Get rich Quick Dubs

by OUTLAW 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Makena1

    This thread brings back lots of memories for me too. Mom, in the late 60's was into Shaklee big time. A non-JW nephew used to tease her and her sister that when "Dr. Shaklee cracked the whip, all the JW housewives jumped" or something like that.

    Lots of JW's I knew in CA and WA were into selling Nueskin (sp?). Anyone know what became of that scheme and product?

    Supposedly the "thinking" behind all these get rich quick schemes was to be able to work part time and pioneer. Yea right! LOL

    Still making money the old fashioned way

    Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, & over these ideals they dispute & cannot unite--but they all worship money.
    - Mark Twain

  • ShaunaC

    Anybody remember Melaluca? It was big among JW's in my area of Cali about 12 years ago.

  • LDH

    LOL.....Melaleuca Tea Tree Oil.

    Here's another one for ya. Echinecea.

    The funny thing is, I had been going to a health food store in Syracuse for YEARS and knew about the antiseptic properties of Tea Tree Oil and the Immune boosting benefits of Echinecea. And I was just buying the regular ol health food store brands.

    Of course, when the Meleleuca thing came out, suddenly every JW in sight was telling *me* the little bit they had read in their pamphlets.

    It was enough to almost make me quit using the stuff altogether!!!

    The funny thing, IMHO, about the Carlton Sheets thing--you don't have to pay money for these get rich quick courses. Just call your County Tax dept. and find out when they publish the delinquent tax roll etc etc.


  • hannibal

    That if i go to the meetings, I will live for ever!

  • Michael3000


    Lots of JW's I knew in CA and WA were into selling Nueskin (sp?). Anyone know what became of that scheme and product?
    YES!!! Nu-Skin was popular to do here in New York, too (and not just among Dubs, either). Also, some of my JW family in Florida dabbled in it a bit. The company os still around - the products are actually pretty good:
  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    ...excitement is." - Amway slogan

    i like that 'amway of religions' comment. it seems like amway is the jehovah's witnesses of careers, since most people want to escape their clutches, as told in "The Perils of Amway" - The true story of how Amway changed my life... by letting me get away from them."

    makes me wonder if some witnesses are stockholders or something. we never even heard of amway or shaklee until we got involved with the witnesses. i think the only thing these people know how to do is go door-to-door and try to sell something. oog. thank god we saw the light and got out of it, eh? it's message boards like this where a person can actually connect with other exes and share the real truth about stuff that are totally cool... where would we be without the internet?

    "In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni."

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