This past sunday's wt had a hilarious paragraph...

by Check_Your_Premises 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Check_Your_Premises

    I think it was paragraph 18 or right around there.

    The gist of ithe paragraph was, "some will lose faith because our predictions failed, some of our stuff doesn't make sense, or someone treats us like crap".

    The answers were just a riot. I couldn't help but wonder if some weren't faders.

    "I remember when I started in the truth, I thought, this stuff is crazy, but I just knew it was the truth because where else could I go"

    "where else can we go" (I would like to point out that this is hardly a ringing endorsement)

    "if we start feeling this way, it really shows that our heart condition is not right"

    There were more, but I have an awful memory, and scribbling them down would have been awfully overt. I was already biting my lip to suppress laughter.


  • Check_Your_Premises

    guess you had to be there...

  • jgnat

    I believe it, C_Y_P. I decided this was one meeting we were GOING to miss. I hope those who did attend this last weekend went home with cognitive dissonant headaches.

  • Leolaia

    Anyone got a cite?

  • GetBusyLiving

    Ahhh man, I really wish you had recorded those comments and could post them as an MP3 file. It sounds sooo hilarious!


  • jgnat

    Here it is Leolaia, copied from Blondie's post.

    18 Today, those who become disgruntled because of fleshly thinking or unfulfilled expectations often turn to making the most of what this world has to offer. Losing their sense of urgency, they see no need to "keep on the watch," and they choose to pursue selfish goals instead of putting Kingdom interests first. (Matthew 24:42) Walking in that way is most unwise. Notice the apostle Paul's words: "We are not the sort that shrink back to destruction, but the sort that have faith to the preserving alive of the soul." (Hebrews 10:39) Like Enoch and Noah, we live in turbulent times, but like them, we have the privilege of walking with God. Doing so, we have the assured expectation that we will see Jehovah's promises fulfilled, wickedness destroyed, and a righteous new world brought to pass. What a wonderful prospect!

  • lonelysheep

    It sounds funny!

  • AlmostAtheist

    It's funny, but it's also scary. As I read the paragraph, I remembered how I would have read it then. I would imagine myself as Noah, believe he had the same hope that I entertained. The circularity of having faith in Noah, looking at Noah's faith, and using his faith to strengthen my own would never have entered my mind.

    <shudder> What am I missing today? What circular logic is slipping right by me now?


  • M.J.

    I went to the meeting w/the wife in response to jgnat's warnings, just to minimize the damage and act as a lifeline to reality perhaps. But funny thing was, my wife was in the back room with the kids, chattering with them and with other kids, seemingly with no real interest in the lesson. Some other sister kept trying to get her back into the lesson, handing her the magazine, saying "we're on paragraph 10". So my wife would pretend to be looking at it for a while then go back to whatever else she was doing. Strange how dubs feel they need to police each other. Oops, am I off topic? Anyway I studied the lesson more than she did (thanks to Blondie), and noticed those gems beforehand.

    One thing I did notice is how they tried to make it seem like the big message of doom was being preached before Noah's time...but had to resort to an obscure reference to Enoch in Jude.

  • jgnat

    Maybe your wife is more disconnected than she has let on, M. J. Perhaps that busybody thought the lesson "applied". We can always hope.

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