Great Tribulations Starts December 20, 2002

by proplog2 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • Preston

    Well, the world didn't end proplog, however when I got home today I found out that the cat whizzed all over my stash of man-on-man DVD's. So, you're somewhat right...


  • Farkel

    <------ Can't wait to hear Proplog's "explanation" for this major gaffe.

    (You shoulda stuck with the "poop" stuff, like I did. THAT is fairly predictable. Jesus is off in France somewhere and he's NOT predictible! He won't show up on this continent again until he finally discovers that French fems have more unshaved hair on their body than yer average Chimpanze or Brown Bear.)

    Farke, who loves to lie at times for the folks!

  • donkey

    Farkel you stink at this prophecy stuff...

  • Celia


    it's "femme' not "fem"

    Celia, very much a french femme, who tries to shave all that unsightly hair... at least in the summer when more flesh is out in the open.... In winter, with pants and long sleeves on, who cares

  • funkyderek

    I find it absolutely amazing that no matter how many times someone predicts a date for the end, and it doesn't come true people continue to make similar predictions and people continue to believe them. How proplog managed to convince himself that the world would end yesterday, I don't know. He picked an arbitrary starting point, then picked an arbitrary number and subtracted one from the other, making sure he arrived at a date in the near future. Even by the standards of wacky prophecies, it's pretty pointless. I thought it was a joke when he first posted it, and I didn't follow the thread after that (as it wasn't even a very good joke, the dates were too arbitrary).

    It depresses me the way nothing ever changes, and people never learn.

  • shera
  • expatbrit

    You idiots! Everything happened as prophesied!

    It was just invisible.


  • Quotes

    Well, last night I was out with Beans, Kismet, and DGM celebrating my and Bean's birthday. So I guess we did our part to help fulfill the scripture about "in that day they will be celebrating and saying eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we will die." Sorry Proplog2, I did my best to "fulfill the scripture". I mean, we were DRINKING and EATING, and there was some serious MERRYMENT.

    Glad to see I'm not the only one that remembered to bookmark and check back on your silly, inane prediction.

    In this thread a few week ago, you said:

    I have been overcome by the seduction of prophecy. This is a situation where you spend your whole life looking for something to happen. You join in ridiculing those who take a stab at predicting something when it falls flat. But at some point you just feel you have to say something. That's what I've done. It really isn't very complicated.

    Well, like an alcholic, admiting it to yourself is the first step to recovery. I hope you continue your recovery. You seem to have a great understanding of how others view you. I simply don't understand how you can fall victim to the "seduction of prophecy" when you yourself "ridicule those who take a stab at predicting." Did you think your prediction would warrant a different reaction from us?

    But at some point you just feel you have to say something.

    Um..... WHY????? What possible motive could there be for you? You've seen EVERY OTHER preidction fail. It always results in pain and embarrassment, never pleasure. Why on earth do you feel the need to say something? If your answer is because "I've been seduced by prophecy, and think I know the answer/future" doesn't that whole "no one knows the day/hour" thing make it clear that, by definition, your prediction HAS TO BE WRONG, no matter what, since NO ONE (even you) knows the day/hour?

    Frankly, I hope I am wrong because you only have one chance in the prophecy business. If you hit it wrong you're out of the business - you become an unreliable source.

    Your hope (to be wrong) came true. Does that count as a minor prophetic fulfillment? My clear "prediction" that you would be completely wrong came true. I guess, all things considered, I'm a better prophet than you!

    Either I get it right or I get it wrong. No debates and arguments.

    You can't slink out of a serving of HUMBLE PIE that easily, no sir!

    If nothing happens - its over and I will then have more time for things that are rewarding in a monetary sense.

    You always had the time, you just wasted it by being consumed by the "seduction of prophecy". What a waste of the last ten years of your life. But the future does not equal the past. Please learn from this and move on to a really productive life!

    See all of you around Dec 20

    Where the heck are you, anyway? Maybe you slept in, assuming that any normal week-end chores would be put off due to the Big Nuke?

    Edited to add: you never answered my question: what did you do, if anything, to prepare? What's that? NOTHING? I guess not even you believed your prediction. Not too surprising that no one else did either.

    Edited by - Quotes on 21 December 2002 10:51:49

  • Scully

    ummm i just got a really sick feeling in my gut.... what if he "self-fulfilled" his prophecy?

    Does anyone know if he's ok?

    Love, Scully

  • Quotes

    Ugh, good question Scully.

    Let's hope he didn't do anything irrational. Let's hope he just went on JWD hiatus and is not too embarrased to come back.

    Let's hope. Wouldn't want any "self induced" end times.

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