
by Gretchen956 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Poztate

    They didn't have chaperones at my old congregation but they really really wanted you to only go out in small groups,never alone.

    A also recall a WT article about this time that talked about "dating" The first thing was that you should not date unless you had marriage in view. I was used to a "worldly" approach where you asked a girl out if you liked her.(I had just signed up again it the big push to "A" 1975 "A")

    I asked a girl out that I knew but not that well.The first words blurted out of her mouth was" I am not ready to get married yet" I had a WTF moment but I quickly came up to speed on the quirky ideas of the WT.

    I remember the same article on dating that even discouraged HOLDING HANDS cause that could lead to SEXXX. There sure were a lot of paranoid young dub sisters running around.

    Dating= Marriage

    Holding Hands= Might lead to SEXXX

    Kissing= Would lead to SEXXX esp if that naughty old tongue was it there

    The WT sure had and still has a lot of crackpot ideas on the whole subject.

  • young hearts, be free..
    young hearts, be free..

    Yep, it's still in full-force in New Zealand!!!

    When I was going out with....okay, COURTING a dub girl, her mother would go ape-shit if we didn't have a chaperone with us when driving together or in town together. Get this, the other parents in her cong' eventually wouldn't let their kids (5y/o to 18 y/o) chaperone us, due to the amount of interrogation they got from my girl's mother........

    My Dad wasn't so concerned, he couldn't have given a shit less I suspect, but the pressure that girl lived under was incredible. Her mum told her that if she ever left the "truth' or done anything 'sinful' that she would disown her and she would get nothing at all if her mother died financial provisions or anything!!!

    I guess it's fortunate that her mum never knew that on our way back to her place from mine <before an assembly no less>, which was a 2 hour drive, she completely snogged my face off!!! She pulled her car over and said to me "this is probably the last chance we get for a few days so..." and away we went, kissing up a storm.......

    Ah, the sinful life is far more fun!!!

    Wouldn't you agree? :D

  • young hearts, be free..
    young hearts, be free..

    ..actually now that I'm thinking, I'm going to e-mail her right now and see how she is...<no, not the mother>..... :D

  • vitty

    I knew of a suituation where the MIL live with a family for about 15 years. The kids married and left and the daughter dies. The Son in law and the mother in law where counciled (spelling?) that they couldnt live together any more cos it didnt look good. He was 64 and she was about 95 and blind and ill, they where so upset. Anyway they ignored them and lived happily till she died.

    I must stress everyone knew nothing would ever go on between them, and nobody would have thought anything if the stupid WT rules hadnt interfered with common sense.

  • Periodic Bedlam
    Periodic Bedlam

    Don't get me started on this subject.......

    I was a chaparone for my sister when her boyfriend proposed to her.

    A chaparone having to be there in such a precious and private moment between 2 people...

    How sad is that??????

  • 144001

    Too funny! Here in California, believe it or not, chaperoning was imposed during my time at the hall, which included the late 60s, and the 70s. In my sister's case, it was rather hilarious, given the fact that every JW she dated turned out to be gay.

  • Michelle5480

    When I was courting I found it exciting to find ways to sneak kisses and hold hands when the chaperone wasnt looking. We did it all the time. My mom would chaperone and somtimes she would fall asleep while we were watching a movie together or something and we'd go at it. Got all hot and bothered and she was in the room..........yes Im a freak.

    Saddest part was had I known he was not blessed in the right areas I would not have married him. I am no longer married to him and found someone blessed in all the right places if you know what I mean.

  • kilroy2

    keep the kids away from each other, but the local elder pedifile can have at them, hmmm, what a fucked up bunch of ass holes.

  • Gretchen956

    wow, kilroy, that puts it in a whole nother perspective, doesn't it. very sobering.

  • stillajwexelder

    It caused great amusement in our congregation. A couple in their late 40s started dating - the secretary (before I became secretary) insisted they have a chaperone - for Gods sake - how condescending

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