JoinedTopics Started by Incense_and_Peppermints
Who Will Be Resurrected??
by teenyuck inaccording to the jw's, the men of sodom will be; no, that is wrong, they will not be; no, they will be...... i got this off of the website: .
the men of sodom will be resurrected (wt, 7-1879, 7-8).
My Honor Student
by TR inlast night at the high school was honors night.
various and sundry honors were handed out all over the place for the honor students.. my daughter received honors for:.
presidential award for educational excellence and gold honor chord- must have grade point average above 3.5. ospi washington state honors- received academic index rating which places her in the top 10% statewide.. aa degree- 2 year degree from sfcc.
JW Online Shutdown
by ridgerunner57 ini've been off line for a while.
i tried to logon to witnesses online for the "real scoop" and got a sob story.
what did i miss??
Do your parents still talk to you?
by scootergirl injust curious if your parents still have contact with you after you have been df'd/da'd.
mine have stood by w/strong convictions not to have contact w/me.
they have to have some being that i have kids that they want to see (but that is very minimal).
Get rich Quick Dubs
by OUTLAW indubs are always looking for an angle to make money.their probably no worse than anybody else,but they do like to preach against materialism while chasing the illusive dollar.alot of times its some form of pyramid scheme.amway for one,or the triple charge system(owned and operated by some dubs from califonia)then theres the out and out pyramid bring in people who give the pyramid $500.00,after bringing in so many people the guy at the top get`s a $17,000.00 payout,and is free to start again at the bottem of the pyramid.i`ve known a few dubs who have collected their 17grand.the pyramid eventually burns out,and the people at the bottem are left holding the bag(no payout).they lose the money they couldn`t afford to spend to begin with.there are some dubs though,that make a good living at this.what are some of the get rich schemes you`ve witnessed(pun intended)in dubland?...outlaw
the mystery of the orgasm...please help me!
by kat7302 inwithout going into too much of my personal life here cos i really do have great sex!!!!!
basically, being brought up to believe that masturbation was wrong i think has affected my adult sex life!
hard to type this without being physically sick but whenever i masturbated wen i was young,i always felt if i didnt cum,i hadnt sinned as much!
Tips and tricks from the ladies......
by butalbee in.........and men.
how does a person get her mate back into her/his life?
is their tips or tricks that you could share to get a man to fall deeper in love w/ you, how do you rejuvinate(sp) the spark, how do you make it always feel like the first time you've met and fell in love?
Disturbing material in May 15, 2002 Watchtower
by spender inin the questions from readers section, the question was: "would it be advisable for a true christian to attend a funeral or a wedding in a church?".
to analyze this wonderful piece, i'm going to use their words, and translate them into real english.. "being in a group where everyone else is engaging in a false religious act, a christian may find it difficult to resist the pressure to join in.
how unwise to expose oneself to such pressure!".
Raising Kids to be Cult Members!!!
by lisaBObeesa inin another thread, there is a discussion about young people leaving the jws at a rate of something like 88%.
we see the rules given to the sheep for raising their children and we shake our heads saying, dont they get it?
what is wrong with the org that it cant see how they are treating the youth?