
by Gretchen956 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Alana

    I remember one sister from our hall whose very first kiss ever was at her wedding when they were pronounced husband and wife! YIKES! I don't even think they were allowed to even hold hands and they had to always be chaperoned. Needless to say, they are no longer married......they didn't know each other any better than if had been an arranged marriage and due to past molestation to the husband (my his elder foster father) and the rigid sexual rules and fears, it spelled disaster for them.

  • R6Laser

    I was asked to chaperona couple of times when I was younger. The reason being that the couple who asked me knew that I wouldn't run to the elders if they were holding hands or kissing. I told them I didn't see why the elders were making a big deal out of it, but they insisted I went along with them.

  • hamsterbait

    How in God's name can you get to know another human being with whom you plan to have sex children a home, when there is a third party always present giving their two cents worth on anything you say?

    Yeah, just do the orgy thang. 1 JW + 1 JW = 3 JW ALWAYS. If you are alone together you will copulate. Of course this is because all the brothelites went there whan they were 17 and could think of nothing else.

    Alone with a wordly girl, nothing will inevitably happen, unless you are both attracted.

    Alone with a witless girl, her tongue is so far down your throat, it is peeping out your ass within seconds. That's how the WT says it is. SO IT IS.


  • Plummet

    Alone with a witless girl, her tongue is so far down your throat, it is peeping out your ass within seconds. That's how the WT says it is. SO IT IS.


    Chaperones were required in my congregation as well, heck they even harped on the 70 yo single sister, that is paralyzed from the waist down, because she didn't have a chaperone when going in service with an older brother.

    Chaperones were always required . . . unless of course you were the PO's daughter.

  • RichieRich

    Ok, so those 2 girls were cousins of the guy I was with. So really, they could only be involved with me, which means that even in the event of a threesome, He would be there to chaperone.

    So have no fear.

    (But its VERY common knowledge that I Hate them and that they loathe me. So its safe.)

  • Gretchen956

    I was going to move in with my much older brother once way back. The congregation there (Sandpoint Idaho) said that we could not live together because people would think we were having sex. The minds of these people is only focused on that one thing all the time! I know that the majority of the cases that the JC sees relate to sex, but its their own policies that make that happen.

    Shakes head!!!


  • mrsjones5

    wtf! you couldnt live with your own brother?!!!

  • Insomniac

    Gretchen, I was told something quite similar, that I shouldn't have my big brother visit me at my apartment without chaperone! They used the scripture about the woman Tamar(?) who got raped by her brother or half-brother, I believe. I was profoundly offended that those old pervs would cast aspersions on my dear, wonderful brother. Ugh!

    The chaperoning custom was in full effect at my cong, but I mostly managed to sidestep the issue by discreetly dating the "spiritually weak" brothas who didn't insist on bringing a third wheel. And no, we never found ourselves so overcome with lust that we couldn't control ourselves, but we were able to carry on a half normal conversation with each other.

  • mrsjones5

    omg *shakes head* that is some stupid crap!!!

  • sass_my_frass

    Ugh I hated being the chaperone. My sister and her husband's first conversation alone was in the car leaving their wedding.

    I visited my brother in bethel once, and his roomie was away for the weekend. I wasn't allowed to sleep in his roomie's bed that night because of 'what people might think'.

    Oh don't get me started. I'm just glad I didn't marry when I was still living with my parents...

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