Nationwide elders' campaign to find JWs using

by rebel8 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    People.....! (Current elder here)

  • jgnat

    HA! Happenstance urban legend, then. Paranoia run rampant.

  • sf

    Then Mr.CurrentElder, why don't you go over there and calm the folk?


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Sir 82 - Perhaps the Society could not get the letter out in Mongolese yet. Sometimes it trails in those tough tongues you know.


  • crazyblondeb

    Several years ago my stepdad met his wife now on the internet. He was DF'd for a short time. Not because of the internet, but because he wasn't "scriptually free" to marry.

    His second wife left him after he was investigated by Child Protective Services. When I found out she had 2 young daughters, I called CPS and told them about him molesting me. I couldn't have lived with myself if he had touched them and I had done nothing.

    The powers that be can't stand it if they feel they are losing any control. If it were me getting called on the carpet, I'd have to laugh at them. They are really reaching to control something they will never have control over!!


  • undercover

    This isn't your fathers JW religion...

    I went to the 'myspace' site and checked out some of the JW sites and the home pages of some of the JWs who are signed on there. The JW youth of today is much more liberal and worldly than my generation ever was. I saw pictures of young sisters in provocative clothing, brothers wielding samurai swords, brothers drinking straight from the liquor bottle. I read profiles mentioning heavy metal music, going to concerts, going to college, hanging out, partying.

    These young people (and older ones too, I guess), whether they admit it or not, are leading double lives. They want to be normal people and do the normal fun things that other people do. But at the same time, they're trapped in this cult-like group, sometimes from birth, and they believe it's the right way. Their words say they believe, and worship, but their actions show otherwise.

    At first, I was surprised. What kind of JWs do these people think they are. Then, I was glad for them. These kids are just a few steps away from being apostate. Not in the militaristic way, but in thought and feeling. They're going to come to a crisis of conscience sooner or later and because they already are much more independant than my generation was, I think it will be easier for them to break away once they do come to the realization that it's all BS.

    It's good to see these JWs ignore the counsel of avoiding association on the Internet. They're already showing a streak of independance. All they need is a nudge in the right direction to see that they are being manipulated and they'll make an exit out of the borg on their own.

    It will be fun to see how the next generation of JW youth react to WTS control.

  • clear2c

    Then Mr.CurrentElder, why don't you go over there and calm the folk? LOL

  • MsMcDucket

    I know of an elder that repairs computers. He even sold lap top computers to my twin daughters. He does computer networking stuff at his job. What are they going to do make him quit his job?

  • wednesday

    some of you may not want to believe that the JWS do this kind of thing, but in middle 90's I asked and received a list of current known apostate screenames and e-mail addys. I had it my hand.( Wish i had the forsight to keep it but oh well) . Believe what you want but I saw a list. It was not offical, and young bro did it. I got it by word of mouth, sort of under cover. It was all hush hush. But he was being encourged by the bros unoffically to carry on his good work of protecting the bro/sis from the evil apostates.Well that was almost 10 yrs ago now. I'm sure they are more sophiscated now.

  • david_10

    I've got to agree with sir82 on this. It doesn't make any sense that the Society would send out letters ordering elders to get on computers (which they shouldn't have to begin with) and ferret out apostates. If an elder actually did this, and maybe started reading and thinking a little bit, then that would be the first step toward becoming an apostate himself. Does the Society want to take a chance on losing even one elder that way? I doubt it. However, as Wednesday pointed out, I wouldn't doubt for a second that individual zealots in the local congregations might take it upon themselves to do a little house cleaning, in a strictly "not official" way. That's certainly possible. But the Society? I don't see it happening. Of course, the easiest way to prove it would be to produce that letter. A scan would be great. If I could see a scan of it, I would believe it. Otherwise, it sounds to me like a bunch of gossip-mongering, which, as we all know, the JW's have perfected into an art form.


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