person has a unique tongue print!!!!

    Every square inch of the human body has an average of 32 million bacteria on it.

    Fingerprints serve a function - they provide traction for the fingers to grasp things.

    Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14 and crayfish have 200.

    Humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin every hour - about 1.5 pounds a year. By 70 years of age, an average person will have lost 105 pounds of skin.

    Humans shed and re-grow outer skin cells about every 27 days - almost 1,000 new skins in a lifetime.

    If it were removed from the body, the small intestine would stretch to a length of 22 feet..

    It takes 17 muscles to smile --- 43 to frown.

    Jaw muscles can provide about 200 pounds of force to bring the back teeth together for chewing.

    The average human body contains enough: iron to make a 3 inch nail, sulfur to kill all fleas on an average dog, carbon to make 900 pencils, potassium to fire a toy cannon, fat to make 7 bars of soap, phosphorous to make 2,200 match heads, and water to fill a ten-gallon tank.

    The average human produces 25,000 quarts of spit in a lifetime, enough to fill two swimming pools.

    The average person releases nearly a pint of intestinal gas by flatulence every day. Most is due to swallowed air. The rest is from fermentation of undigested food.

    The body's largest internal organ is the small intestine at an average length of 20 feet

    The feet account for one quarter of all the human bodies bones.

    The human body has over 600 muscles, 40% of the body's weight.

    The human brain is about 85% water.

    The largest cell in the human body is the female ovum, or egg cell. It is about 1/180 inch in diameter. The smallest cell in the human body is the male sperm. It takes about 175,000 sperm cells to weigh as much as a single egg cell.

    The largest cell in the human body is the female reproductive cell, the ovum. The smallest is the male sperm.

    The largest human organ is the skin, with a surface area of about 25 square feet.

    The left lung is smaller than the right lung to make room for the heart!!!!!!!! (guess that was just a fluke)

    The little lump of flesh just forward of your ear canal, right next to your temple, is called a tragus.

    The longest muscle in the human body is the sartorius. This narrow muscle of the thigh passes obliquely across the front of the thigh and helps rotate the leg to the position assumed in sitting cross-legged. Its name is a derivation of the adjective "sartorial," a reference to what was the traditional cross-legged position of tailors (or "sartors") at work.

    The most common blood type in the world is Type O. The rarest, Type A-H, has been found in less than a dozen people since the type was discovered.

    The only bone in the human body not connected to another is the hyoid, a V-shaped bone located at the base of the tongue between the mandible and the voice box. Its function is to support the tongue and its muscles.

    The only time the human population declined was in the years following 1347, the start of the epidemic of the plague 'Black Death' in Europe.

    The permanent teeth that erupt to replace their primary predecessors (baby teeth) are called succedaneous teeth. (even proper size teeth at the right time)

    The tips of fingers and the soles of feet are covered by a thick, tough layer of skin called the stratum corneum. (funny special skin where needed most just happened)

    There are 45 miles of nerves in the skin of a human being.

    There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.

    Three-hundred-million cells die in the human body every minute.

    That was just fun statistics.........yet when my daughter studied nursing I was amazed beyond comprehension how complex we are. This is just a small dot of miracles when compared to this entire universe.

    God does not need us. Everything is His. Rather......He wants us. He chose to love us. He loved us first before we ever gave Him a thought. Because the beauty around us and the miracles of creation somehow seem to evade us.... he went further to prove His love by sending His son to die for our sins.....and providing us with His Word the bible. He gave us hope, life, peace, love and a way out of this mess.

    We all know those pointed scriptures drummed into our heads to prove all kinds of JW doctrine..... but how many have actually read the new testament like you would an owners manual. It's all there. You can see the simplicity of God's grace and gift if you chose to and make it your goal to know Him. I even found my answers in the New World Translation (though I would never recommend that bible.)

    Yes.. there is awesome good stuff out there.......and there is bad too, with death being the top of the list..........but He promised to make it right again by His son.

    If we can only focus on what we can get outta life NOW... and put nothing into what happens beyond that saddens me......................1Corinthians 15:19 "If only in this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men."

    Thanks for listening.

    Hugs and support,


    ps..... mouthy.. will i be getting nasty PM messages?

  • JamesThomas


    I don't mean to pressure anyone, just wondering if anyone "made it out alive!"

    Are you saying that those who don't accept our Source as being the diminutive one described in the Bible, are somehow not "alive"?

    If I am incapable of connecting with the divine-livingness of life in and around me and so need to gleam some sense of significance out of some sheep herders words written in an old book, how, dear one, does that make me more "alive"?

