Disturbing Information Passed on in Annual Elders Meeting?

by Dune 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • DaCheech

    Elders and MS's in these are not supposed to share information until it is published for the public. We are not even to talk to others in the same position "before their school"!!!

  • blondie

    Right, Cheech.

  • Soledad

    They say things like that to just freak people out and get them to return to meetings and read their crap literature, thus drive up next year's attendance and field service figures.

    It's a big lie. Nothing is happening

  • Honesty
    Anyone know what he may be talking about?

    Jehovah is sick and tired of all the Watchtower's false predictions and is getting ready to execute some judgement?

  • Effervescent

    Methinks the only thing that would truly distrub the Society is a lessening in the cashflow coming in. This would relate to attendance at the KH and hours in FS. Of course they'll put a "We're living in the last days" spin on it. Put the fear of the Org in them.

    It's all about the $$$$$$

  • theinfamousone

    it may have sometihng to do with the fact that the widely known jehovahs witness hater, the infamous one, is coming closer and closer to world domination.... soon they will have nothing... the armageddon they have preached about will come only against them... and not at the hands of JEHOVAH, but at the hands of the infamous one...

    the infamous one

  • Frog
    Usually their "big news" isn't news at all.

    oh so true, just a scare tactic usually to put the fear up people and keep bums in seats for a few more months. Perhaps they've just printed the yearbook and attendance, god bothering & dunking are all down 50% from 2004, hehe!...whatta sweet dream:)

  • daniel-p

    I can assure you there is nothing new under the sun. "Troubling things" can only mean 2 things: Porn and Apostasy. Both brought on by the internet, of course. Read: more articles on the dangers of the internet. Expect a major campaign coming up in 2006.

  • daniel-p

    I thought about this a little more and I actually have a pretty good hunch what they are talking about.
    Apart from the usual porn/apostasy issues, I think the "disturbing trend" may include the blatant disregard of the WT doctrine.

    Example 1: WTS highly discourages going to college. R&F listen, but send their kids anyway. Why? Because they have "seen the calamity." They themselves where the ones who raised their family while cleaning toilets or breaking their backs in construction. They simply are not abiding by the WTS council.

    Example 2: WTS stresses over and over again the urgency of the times, to the point of apoplectic fits of Watchtower rhetoric. R&F don't like the ministry. Everyone just wants to do return visits. For one, no one listens unless they have some mental defficieny, and second, the Watchtower and Awake are embarrassing reading to recommend. The outcome? They are simply not listening to WTS direction.

    A professor of mine once posed an interesting question: What would the government do if no one agreed to pay their taxes? What would happen if everyone refused to fight in a war? The answer is obvious. The "higher authority" would use any means necessary to retain their legitimacy. This situation is prevented and prepared for by the control of information/misinformation. I believe one way the WTS uses this tactic is in stressing the possibility of the future emergence "new light," in order to get the R&F to read their magazines. Everyone knows the only important stuff you're going to read is in the study articles because those are the only ones that are read by the majority. But what if the majority of the R&F simply do not listen to council anymore? They can't start drawing lines in the sand, that would deepen the fractures of the organization. The only thing to do is to [i]change with the majority.[/i] That is the only way to retain legitimacy, and thus the adherence of policy. The org. is long over due for some major overhauls, liberalizing doctine

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    disturbing things has been going down in congregations worldwide. He also mentioned that it will be mentioned in Watchtowers and KM's in the next few months.

    Anyone know what he may be talking about?

    Well let's see, what could be going down at congregations worldwide that could really get the boys of Brooklyns panties in a bunch.

    Too many witnesses chewing gum at meetings.

    Worldwide 23 brothers were spotted wearing beards at meetings.

    Sisters wearing their skirts too short.

    Sisters wearing their skirts too long.

    I think any number of petty offenses could set them off. Remember they are into total control.

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