    You know Sheepish, it may not be the worst thing in the world to not give credit for an infinitely vibrant universe (there may be infinite universes) to a far less than infinite tribal deity. It may actually be honoring God to not belittle it so. It may be honoring God to not believe in tiny deities. Bet you never thought of that.

    Please know that because i have responded similar to you in another thread, I am not out to get you. Perhaps it is just that you remind me of how I used to be. No offense meant, but if you were here with me, I would knock you upside the head.

    There are far, far grander understandings of God, than those presented within the pages of the Bible.


  • misspeaches
    misspeaches: I went through the same thing.I think everyone does who comes out of such a regimented religion. If you desire to know your Creator and live in the way that is best for you (cause you'd think that the Creator would show you the best way to live) just keep praying, and asking and seeking. If the God of the Bible is true, you will get answers, cause that is what is promised...Your subconscience deals with what you feed it.

    I think one of the most unsettling things is finding out that I know practically nothing about the bible after all! I thought I knew heaps but boy have my eyes been opened!!!

    just keep praying, and asking and seeking? I will continue to do that...

  • skyman

    I did for almost forty years. Then after I found out about Blood and The NGO's I decided to look at the Bible woth out the blinders on and THERE IS NOW WAY I HELL it could be true. First a real GOD can not evolve. All you have to do is look at Moses son Moses wife hide him from GOD and God could not find him!!!!!!!!!!!

    God did not know if the reports he was hearing about Sodom was true.


    Plus Jehovah was at first worshiped as a GOD of fertility a female GOD long before he was worshipped as the GOD we know him today.

    OPEN YOUR EYE"S PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then maybe the world will become a better place of all to live.

  • rwagoner

    I never stopped believing in God or the Bible....Just the BS of the "org".

    I happen to be a Chaplain....not your typical one I am sure. I am irreverent, I cuss and I have not sung "shall we gather at the river" for years. I am an obnoxious, opinionated, SOB with a collar and a Bible but I truely care about the people that I serve. While I am personally a Christian, as a Chaplain I serve all faiths. I serve people in crisis...Cops, Fire Fighters, Crime Victims, Disaster Victims. I don't care if you are Jewish or Muslim or Baptist at the scene of a shooting, accident or fire.

    The only time you'll see me at a pulpit is to perform the occassional Wedding, Baptism and Funeral when asked.

    Faith, beliefs and values are personal and should be decided by each person guided by the documents, teachings and religion of your choice...if you choose to have one. People should not, as we all now know, blindly trust man made organization.

    Research, read, form opinions and let the buyer beware before you make a decision.

  • JeffT

    For daystar: When I say "the church" I mean the body of all believers world wide. Most mainstream Christians (there are not a few kooks at the far ends of the spectrum) will say that they regard all Christians as fellow believers irregardless of where they worship or the specifics of doctrine.

    The idea that "Christendom" is fractured into a zillion competing organizations is one more figment of the Watchtower's imagination.

  • Sheepish
    Are you saying that those who don't accept our Source as being the diminutive one described in the Bible, are somehow not "alive"?

    JamesThomas: I was asking if anyone was alive in the Spirit, rather than had given up. Those who are know what I mean.Someone who wants to "hit me upside the head" because I don't agree with their belief in a bunch of Gods, or their view of the the God of the Bible, seems a bit of a bull. I have considered many religions and have come to an understanding,believing the Bible to be true. It seems these days the most upsetting thing to unbelievers is that someone else finds there is an absolute truth.

    For the others that replied as if I was blindly following an unsubstantiated book of fables, I can only say (for the sake of those who are still searching and reading this) that just making angry, derisive statements about The Bible and the God of the Bible does not make it so. There is plenty of information to document The Bible historically. It's lasteded for thousands of years basically unchanged. The person of Jesus impacted the world to an unprecedented degree.And those who truly follow it's precepts are better people, people you yourself would rather know, than those prone to "knocking other people in the head" for not agreeing.

    All this is just touching on the intellectual experience...those alive in the Spirit experience a whole world of life over and above this.I wasn't trying to get into a big discussion trying to convince you (or anyone else) of my beliefs. I was just trying to find out who was out there.

  • IP_SEC

    OT: A conglomeration of history and pop fiction of the day.

    NT: A clonglomeration of Hellenized judiasim, history, early church fathers hitting a little too much crack/mental illness, and the point of view that was acceptable to the literalist catholic church.

    God: Me

  • stillajwexelder

    I think I still believe in God but not in the bible

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